Never be ashamed of having a crush on Common I'm a crusher
African-American rapper from Chicago, Illinois (Famous from I used to love H.E.R)
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He was named one of Top 100 Most Attractive Bald Head Men, All-American Men by our Man Crush Monday bloggers.

He was named one of Top 100 Most Attractive Bald Head Men, All-American Men by our Man Crush Monday bloggers.
Common is straight. He is sexy and many gay men wish he was gay. If you like him, just say it: I Ain't Ashamed of My Man Crush. He is bald (alopecia hair loss) and hot. Scroll down and check out his athletic body.
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Why People Have A Crush On Common
50+ man-crushers
Rated by - The tahajjud is not just for or old people. Its for us all - young & old, scholars & common folk. Let s all get into this -- تناهيد( قطر )✨50K✨
- The most common time to randomly wake up is around 3 to 5am, it is at this time that the one who loves you is thinking about you. -- Fact
- A fatal attraction is common and what we have in common is pain -- jazmin
- The Tory trick regarding Court of is the same as it uses on the . Take the minority of bad cases and act as if it's common -- Suburban Reader
- Realizing we got nothin in common made me sad... So is this gonna work in long term?? -_- -- Yuwi Abiog
- I have a thot name *shrugs* so damn common -- Est. October 28th
- Common sense is the collection of prejudices acquired by age eighteen. Albert Einstein -- Ang Straub
- Dear PM, come up with some initiatives to make common man to believe that money spent for govt schemes are really utilized let us donate -- Nagaraja R Hegde#NRH
- 1453026422 Common sense is instinct, and enough of it is genius -- tcapping
- I never let my girl near my genitals when she is pissed. Common knowledge. -- Cory Burger
- All wisdom comes from the Lord , & so do common sense & understanding. -Proverbs 2:6 -- Oprah Quotes
- Don't know if it's too much to ask for bus drivers to use their common sense a little bit, to me seeing someone rushing to a bus stop is a.. -- Aidy.
- The "common ancestor" of life on is and the of the common ancestor is -- benBUZI
- As u see me so, I no send u o bt dat1 no mean say make I no wish u well ooo!!....hating iz 2cheap and common so I dnt do it!! -- Adepegba Adeshina
- Is there a limit to how many people each white person is allowed to kill w/out consequences, or is it just common courtesy to stop at 1-2? -- Abby Christophel
- We have so much in common. You want to travel . . . I want you to go . . . -- Azhan Mutalib
- Common sense in an uncommon degree is what the world calls wisdom. Samuel Taylor Coleridge -- shooth moove
- Plus we have so much in common omg i luv her -- Queen Bailey
- To people they don't know. Its common sense. and its 2014. we really need to get away from terms like "Thats gay" and calling people faggots -- Chaz
- 4 on the team. I think. Really on point. Much love. Common interests. Really cool. Steelers. Celts. Giants -- D-Money
- wants common sense in human rights. Is he really the best advocate for either of those? -- Oliver Nicholas
- Because common sense is too dang hard -- Durga Truex
- 0wned by DodePersie ~ Sex is a good cure for the common cold, and it also strengthens the immune system. -- BeyBeyTeeyo
- I met this 21 year old & damn we got so many things in common -- EdgarAbril〽
- "Falchion isn't some common pitchfork, Cynthia! It's a blade of legend!" -- Lucina
- Common mistake I see is in assuming Apple is entering one market with Apple Watch. It's several. Just like iPhone. -- Zac Cichy
- Common core is unconstitutional and illegal. Rant of the day. -- Joshua
- Some people just will never understand common sense, but these days, it's so cheap but hard to find...a priceless thing nowadays -- Kat Padlan
- Comment needs a common entrance exam. If you take things seriously or do not speak sarcasm, you don't get in.. -- Tolulope
- The most common age worldwide is 0 years old, followed by 1, 2, 3, 4, and...26. -- UberFacts
- The thing about growing up in a Moravian area is that "Love Feast" Is a common, normal thing where people keep their clothes on. -- Rhiannon
- The song Common Heroes is really cool, I love ShuuenPro! Master plans to cover it with Ren and me, I'm excited! -- 霜月ヨミ_bot
- Just did some Common Core Geometry tutoring. This "new" stuff isn't so bad! -- Mister Robinson
- It's so good to be able to share ideas and to find people who have some common points with you :3 -- Camille Lacour
- We have so much in common, you have eyes I have eyes -- Rhys Williams
- You Can Not FaZe Me But You Better Back Up Before I Give U A SoaR But Do You Have A Common eRa So You Better Dezire -- UhhSJ | .5k
- Well... broccoli isn t a common ingredient in pizza so... -- Samuel Sanders
- Getting to know someone new and finding common interests is exciting -- sugar tits
- Is it really common practice not to insure cattle? Seems really foolish to me. -- Chris
- Have to say, don't really think about (hard) drugs being a problem until you're actually out! Crazy how common they are now.. -- Adam Colton
- The common enemy of humanity is man. In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution",cont> -- RB
- This is my first time doing a common core article for gym i cant believe this -- KUH-DEEM
- Many tear wrenching minutes in Glasgow today contemplating those who passed, death is to common to those who don't deserve it -- Francesca
- Kinda against common bro culture. I hope my arms stop growing so much so the rest of me catches up XD -- Derp-it Tako
- Excellence is to do a common thing in an uncommon way. - Booker T. Washington -- Grimmr Halfpawca
- Some people sometimes ask you for friendship advice. The secret to your friendship is really no secret at all, it's honesty. Common thing. -- AIZAT AMIRUL
- Adrian Peterson is proving that sense isn't common. -- Jemele Hill
- The tahajjud is not just for or old people. Its for us all - young & old, scholars & common folk. Let s all get into this -- لأجلكك رشآ.
- Walking alone in sketchy ass alleys alone is becoming way too common -- Brittany Halliday