Never be ashamed of having a crush on Fred Durst I'm a crusher
American, Musician (Famous from Lead singer of Limp Bizkit)
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He was named one of Top 100 Blue Eyes Blonde Hair Celebs, All-American Men by our Man Crush Monday bloggers.

He was named one of Top 100 Blue Eyes Blonde Hair Celebs, All-American Men by our Man Crush Monday bloggers.
Fred Durst is straight. He is sexy and many gay men wish he was gay. If you like him, just say it: I Ain't Ashamed of My Man Crush. He has blonde hair. Scroll down and check out his short and/or medium blonde hairstyles & haircuts.
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Why People Have A Crush On Fred Durst
50+ man-crushers
Rated by - Im so old I remember Fred Durst -- IDONTGIVEAFUUUUUUUC
- The older and fatter I get, the more I look like Fred Durst. This is so unfair -- Brandon Morgan
- Man, Fred Durst was right all along. It really is all about the he said, she said bullshit. -- CJ
- Swinging on my nuts is a fucked up game -Fred Durst -- Simon Zais
- Josh Feuerstein is a Fred Durst looking fat mother fucker -- An Hero
- Is Fred Durst still actually in Limp Bizkit or have they just distanced themselves as much as possible -- Megan Johnson
- My dream is to meet Jello Biafra and/ or Fred Durst. -- Ethans finger girl
- It's seems highly unlikely the Fred Durst would start a rumor bout Undertaker. There friends. Maybe the guy really is sick -- Derick Lamberson
- I hope he is doing ok. His music said badass and his videos said pussy (innuendo intended). Real Love Fred. -- taylor
- Watching DRIVEN: FRED DURST for the 700th time, most unrelatable thing ever is his mom being SUPER PROUD OF HIM getting famous rapping -- LexG
- Is er al een geloof wat Fred Durst van Limp Bizkit aanwijst als de nieuwe messias? -- J95356295141.3
- I see "Fred Durst" is still on ink master. -- Mike B.
- My comment is fucking up more than a Fred Durst guitar solo! -- Ray
- He is looking soooo skinny these days! Mmmm! -- Capri Wisniewski
- Fred Durst just compared Indianapolis to Fargo. He is wearing Nike sweat pants on stage, with a short sleeve button-up. -- Ryan Camden
- The Nu Testament is about Fred Durst dying on stage for all of humanity's wackness. -- Patrick Reilly
- Fred durst is top 5 battle emcees -- yung aerouwid-sanシ
- He is probably in Indianapolis right now. Run for your lives. -- Eli.
- He isn't Fred Durst without a red cap. -- Paul De Leon
- Hey Fred Durst impersonator stop being rude to my manager. K thanks. -- Averi Dunn
- "A fucked up head is a fucked up shame. Swingin on my nuts is a fucked up game." - Fred Durst -- Will Hirst
- Día de la Secretaria y uno trabaja en un restaurante. Como dijo Fred Durst "Is one of those days" :( -- Juan Querecuto
- Literally watching Fred Durst dance to Steelers Wheel's "Stuck in the Middle with you" at a bar in Clayton. Life can be so random -- John S. Forrester
- So Fred Durst and the rest of Limp Biskit are at the same bar as me right now. -- Thomas Plager
- It's Fred Durst Funky Monkey Flat Fuck Friday isn't it -- Jake
- Limp bizkit has a show here tomorrow and all i can think about is how grotesque fred durst is -- yung blob
- I always thought Fred Durst said "leaves w a butt stain" in Break Stuff. Like the dude was so scared he shat himself. -- D
- So I just realized I accidentally dressed like Fred Durst today... -- Katie
- Guy ran up to me in parking lot last night yelling "holy shit I touched Fred durst" and gave me a high 5 and now its Monday what is life? -- Timb
- All I know about he is that he's really polite, energetic, and says "fuck" a lot. I think I'm a fan. That was a nice concert. -- Richard O'Shey
- He is shit at the guitar but man they can make some kick ass songs -- Kyle Dupuis
- "he is like the human 'Poochie' from the Itchy and Scratchy show" -- Raúl McCartney
- Lol. Bruh he is in the city tonight? -- Vito Andolini
- I'm at a Limp Bizkit concert. Yes, he is still alive. No, I have no idea what I'm doing here. -- Jenna DiDiana
- It should be noted that he is already the poor man's Korn/Eminem hybrid and John Mellencamp is a C-grade Bruce Springsteen. -- Anthony L Fisher
- Coolest thing about the new Saigon album is the 'Parental advisory. Explicit lyrics' sticker. I feel like Fred Durst! -- Alistair Brammer
- Not sure what im more alarmed about: The stories about Undertaker's health or that the source is Fred Durst at a Limp Bizkit show? -- Andrew Goldstein
- Fred durst singing about knocking someone out is the ultimate irony -- timb.
- Any friend of he is no friend of mine. -- MoniKa
- This is a town full of Fred durst look alikes and I can't escape. -- NncyJoAlxisNeiers
- What is Fred Durst doing nowadays -- Savannah Martin
- He is all of 4'11". -- Nguyening Ass Nigga
- Shit, he is already taken on Ello. There goes all my hopes and dreams. -- DJ Dubstep
- Local rock station near me is promoting a contest to win lunch with Fred Durst. Can I win the chance to just eat Fred Durst instead? -- Andrew Wollenberg
- Fred durst is one of the best rappers of all time -- Aaron
- The Bones / Fred Durst track is going to make me go crazy. i first heard limp bizkit when my big cousin put it on in 2000. now this. -- asshacker23
- Bones is collaborating with Fred Durst lol dude -- 80
- Bones is one of the 24 people Fred Durst follows on comment -- ONSOMESHIT aka A22
- Is it bad that he is one of my business idols? Dude came from zero to hero in a matter of months and did it all himself. -- Keegan
- Take That signed to Interscope in 2007. Was Fred Durst still high up there at that time? I just like the idea of him being their boss. -- // NO SCOTLAND //