Never be ashamed of having a crush on Aaron Burr I'm a crusher
American politician (Famous from The third Vice President of the United States under President Thomas Jefferson.)
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Why People Have A Crush On Aaron Burr
50+ man-crushers
Rated by - My students' favorite lessons so far? Aaron Burr's conspiracy to become emperor and Andrew Jackson's status as a bad-ass. -- Joe Cook
- Dem mailer comes up: Cary is upset about outside influence in campaign. References Aaron Burr and Alexander Hamilton -- Ben Sprague
- My political science professor is obsessed with Aaron Burr. Brings back the APUSH memories. -- Hayden McRee
- To all the APUSH kids out there..."...they can call is Aaron Burr from the way we're droppin Hamiltons!" - Lazy Sunday: The Lonely Island -- Renae Melone
- "This is a mortal wound, doctor" -dying words of Alexander Hamilton, shot by Aaron Burr -- /ˈɪndi/
- I bet that coin is what set Aaron Burr off too -- spoky hallowen
- He is the worst figure in American history and if he were still alive today I would fight him -- anamaria
- Aaron burr was very edgy and hip, like vice itself. he fuckin shot alexander hamilton and killed him in a duel on the cliffs of weehawken -- spooky tax audit
- The rule of my life is to make business a pleasure, and pleasure my business. -Aaron Burr- -- PusatBisnisTerdepan
- Shoulda known it would be a pitcher's duel when Aaron Burr threw out the first pitch haha seriously folks this thing is ancient! -- tasty supper boy
- Never do today what you can put off till tomorrow. Delay may give clearer light as to what is best to be done. - Aaron Burr -- Zack Mueller
- He is an asshole -- Kevin Figo
- "I'm so mad I think I'll shoot Alexander Hamilton." - Aaron Burr on losing the Election of 1800 to Thomas Jefferson -- Mercury Crusader
- The things you learn from random conversation... Alexander Hamilton who is on the $10 was shot in the back by Aaron Burr.... -- LeRoy Burlingame
- Aaron Burr~ Never do today what you can put off till tomorrow. Delay may give clearer light as to what is best to be done. -- Jancis Mosley
- "The rule of my life is to make business a pleasure, and pleasure my business." - Aaron Burr -- Joel Heffner
- A lot you fuckas been saying shit 'bout my comments. Shit, think I care? I'm Aaron Burr bitch, and you faggots is Hamiltons all damn day. -- James Gatz
- I love how frequently Gucci Mane gives shoutouts to Aaron Burr in his songs. He's so historically educated -- Tweets feat. Pitbull
- Aaron Burr fatally wounded Alexander Hamilton on my birthday. So, you know, spoiler alert. -- Oporst
- Never do today what you can put off till tomorrow. Delay may give clearer light as to what is best to be done. -- Aaron Burr -- Ed Coburn
- *ARRchive* In 1804, Former US Secretary of Treasury Alexander Hamilton dies a day after being shot in a duel w/ Vice-President Aaron Burr. -- Katherine Bone
- 1804: U.S. - former U.S. Secretary of the Treasury Alexander Hamilton died a day after being shot in a duel by VP Aaron Burr. -- Today In History
- Today in 1804, Founding Father Alexander Hamilton died after being shot the day before in a duel with treasonous Vice President Aaron Burr. -- Michael Saken
- 211 yrs ago, Alexander Hamilton died in after being shot in a duel by the sitting Vice President, Aaron Burr. Badasses back then. -- JamesFromLI
- The only unfortunate thing about the Aaron Burr/Alexander Hamilton duel is that Burr survived. -- Ross Gardiner
- Never do today what you can put off till tomorrow. Delay may give clearer light as to what is best to be done. (Aaron Burr) -- Poems United
- 1804: Alexander Hamilton is fatally wounded in a duel with Aaron Burr. -- The History Carper
- July 11, 1804: Aaron Burr shot Alexander Hamilton. Today, former treasury exec says he's being removed from the $10 "for the greater good." -- David A. Smith
- Why isn't today Aaron Burr Day? -- Marc Ferris
- In 1804, Alexander Hamilton is shot in a duel by sitting Vice President Aaron Burr. Hamilton dies the next day. -- Brian Barnwell
- Sorry, ladies, but if anyone is going to replace Alexander Hamilton on the ten, it should be Aaron Burr...or at least his pistol. -- Joe Ruffino
- Aaron Burr really went outside and told Hamilton you bout to catch this fade homie I m sick of you. And delivered said fade as promised. -- *The Great One*
- Alexander Hamilton was so smart he accepted Aaron Burr's challenge to a duel. Even his son died in a duel, Philip Hamilton. -- Gus
- 211 Years Ago TODAY, Vice-President Aaron Burr SHOT Treasury Secretary Alexander Hamilton in a Duel at what is now Weehawkin New Jersey -- thoughtcrime
- On this day in 1804, Alexander Hamilton is shot in duel with Aaron Burr. Last words: Yeah? Well which dollar bill are YOU on, Bitch? -- Dwight Slade
- Today is the day Aaron Burr killed Alexander Hamilton in 1804. Take a lesson from him and drop as many ten dollar bills as you can. -- zack henderson
- Move over Biden, the most bad ass American Vice President is still Aaron Burr, who shot & killed Alexander Hamilton this day in 1804. -- Jeet Heer
- Today is the anniversary of the Aaron Burr/Alexander Hamilton duel and I still think it's crazy that used to be a legit way to solve things. -- Dan K
- Is today the day Aaron Burr killed Alexander Hamilton? It is?! I was just taking a shot in the dark......oh..... -- Eric Torrens
- The rule of my life is to make business a pleasure, and pleasure my business. Aaron Burr -- Art Tweets
- Aaron is jewish right Golden calf Brother of moses & burgundy hmm Burgundy Hmmm Aaron burr 50 votes to tjs 50 Thomas the twin -- peter bollini
- After being arrested, VP Aaron Burr was kept occupied by playing chess with Judge Harry Toulmin & his daughters in their log cabin. -- Alan Cornett
- *Alexander Hamilton voice* Kimberly Kardashian My name is Kimberly Kardashian* *Tay is Aaron Burr -- Alanna Bennett
- Aaron Burr. he's so serious at everything -- april
- Ppl: why are you so quiet? me: *in Aaron Burr's voice* talk less, smile more don't let them know what you're against or what you're for... -- mama bean
- So I was listening to Aaron Burr, Sir and heard the heartbeat so I was like wait...put on the stay alive reprise, heard the heartbeat (1/2) -- Christina
- So crazy that aaron burr liked my comment who knew they had comment back then -- gaby!
- Listen to Hamilton. You cannot tell me that Hillary Clinton is not identical to Aaron Burr. Doing and saying what you gotta do for power. -- Anaheed Hill
- Seriously nobody knew who Ghangis Khan, Aaron Burr, or Ghandi are. Moms never heard of black face and little sis thinks USA was founded 1976 -- John-O-Rama
- She is the Aaron Burr -- Tony Stank