Never be ashamed of having a crush on Bill Paxton I'm a crusher
Actor, director (Famous from Mighty Joe Young)
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Why People Have A Crush On Bill Paxton
50+ man-crushers
Rated by - Just in case anyone is wondering, Halloween Express does not sell former mayor Bill Paxton or Darth Kaler costumes. -- WPSDs Local sicks
- Not to mention the presence of fucking bill paxton seriously how do you not see that and scream "THAT IS THE FACE OF SATAN" -- C H R I S
- Remake White House down but takes place on and bill Paxton is president and it was all a coup to stop healthcare legislation -- Dan Cerruti
- My favorite president is either Bill Paxton or Bill Pullman. Whichever one of them fought the aliens. -- Rich Cromwell
- He is like the 6th or 7th coolest guy in Tombstone -- b r y n
- When you start out as a filmmaker, you do parodies, because you can t really compete on a studio level. - Bill Paxton -- Laura Margosian
- It's very liberating to be naked in front of a hundred people, but there's nothing sexual about lovemaking on a movie set. -Bill Paxton -- Kamal Barry
- Bill Paxton - I hate tests. It's a really lousy way to judge a person's ability. -- Erick de Js. Ramírez
- Watching a censored version of Aliens on PBS of all channels... Funny how Bill Paxton's dialogue Is basically cut in half with no swearing. -- Tony
- "Cool, so uh, any idea where the diamond is?" - Bill Paxton after a dumb old lady tells a three hour story about Leonardo DiCaprio -- Jen D'Angelo
- The Opera is not over til the Fat Lady sings, however the Game ain't over til Bill Paxton says it is -- Zola the Pole-A
- How is it possible I forget he is in this? I am failing at life. -- Albert Muller
- So I'm gonna watch this movie called with Bill Paxton and Samuel Jackson.................... WAIT> Is that right? -- James Perry
- The real question is, how many movies featuring Bill Paxton can I watch before I fall asleep -- Christopher Chapman
- BILL PAXTON????????????????? bill paxton is in shield -- samantha
- Walking home in the raging wind and all I can think of is Bill Paxton saying, "nice night for a walk eh?" -- David Hunt
- Independence Day is the greatest. It just needs Bill Paxton. -- Helen Barletto
- To clarify, Titanic 2 wouldn't be so much a sequel as it would be ancient Billy Zane explaining his version of things to Bill Paxton. -- Brooks Cockrell
- Haha oh man, I always forget that he is in Commando briefly. -- Dom O'Brien
- Winter Storm Pax is actually a pretty dope name because I like to think Bill Paxton has a weather control doomsday device. -- Thomas Daniel
- Bit feckin wild out the back of ours. The kitchen window is wobbling. Sure I just Bill Paxton in next doors garden. -- ANE
- This weather is the ideal kind of weather for me to perfect my Bill Paxton impression. -- A.F.
- Someone really needs to make a tv show where Dylan McDermott and Dermot Mulroney are roommates and live next to Bill Pullman and Bill Paxton -- Unconventional
- Bill paxton is a leather daddy -- boob dylan
- is apologizing to Bill Paxton for saying he was great in that alien invasion movie with the black fella. -- Bryan Gill
- He is in it! Holy fuck! -- tha hambruhhhhglar
- I miss Bill Paxton. I wonder what projects he is working on right now... -- Vince Gunter
- Jake Gyllenhaal's great in Nightcrawler but then again so is everyone else. Rene Russo, Riz Ahmed, and Bill Paxton all do strong work. -- Spooky James
- Wowa! he is in Aliens! Roman Grant was in Alien. Its like casting for Big Love watched the aliens franchise & said "that'll do." -- S.
- Lost forgotten 90s movie I love: Trespass. Bill Paxton, Ice T, Ice Cube, Deebo, Bobby and Ray Ray from South Central is it in as well!!! -- PHZ-Sicks
- I would really like to know how much Bill Paxton was paid for his work in The Edge of Tomorrow. -- Max Jenkins
- I usually enjoy Bill Paxton, but his performance in Near Dark is simply magnetic. Absolutely perfect. -- Jeremy Gram
- Apollo 13 is a 1995 American historical docudrama film directed by Ron Howard. The film stars Tom Hanks, Kevin Bacon, Bill Paxton, -- jillieclements
- Hey this is Bill Paxton and welcome to AvP, this attractions features loud sound effects, darkness and moments you might get wet. -- Z-C
- He is a total hottie in Why am I just noticing this now? -- Kailey Selin
- Rewatching Edge of Tomorrow. he is immense. -- Halloween Gag Name
- So Bill Pullman isn't Bill Paxton, but I'll live to forgive. -- Coats
- Okay, even if this ends up crap, he is awesome. -- Brian F'n Patterson
- Watching & Chopper is my fave,obviously because he's basically a combination of Johnny Five & Bill Paxton from Weird Science -- Marissa
- I'm he is the best You Blew It song -- Inside Jokes
- The only reason I'm giving this movie a chance is because Lawrence Fishburne and Bill Paxton are in it. -- Drew Ochieng
- I just had to watch the alternate ending to Titanic. Bill Paxton's maniacal laughter is where nightmares come from. -- Emily Blake
- He is on? One of the most overrated actors ever IMHO. -- Jazz Shaw
- Amy Adams is the Bill Paxton/Bill Pullman debate for a new era. -- Lead Friedman
- Tonight one of my ALL TIME FAVORITE films is playing 'Aliens' Bill Paxton's Best Performance! -- Pink 56 Chevy
- Edge of Tomorrow is the jewel in Bill Paxton's crown. -- Micah Jones
- "Next of Kin" is Patrick Swayze's 2nd best flick after " Roadhouse" Ben Stiller, Liam Neeson, Bill Paxton. Classic 80's film, for real -- JJD III
- I'm so proud of Bill Paxton's 2014 credits. -- REᗡЯUM Cinephile
- "Twix is like the Bill Paxton of candies" -- Paul J Parmelee