Never be ashamed of having a crush on Edison Chen I'm a crusher
Record producer, singer, actor, fashion designer, CEO
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He was named one of Top 100 Sexiest Asian Men, The Most Handsome Canadian Men by our Man Crush Monday bloggers.

He was named one of Top 100 Sexiest Asian Men, The Most Handsome Canadian Men by our Man Crush Monday bloggers.
Edison Chen is straight and is pretty "gay". Just a friendly reminder: don't be ashamed to admit that you have a crush on him. Scroll down and check out his short and medium hairstyles.
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Why People Have A Crush On Edison Chen
50+ man-crushers
Rated by - I know Edison Chen from the movie twins effect last thing i Want in the world is. just spend four hours happily -- Anshumala
- Love that movie sooooo much bcs edison chen is soooo handsome -- ↬ Ꮭƴɴɴ
- English name for Tao is Edison Huang. Perhaps he chose the Edison because his idol is Edison Chen. -- LOCKED
- Alvin tan is such a fail Edison chen wannabe shit -- Wen Zer (;
- Cases in point: Paris Hilton, Kim Kardashian, Edison Chen, Hayden Kho. Point is, why upload proof of intimacy online where it's hackable? -- talkaboutkpop
- He is hot hot hot -- kimmie
- I'm happy kris is doing extremely well in china but Chinese industry..... *violent flashback of Edison chen's sex scandal* -- christa
- When I was in high school, I had a big crush on Edison Chen -- Fringe Club's member
- 3 more episodes to watch my Edison Chen drama -- Doreen Seaツ
- Una Miranda Asia el Cine. ASESINO VS ASESINO Protagonistas: Edison Chen, Sam Lee, Cheung Siu-Fai, Lai Yiu-cheung. 9:00 PM -- Platino
- [udah lama ga liat edison chen...] -- 유Chan
- Edison Chen -- Maeka :)
- Dah lama tak tengok cerita edison chen berlakon.. Mesti dia dah tua sekarang -- NshaMd™
- Omg the edison chen scandal that brings back all sorts of memories -- .
- Man the edison chen scandal that shit was crazy -- Ana
- Edison chen is cool af -- jay owens regards
- Is that Edison Chen I see? Omg I need a bigger picture -- jessimeow
- Sniper is awesome! The performance of Edison Chen & Huang Xiao Ming are the best! -- Nashu
- Edison chen's girlfriend is superrrr pretty -- Debra Kim
- People saying shit about edison chen. what makes you think he isn't happy, all he does is sleep around and have fun. HOW IS HE NOT HAPPY. -- galaxy dragon.
- Its okay it not kazaf . kazaf is 23 old edison . now is edison chen not kazaf anymore . shit -- nana
- Last I watched Edison Chen on screen is The Dark Knight -- RajaNurfatinAmeera
- English name for Tao is Edison Huang. Perhaps he chose the Edison because his idol is Edison Chen. -- ♥ Kathleen Joyce ♥
- Is that Germ monkey trying to be like Edison Chen? Changing Gfs like changing his fugly shoes? :D -- eerick
- ''Ask anyone. Jackie Ma still looks good!'' I am 99% sure Edison Chen ad-libbed that line... He would say something like that, I'm sure! XD -- Shorty
- Edison chen is only 17 years older than me. twice my age... -- junmyeons burger
- Sleeping Dogs; we bought the game only because it was set in Hong-Kong, but the cast is nice: Edison Chen, Lucy Liu, Emma Stone, Osric Chau -- Charley Jr.
- Edison chen is only 17 years older than me. twice my age... -- mormon
- He is my Taiwanese favorite alongside Edison Chen. -- Nuwol
- Edison chen.long lost crush.masih handsome. -- Nur Fatihah
- Aw edison chen looks so young in this movie -- 오f
- Edison Chen & Daniel Wu Is much better than those underage Korean children -- Nightingale
- I'm excited to play Sleeping Dogs! he is in it. -- استاد لیسا لیسا
- Edison Chen still has fans/is still relevant? Good morning, strange world. -- wallfleur
- Just lost all my respect for Edison Chen. (Granted there was very little to begin with) -- Nats♡
- Poor Susie. She got so much hate from Edison Chen fans for a comment that got misinterpreted. Fandoms are uber protective of their idols >_< -- 구수진
- Scrolling tumblr and saw Edison Chen's current picture. Haha my childhood crush you so old now where's your hair? Kekeke -- q-ho
- Edison chen was at trump room also last night -- 시따
- He is still on his grind -- kbbQ
- Got a session w Dr. Woo next week ~ shoutout to Edison Chen -- CHRISTINA PAIK
- Tengok jackson wang teringat edison chen.. -- Jaffarina
- The Edison Chen photo scandal involved the illegal distribution over the Internet of intimate and private photographs -- Maria Campbellа
- The Edison Chen photo scandal involved the illegal distribution over the Internet of intimate and private -- Steven Parker
- Ngl edison chen was so cute in initial D but his scandals ruined him and he's such a sleeze lmfao -- sam
- Edison Chen... -- Dionicio
- Bdk lab g jmpe edison chen kt harajuku. Nak jgk g jmpe.huhu -- Idora Ilyanee
- How did he get edison chen -- Afandi S.
- ' WORKHARDFUCKHARD ' - edison chen -- clicquot mizuhara
- Haha he is drunken -- Aimi