Never be ashamed of having a crush on Elliot Rodger I'm a crusher
American, Criminal (Famous from Perpetrator of 2014 Isla Vista killings)
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Elliot Rodger is straight. He has dark brown hair. Scroll down and check out his slim body, short and/or medium dark brown hairstyles & haircuts.
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Why People Have A Crush On Elliot Rodger
50+ man-crushers
Rated by - A beautiful mind & physically superior! With flawless cheekbones, luscious succulent lips and dreamy eyes. I can't wait to one day obtain a new life and meet him on these higher planes. -- Cian Donnell
- That was said without a hint of irony. Seriously. This is either the best long game troll ever or the next Elliot Rodger. -- Kayce Saberlion
- This is good. What Elliot Rodger wanted: to put women into concentration camps. What he got: fewer psychos with guns. -- Alan Hogan
- Elliot Rodger's ghost watched Gone Girl and said I told you so but no one could hear him. -- Christmas Jack Baker
- You seriously make me want to go all Elliot Rodger on your ass. -- Kevin Heinecke
- Elliot Rodger's final video is frightening. That's the one I like the least.. -- #FadeTravis
- We have decided to cancel our Elliot Rodger look-alike contest after being too creeped out by the entries. So many beta males. -- Gay Jooters
- I'm going to get so much hate for saying this but, doesn't Light from Death Note sound a LOT like Elliot Rodger? -- Edan 'Spooky' Smith
- Erics use of he is the best. I cry every time. -- Wallah bro
- Parents of Santa Barbara Killer Elliot Rodger So Distraught Their Speech Is ... - ABC News -- BrandtHollander
- Daily reminder that he is a red-pilled hero -- James Goldberg
- Westerners, have you forgotten the Elliot Rodger case? Is it because he's white-passing? Ppl r already mansplaining when I point it out. -- Izzy Mariana
- Remember Elliot Rodger? That's why law enforcement need to take the treats emerging from seriously. -- BYRONIC COMMANDO
- The Elliot Rodger story made me so sad -- M✝
- Travis Kalanick grew-up in the Valley. He went to CSUN. Homies understand why he is a self centered asshole. look at Elliot Rodger -- Taxi Driver LV
- Some of you guy's bitterness is on another level! Elliot Rodger level, just that you don't have access to guns -- Ndakhona
- "American feminists need to quit complaining, violence against women isn't a problem here" Elliot Rodger? Or have you forgotten? -- cam whaley
- Just read Elliot Rodger's manifesto (yes, all of it) and oh lord. The male entitlement is astounding. -- Charmaine de Souza
- First SVU does an episode about Elliot Rodger, now one about Ray Rice. Really getting into these current events -- Miguel Barrito
- Why is my wife watching those Elliot Rodger manifesto YT videos? He was supposedly magnificent, but couldn't get anybody. Yeah OK. -- ★ Exar Kunni ★ ♌
- Hopsin is elliot rodger-core -- Ali Bouran
- He is a thug. -- tina bae
- Julien Blanc, Elliot Rodger, Dapper Laughs. What's wrong with these so called pick-up artists? Do they all hate women? -- Feminist at Sea
- Qntkka: , dumbass, you put spaces in your tag. Your hero Elliot Rodger would be so proud of you. -- Privilege Checker
- Murderer Elliot Rodger's writings did not reflect society, and he was not a prophet; so, why does worship him? -- Qntkka
- Seckbach i really want to know abt ELLIOT RODGER case.can u share with me.pls dont missunderstand with me. -- riena manan
- is bullshit because Elliot Rodger used to buy a literal lottery ticket every day even though he was driving a BMW car -- Voice of Raisin
- Brother Elliot (Elliot Rodger) is hated so much by the ignorant...he died knowing he already won. That's what makes him an Extinctionist. -- Shade
- "Stop politicizing Ferguson! Stop politicizing the Ottawa Shooting! Stop politicizing Elliot Rodger!" etc. What they MEAN is "shut up." -- Lars Flyger
- So when Michael Brown was shot it was his fault, but when Elliot Rodger killed 6 of my classmates it's society's fault? No, that's fucked up -- Nicole
- I am now the proud owner of the complete printed works of Elliot Rodger the foremost philosopher of our time. This is epic -- conceitedguy
- A girl's definition of a creep is someone who approaches Elliot Rodger never approached Where did that get him? -- Spectre Of Chaos
- L is Sweatshirt referring to the community of Elliot Rodger(s)? -- Taps G
- Ffffffffffff this episode is about the elliot rodger shooting i can't even fucking deal with this right now. -- Andra Lee
- Funniest thing about all of this shit and how I know it's racist is that all these school shootings i.e Elliot Rodger the cinema shooting -- 5Seven
- The fact that people sympathized with Elliot Rodger but can't with Mike Brown is indescribably horrible -- Stell
- Is this a bad thing? No, because I don't make judgments on competition. It is what it is. Evolve or die. Don't whine like Elliot Rodger did. -- Red Pill Philosophy
- Likes of are far more like the likes of Elliot Rodger etc than any so-called freedom fighters/jihadists. -- Dan Fox
- British aristocracy. He is decended from slaves. -Elliot Rodger -- ElliotDylanandEric
- So many weird commenters look like Elliot Rodger -- NFL_bonertalk
- Ugh. Watching the SVU based on Elliot Rodger. It is so unsettling and just... the actor is exactly like the guy. And. It hurts to watch. Ugh -- Fluffy נוֹצִי
- This is the same person who said in another video that feminism is a mental illness. The same feminism he argued drove Elliot Rodger mad. -- Moment of Zenn
- Elliot rodger's story is, at its heart, an immigrant story. -- visitor design
- He isn't a valid example of misogyny and online threats turning fatal for women? Tell me more... Jk. Stop talking, actually. -- Ama Bonsu
- Is Chuck C Johnson more akin to Anders Breivik? Or is it more like Elliot Rodger? I bet we'll find out in 2015 -- Matt Socialmedia
- Elliot Rodger Went On A Killing Spree In Order To 'Punish' Women For Not Being Attracted To Him He killed more MEN than women. -- Faith Piffen
- So many feminists jumped on Elliot Rodger, claiming he was the prime example indicator of modern men. Jackie C is it for modern radfeminists -- Mr. Ree
- Elliot rodger, lonely vlog, life is so unfair -- carrotè
- What I said to them: every woman I've talked to is getting Elliot Rodger vibes off this guy. I wouldn't want to be the person who shrugged -- Jess Zimmerman