Never be ashamed of having a crush on Erik Durm I'm a crusher
German footballer (Famous from Player for Borussia Dortmund)
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Erik Durm is straight. He is sexy and many gay men wish he was gay. If you like him, just say it: I Ain't Ashamed of My Man Crush. He has light brown hair. Scroll down and check out his athletic body, short and/or medium light brown hairstyles & haircuts.
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Why People Have A Crush On Erik Durm
50+ man-crushers
Rated by - Okay erik durm is a babe -- Riya
- Is it just me or does erik durm look like josh hartnett? -- lucy.
- Erik durm is my ultimate mcm -- erika t
- Btw he is so adorable. I just want to hold and cuddle him <3 -- Klara Pieczynski
- Omg this blog is brilliant :D I'm gonna ask for an Erik Durm fic ! -- Simba ♥
- Erik Durm is enough to make me enjoy football -- kirsten✨
- Warum haben alle Erik Durm im Adventskalender und bei mir is es Weidenfeller, der auch noch falsch herum war? :-/ -- ❌ Jazzy ❌
- Quando sera q eu vo acordar casada com o erik durm -- gabi
- He ist auch eher so: aww. -- Joana
- Erik Durm: 7 pts after 7 games is a long way from what we wanted. We need to improve in all areas and we will work on that. -- BVB Yellow Wall
- They will definitely light fireworks up front. But I really doubt their defence this season. Erik Durm in particular. -- PulomyGirl
- ''he is so overrated by fan girls because of his face, if he was ugly nobody would care '' vos. cerrá. el. orto. -- julieta
- He is bæ -- D
- If you can't tell, I'm very very in love with Erik Durm and he is my husband don't fight me kn this -- aiyanna egg drum
- "red is not your color" a marco reus/mario gotze erik durm/jonas hofmann story -- carol
- WHY ERIK DURM WILL NOT PLAY TODAY . I'M SO SAD . -- Nesrine Durmreus ❤
- He is so overrated by fan girls because of his face, if he was ugly nobody would care -- Kelly Hummels
- Tarar marco reus e erik durm so pode nas fanfics ok? OK -- Vick
- I don't know what injury Erik Durm has. It's so weird. -- Amirul Afiq
- Erik Durm back in at right-back. Very quickly becoming Philipp Lahm-esque in his versatility on either wing. -- Stefan Bienkowski
- Ugh i dont care who celeb she is idc if i like her i dONT FUCKING WANT ANYONE TO DO A FANFIC ABOUT A CELEB + ERIK DURM LIKE FUK NO -- pris
- coisas que só acontecem com erik durm -- Juliana
- Não vou puxar assunto, porque parece que só eu sinto falta, parece que só eu me importo. E isso cansa muito. -- Erik durm
- Gente vcs ficam ai falando do crush de vcs mas o meu unico crush eh o erik durm -- giovana
- Erik Durm assist makes this day so much better -- Shervin Dhillon ☮
- He is so distracting. So is Daley Blind. Sigh. -- Chie Floresca
- Erik durm is so cute!!! -- Rary
- *Runs down street* *parkours through neighborhood* *slides in through your window* ERIK DURM IS AN EXCELLENT MIDFIELDER -- vanilla mocha
- He is zo knap -- Linh Eliano
- When someone is hating erik durm bcs of his pretty face and the attention he gets from his face is absurd lol -- p
- Imagine not having a crush on Erik Durm. He is literally perf. -- messiah
- My lil' bro has Erik Durm's hair cut sooooo perfect * I'm so blessed right now * -- Enirsen x
- Fui mostrar a foto do erik durm da Alemanha pra minha prof ela achou que era meu crush -- Emanuelle
- Do you sometimes cry because erik durm is real?????? -- nina
- Is anybody know where was Erik Durm after Germany VS Gibraltar? Was he take his jersey to someone? -- Justine Wang
- Sighs erik durm so cute. How -- Yen
- I'm so proud of Erik Durm, he came so far in football -- Lina
- He is forever the bae -- Stef
- Refusing to believe that he is single -- mursalsarajzada
- Say whatever you want but you gotta admit he is perfect -- celina
- The only thing getting me through this Poli Sci paper about German democratization is looking at pictures of Erik Durm -- Kristen Kelly
- Erik Durm.. o Príncipe do We Heart It! Só da ele.. asjuijaisjaios -- Thainá
- Erik durm is so hot its profanatory -- megan wayne
- Good news is that he is healthy :) x -- dh
- Erik Durm mit einer sehr stabilen Leistung! Und gegen Paderborn bitte weiter so. :) -- Lara
- "erik durm s hairline is way too good for a german" o mDG -- ☆ sara ☆
- Erik durm is so beautiful -- Loïs | 29052015 ♛
- Wet erik durm is what I live for -- jessi
- He is my -- Katie