Chad Danforth

Never be ashamed of having a crush on Chad Danforth
(Famous from High School Musical, High School Musical 2, High School Musical 3: Senior Year)
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Chad Danforth is straight. He has dark brown hair. Scroll down and check out his athletic body, short and/or medium dark brown hairstyles & haircuts.

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Why People Have A Crush On Chad Danforth

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4 star rating
Rated by 50+ man-crushers
  • 5 star rating He is a douche --
  • 2 star rating Troy finds out gabriella isnt going to come back and chad danforth says 'wow. thats lousy man. it really is' --
  • 5 star rating Ermahgerd chad danforth i was about to say i know it's me you have a crush on --
  • 5 star rating Chad danforth is the definition of ball is life --
  • 5 star rating Lowkey chad danforth was cuter than troy bolton --
  • 5 star rating Chad Danforth from high school Musical --
  • 5 star rating Chad Danforth created the original wrist game --
  • 3 star rating On set shot of Troy Bolton and Chad Danforth for all the fans watching the marathon today! - --
  • 1 star rating Corbin Bleu, il Chad Danforth di HSM, si é tipo rasato i capelli a zero. É stato il trauma più grande della mia vita finora. --
  • 3 star rating He is the only Chad that deserves respect, and you can quote me on that --
  • 5 star rating Chad Danforth from High School Musical --
  • 4 star rating He is just annoying, like why can't he be happy for Troy --
  • 5 star rating For me si choco si Chad Danforth HAAHAH --
  • 5 star rating I am Chad Danforth --
  • 1 star rating Yo era esa niña de nueve años que estaba coladita por Chad Danforth mientras que todas se pirraban por Troy Bolton --
  • 4 star rating I want to be as cool as Chad Danforth's fro one day --
  • 3 star rating Me and doyle crying bc no boys are like troy bolton and chad danforth anymore --
  • 5 star rating Sempre fui team Chad Danforth --
  • 5 star rating My life is messier than chad danforth's hair --
  • 4 star rating I want a friendship like Troy Bolton and Chad Danforth --
  • 5 star rating I am dating Chad Danforth --
  • 5 star rating I need a chad danforth in my life --
  • 4 star rating Troy Bolton & Chad Danforth are friendship goals --
  • 4 star rating Why can't all guys be like Troy Bolton & Chad Danforth ? --
  • 3 star rating Troy Bolton and Chad Danforth set every standard I have for boys probably --
  • 1 star rating I'm imaging joey brandt as troy bolton and jeffery konen as chad danforth and i hope cassie cali and alexis see this --
  • 4 star rating Chad danforth's straddle jump at the end of hsm 1 is my life --
  • 5 star rating Yeah I saw this guy walking through the hall this afternoon and he looked like a blonde Corbin Bleu, or Chad Danforth, whichever you prefer. --
  • 5 star rating I relate to Chad Danforth on a personal level. --
  • 5 star rating I'm cleaning out my room and I found a diary from 2008. Apparently I 'fell in love' with a guy called Chad Danforth. I've never met a Chad? --
  • 3 star rating It is becoming abundantly clear that the only guy I need in my life is Chad Danforth --
  • 4 star rating Chad danforth il s'est fiancé !! Trop d'émotion !! --
  • 5 star rating Chad danforth --
  • 5 star rating Greenster. Hahaha! I love Chad Danforth na. Lol --
  • 3 star rating Ich freu mich mehr auf dieses Wochenende als Troy Bolton und Chad Danforth sich auf den Sommer --
  • 5 star rating I'm Chad Danforth --
  • 2 star rating He is out here blackmailing gay folks and killing people. *in Beyonce voice* What kinda dream is this? --
  • 5 star rating I'm watching High School Musical 2 and I'm in love with Chad Danforth, he is so beautiful! --
  • 5 star rating Chad Danforth unica crush di HSM PORACCE VOI CHE ANDAVATE DIETRO A TROY BOLTON --
  • 5 star rating chad danforth likes hentai porn --
  • 3 star rating I honestly thought chad danforth was a better character than troy bolton in hsm --
  • 4 star rating The boys are back is a bop and chad danforth is iconic --
  • 5 star rating Me corte las puntas y me siento chad danforth --
  • 3 star rating I always wanted to look like Gabriella Montez but I look more like chad danforth --
  • 3 star rating The boys at holy redeemer look like they're 5 compared to Troy Bolton and Chad Danforth --
  • 4 star rating Even Chad Danforth "Corbin Bleu" took a charge... HSM represent! --
  • 5 star rating My fav character in hsm is Chad Danforth --
  • 5 star rating Biggest Hypocrite ever: High School Musical's Chad Danforth, singing and dancing through an entire baseball game about how he doesn't dance. --

Throwback Thursday #TBT

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