
Alex Dellal shirtless bikini

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Another hearing about to start - witnesses are: Alex Dellal, regulator Lesley Titcomb, Paul Sutton and Neville Khan of Deloitte...
Alex Dellal of Allied Commercial Exporters tells MPs investigating BHS first impression of Chappell was "He was very driven to acquire BHS"
Alex Dellal says he made £6m profit from sale of North West House - one of BHS's head office buildings bought for £32m from Chappell
Alex Dellal says RAL man Lennart Henningson was married to his aunt's husband's cousin - one of the more convoluted links
Latest BHS hearing about to start. Todays witnesses are Alex Dellal, Paul Sutton, the Pensions Regulator, and Neville Kahn of Deloitte