Jerry Buss

Never be ashamed of having a crush on Jerry Buss
American, Sports Figure (Famous from Owner of the Lakers)
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He was named one of Top 100 Hottest Red Haired Men by our Man Crush Monday bloggers.

Jerry Buss is straight. He has red hair. Scroll down and check out his short and/or medium red hairstyles & haircuts.

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3 star rating
Rated by 50+ man-crushers
  • 3 star rating Steve Ballmer is going to be a sick owner!! I bet he'll be like Jerry Buss one day. --
  • 3 star rating Staples center next statues should be: Kobe, Phil, jerry west, shaq, and dr jerry buss. --
  • 5 star rating 2 years ago we had Jerry Buss and they had Donald we have Jim Buss and they have Steve Ballmer. the tables have turned --
  • 1 star rating Remember the "I have faith in Jerry Buss, not Jim Buss..." comments? What has Jim Buss done to prove Magic wrong? --
  • 5 star rating All cause Jerry Buss died. Bless his soul --
  • 4 star rating Steve Ballmer will be to the what Jerry Buss was to the --
  • 4 star rating Magic Johnson: Jerry Buss wanted Byron Scott to coach Lakers.. --
  • 5 star rating L It's a good thing he is dead. --
  • 3 star rating The bro really told the lady at the ferragamo store his name was jerry buss --
  • 3 star rating Dawg Jerry buss is rolling over in his grave sayin my fuckin kids suck at runnin a franchise --
  • 4 star rating Steve Ballmer is the next Jerry Buss for the LA Clippers --
  • 1 star rating THIS, post-Jerry Buss, iteration of the is a pathetic and frustrating thing to watch. All best wishes to Julius Randle... --
  • 5 star rating A tale of 2 NBA owners in 1 city: Steve Ballmer is the exact opposite of what Dr. Jerry Buss was. Extreme goober vs. true Hollywood playboy. --
  • 3 star rating Steve Ballmer is the best thing that could have happened to the Clippers this side of Jerry Buss. --
  • 5 star rating Kobe winning another championship is not only for him. He's doing it for Dr.Jerry Buss (rip). Dr always wanted 17 to match with the celtics. --
  • 1 star rating Dr. he is prolly rolling over in his grave right about now, seeing that his kids ruined The lakers.. Jim Buss pls sell now. --
  • 2 star rating He is rolling in his grave right now, smh the Lakers R trash. Jim Buss don't know what the fuck he's doing. --
  • 1 star rating Seems like ever since Jerry Buss died 3 years ago is when all the bad stuff started happening to the Lakers...Jerry Buss Curse?? --
  • 5 star rating The franchise with Jerry Buss, that always had stuff fall into place, is now led by the imbecile children, and heads toward mediocrity...... --
  • 5 star rating Jim Buss rant: Luck have been sucked out of the organization since the death of Dr. Jerry Buss, if it isn t Jim Buss, who is it to blame!?! --
  • 4 star rating Jerry buss left us with a curse and this is making me frustrated --
  • 3 star rating There is a dark cloud over the Lakers org. Dr. Jerry Buss please ask God to bless this orginization --
  • 5 star rating The curse of he is official.... --
  • 3 star rating Jerry buss either really hates his kids or hes in hell cause he ain't looking down on us!!! --
  • 5 star rating Jerry buss is turning over --
  • 5 star rating Jerry buss is rolling in his grave right now smh --
  • 4 star rating Dr. he is goin straight Universoul Circus in his grave right now --
  • 1 star rating I get that the Lakers are a dynasty team, but TNT needs to realize that they're bad, not fun to watch and he is dead --
  • 3 star rating He is rolling over in his grave looking at the lineup the Lakers got on the floor right now smh.... --
  • 3 star rating God the Lakers play NO defense At all he is Rollin over in his grave Phil Jackson too --
  • 5 star rating This fedex driver I see at work always asks my last name when I sign so I say it and she goes "Like Jerry Buss?! From the Lakers?" 3rd time --
  • 3 star rating Man the Lakers been having some really bad luck since Jerry Buss died --
  • 4 star rating "I bought the Lakers just so I can beat the Celtics" Dr.Jerry Buss --
  • 4 star rating Jerry Buss where ever he is, prolly turning in his grave. Smh Lakers --
  • 4 star rating Dr. he is goin straight Universoul Circus in his grave right now --
  • 3 star rating Seriously did Jerry Buss screw Barkley during his playing days? Why does he hate the Lakers? --
  • 1 star rating Today's radio, fans built Jerry Buss into an martyr (again!) & convinced themselves Jerry West is the new White Knight! --
  • 3 star rating He is with God in heaven. His children's infighting is sending that franchise straight to hell. --
  • 5 star rating At this point in time, it's an entirely different team and what was once a well-run franchise is no longer that with Jerry Buss passing --
  • 5 star rating He is just doing somersaults in his grave --
  • 4 star rating 0-5...Dr. he is rolling over in his grave right now --
  • 5 star rating 0-5!!! he is turning in his grave.... :( --
  • 1 star rating Hate seeing My lakers struggle. But this is a struggle ass franchise. And Jerry Buss just gon eff it up and then DIE... but... --
  • 1 star rating Can't blame him tho...There is many many ppl who hate the Lakers! Oh well, if only he was as great of an owner as Jerry Buss! --
  • 5 star rating He is rollin in his grave...lakers r horrible --
  • 5 star rating He is rolling in his grave rn --
  • 5 star rating He is rolling in his grave smh. --
  • 2 star rating I hope Kobe demand a trade to the Knicks this shit is so disrespectful to him Jerry Buss and the fans --
  • 4 star rating Jim Buss is to bad owners what Dr. Jerry Buss was to good owners. --
  • 3 star rating All I'm saying is Dr. Jerry Buss & Jerry West would NEVER EVER have let this happened. PERIOD. --

Throwback Thursday #TBT

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