Never be ashamed of having a crush on Brian Gleeson I'm a crusher
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Why People Have A Crush On Brian Gleeson
29 man-crushers
Rated by - Why is Brian Gleeson on TV! Nonstop cringe with him every racing day! -- Padraig Neary
- Oh my God, I forgot Brian Gleeson was in this... -- A Flock of Porgs in a Burberry Trenchcoat
- Brian Gleeson one annoying man. -- Ricky Power
- Brian Gleeson -- axleni
- Brian Gleeson asking Frank Berry one to follow for the meeting... (Frank has just been spotted doing 160kph past Cornelscourt). -- Tony Keenan
- No doubt I'm the gazillionth person to say it but Brian Gleeson's Scottish accent is a violation of the ears. -- L
- Jimmy McCavern/Brian Gleeson s Glaswegian accent in peaky blinders is shite -- Will
- Am glad Peaky Blinders is over so a don t have to hear Brian Gleeson s attempt at a Scottish accent anymore -- Rebecca
- Becketts room Brian Gleeson -- くまの
- El acento de Brian Gleeson en Peaky Blinders... WHY?! Por qué los Gleeson nunca usan su acento real en sus películas/series?? -- ross
- Brian Gleeson's accent in Peaky Blinders makes my ears bleed -- Deirdre Lynch
- Brian Gleeson's Scottish accent single handedly taking down this final season of -- Mmords22
- Domhnall Gleeson y Brian Gleeson trabajando juntos en una comedia irlandesa WHAT A TIME TO BE ALIVE -- locutus of borg
- Brian Gleeson - one of the worst accents you are ever likely to hear... -- Ollie Wintle
- Brian Gleeson sounds a lot like his father. -- Anna Stillwell-Edler
- I just know brian gleeson would've played charlie weasley if they would've put him in the movies I KNOW IT -- serena
- Sons of Willie Mullins, Eddie Harty, Brian Gleeson and Charles Byrnes riding the first four home at the Curragh there. -- Johnny Ward
- Why don't people reply back to him 'thank you Brian Gleeson' Cringe -- Colonel Braxton
- He is the fucking spit of his dad. Domhall not at all. Genetics are wild. -- Sophie Petzal
- Watching life of Frank. My God, he is the spit of his young dad. Eyes are identical -- James 🏉🦈
- He is fascinated with showing us betting slips -- Uncle Ernie: Still following the gee-gees
- Brian Gleeson getting some pissed up punter to put his last £640 on a bet on a horse is more offensive than the bad language heard IMO -- Sponge
- Brian Gleeson, Alice Plunkett, Mick Fitzgerald, Luke Harvey, Rishi Persad even Ed Chamberlain is stale now -- Not Jim White
- He is a sexy man but his character is such a dumb asshole lol. -- @PinotYouDidnt
- Theres like so many nepo kids in this wow jack quaid riley keough brian gleeson katherine waterston -- dont talk to me
- On my knees begging for season 3 of rebellion with brian gleeson and charlie murphy -- mirren
- Ian McShane Bob Hoskins Ray Winstone Nick Frost Toby Jones Eddie Marsan Johnny Harris Brian Gleeson What am I watching? -- DSCDP Admin
- Why is Brian Gleeson always talking when he should be listening -- Alan Kelly
- Brian Gleeson smarmy interviews . Ultimate cringe -- Gary