Never be ashamed of having a crush on Bill Blair I'm a crusher
American, Actor (Famous from Mad Men)
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Bill Blair is straight. He has light brown hair. Scroll down and check out his slim body, short and/or medium light brown hairstyles & haircuts.
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Why People Have A Crush On Bill Blair
47 man-crushers
Rated by - Blair bill- Blair from gossip girl is a millionaire; definition- donated $77 million hahahaha -- Lizzy Callahan
- he is going 2 b tarred w/same stick as Bob Paulson if he keeps up that attitude. Thoughts 2 Heidi. -- Laura Feeney
- Chief Bill Blair FINALLY talking about school violence right now, but after being asked. -- Siobhan Morris
- Mo money mo problems -- Bill Blair
- That is the article. I believe there is a PDF in there from the DOJ mentioning Bill Blair and help? -- Occupy Toronto
- Where is Bill Blair? HE'S AT HOME. AH-WASHIN' HIS TIGHTS. -- Andray Domise
- My favorite moment of last night's debate is still when Doug said: "I love our police." Except for Bill Blair. He's a...ya know. -- Brian Perry
- Police Chief Bill Blair, CBC management say they will not comment on charges because matter is now before the court. -- CBC News Alerts
- JUXTAPOSE! TO police chief Bill Blair, wholly incapable of charging Rob Ford with *anything*, assures you he takes sexual assault seriously. -- CC
- Police Chief he is speaking with reporters about the charges filed against Jian Ghomeshi. -- CP24
- "Consent is an issue in these types of charges..." Police Chief Bill Blair on -- HuffPost.Ca Living
- Why is Bill Blair going to retire he's the best -- Ritika Tanotra
- Bill Blair? favourite cut of meat is the roundhouse. -- Krista Booras
- Police chief bill blair telling me to drop it. he don't really like when rappers get up out the topics. -- lil equity
- I'm very glad Bill Blair didn't make the cabinet. He was a stupid candidate for the Liberals to nominate and shouldn't be near government. -- Damien Moule
- Bill Blair says marijuana "is not like tomatoes" so legalized weed won't mean anyone can grow or sell it. -- Robert Benzie
- Oh and wow Bill Blair. Um ya he comes off as a hard core Conservative what is that regimented solider doing here? -- W8kNbake
- Bill Blair: "People emphasize THE, when really the emphasis should be on OHIO. The OHIO State University." Agreed! -- Devon Alexander
- Bill Blair the science is overwhelmingly clear that marijuana is not a benign substance. r u still using debunked studies Bill -- Kim May
- Surely, he is gonna screw up marijuana legislation so that dealers make even greater profits. -- Darth Shwa
- "[Marijuana] is a substance that poses certain significant social and health harms and risks to Canadians"-Bill Blair-Expect Prohibition 2.0 -- Gee Gee Rant
- Former cop Bill Blair, in charge of legalizing pot in Canada, is on CBC talking about the dangers of marijuana. This is gonna go great. -- Greg
- Bill Blair, in his ignorant wisdom, on growing cannabis: "It is not like [growing] ". Actually, it's EXACTLY like growing !!! -- Hemp Steading
- Bill Blair has lead on pot legalizaton & Wilson-Raybould is incompetent. Trudeau needs a good lawyer to help Bill Blair. -- Charlene Desrochers
- "Ok the next item for consideration is....dabs?" Bill Blair gets confused, sweaty. -- Rev. JDH Rumbolt
- God Bill Blair has no fucking clue.This guy is a jackboot thug.What a fucking disaster "legalization" has become.Listening to him is scary.. -- BLUNDTS
- he is pretty much saying MMPR 2.0 will not have much room for personal grow -- Casey
- He is now a marijuana scientist...... -- Herb
- He is talking about the Science. -- Adam Greenblatt
- Cricketers Club 267 in a declaration match (off around 60 overs). Great contributions from Bevilaqua (74) and Bill Blair (60 odd) -- Cricketers Club NSW
- This trash ass school is not only abt to host an event discussing Venezuela's future, it's abt to have an event w Bill Blair + other demons -- better in tune
- Having Bill Blair on the border file, now that he is done with the weed file, is just so awful. Fuck that guy. He is one of the worst. -- Sarrha
- Trudeau says Minister he is working with the province of B.C. to crack down on money laundering and tax evasion. -- Katie Simpson
- Is it just me or does Bill Blair's face look all puffy from alcohol abuse. He looks like a full blown drunk -- Leo Laister
- In 2011, Bill Blair got injured so Lennie Pond drove the 71. -- NickSant's Facts
- he is s lying scumbag. His actions cost Canadian lives every day. -- Randy Kearnes 🇨🇦
- He is a joke. How someone like that got into his position is beyond be. Canada is fucked -- Russ Fodchuk
- Anyone know how you can get to speak to a member of Parliament? he is who I would like to speak to. -- Lisa Ricciardi
- Bill Blair you are a lieing sack of shit and really bad former police chief! -- Dannysbhoy
- My son saw Bill Blair on TV and asked, "Why is that man so angry? He looks like he has pickles up his butt." -- Aggie
- Seeing where Bill Blair ended up, I feel confident that Chief Sloly is looking at a promotion for the terrible job he s done. -- shahad
- Hate to say this but is the second portfolio that Marco Mendocino is struggling to manage.Anyone else missing Bill Blair? -- Roz Avanthay
- He quit the TPS because he was passed over to replace Bill Blair as Police Chief, so he knows about tantrums. -- Hubert Figuière
- This blockade is unlawful. The law needs to be upheld. -Minister of Emergency Preparedness Bill Blair. -- Cristina Tenaglia
- He is a fool! -- Tinnylizzie68 - HonkHonk
- OUR Minister of Safety & Emergency & Preparedness is BILL BLAIR -- Green Bay Gumby
- Former police chief, now federal minister he is also in attendance -- Jennifer Pagliaro