People Say:
1. She played a better game than cody 2. She deserved jury 3. Cody is getting an extra 8k for jury 4. Piss Alex/Paul/Raven offSeriously you fools Worse BB in History! I hated the minions junk but yep I see why tonight! Paul,Raven,Alex,Josh,Christmas not fan!
Imagine being in the house right now, and thinking your a fan fav? Hahaha. Paul, Raven, Alex and Josh are in for an awakening.
Least favorites are Raven, Josh, and Paul. Raven is loud obnoxious and extremely needy. After Jess showed interest in Cody she went...
Paul: Raven is the mean girl that just jumps on the bandwagon and is mean, even if that's not what she really thinks.