Jim Hutton

Never be ashamed of having a crush on Jim Hutton
Actor (Famous from Remembered best for his role as Ellery Queen in the 1970's series of the same name.)
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Jim Hutton is straight. He has dark brown hair. Scroll down and check out his slim body, short and/or medium dark brown hairstyles & haircuts.

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3 star rating
Rated by 50+ man-crushers
  • 5 star rating 3/3 And a great cast: Heston, Richard Harris (with eye shade), Senta Berger, Oates, Jim Hutton & Michael Pate as the Apache chief --
  • 5 star rating I loved Columbo ... Were you a fan of Ellery Queen with Jim Hutton, David Wayne and John Hillerman? A little cartoony, but fun ... --
  • 1 star rating Weds match on match lake 1st Chris bradley 108lb 2nd Ryan drummer 71lb 6oz 3rd Alan godrich 55lb 4oz 4th Jim hutton 39lb 8oz --
  • 3 star rating Ya abi bu nas l bir çifttir ya ajskflaksfj Freddie Mercury ve sevgilisi Jim Hutton --
  • 3 star rating Weird silent trailer starring Jim Hutton and a bunch of character actors. --
  • 1 star rating ¿Sabías que a Roger Taylor no le gustó el libro de Jim Hutton sobre Freddie Mercury porque lo escribió por dinero? --
  • 1 star rating Jim Hutton, Freddie's final partner, once was a hairdresser. When he met Freddie, he started giving him at-home haircuts. --
  • 1 star rating I don't really dislike Barbara Nicholls. I just hate that Jim Hutton chose her over Paula Prentiss in Where the Boys Are. --
  • 3 star rating THE GREEN BERETS (1968) John Wayne, David Janssen, Jim Hutton. Dir: John Wayne 11:15 AM ET --
  • 5 star rating Aslen Freddie'nin ölüm saatini Jim Hutton 7.12pm olarak bildirir. Tabii ben Türkiye saatiyle olaya yaklasiyorum. Yanlis olmasin. --
  • 5 star rating Spent all evening reading 'Mercury and Me' by the late Jim Hutton.i knew what was coming,of course,but now I feel even more gloomy --
  • 3 star rating "And When the Sky Was Opened" Cool fact - This is Jim Hutton's (Major Gart) TV debut. --
  • 3 star rating LGBT Deaths 1st January: 2010-Jim Hutton (UK? Hairdresser / Partner of Freddie Mercury); --
  • 4 star rating Olha eu quero alguém como o jim hutton era pro freddie mercury --
  • 4 star rating Pesquiso freddie mercury and jim hutton no google e sofro pra caralho --
  • 5 star rating Rest in peace Jim Hutton, wish you were still here, you were so sweet and lovely <3 --
  • 5 star rating Bence u an jim hutton ve freddie sevi iyor --
  • 5 star rating 2010 - Death of Jim Hutton, who was the last love of Freddie Mercury, 61 years old. --
  • 1 star rating Vorrei un Ellery Queen meno goffo di Jim Hutton ): io me lo immagino un po' fisicamente come Light di DeathNote XD --
  • 5 star rating "Freddie Mercury und ich" von Jim Hutton --
  • 5 star rating La ultima pareja de Freddie Mercury fue Jim Hutton, pero el amor de su vida y de quien nunca se separó fue Mary Austen Así es el amor --
  • 4 star rating Plus Slim Pickens, Jim Hutton, Richard Harris and Charlton Heston. --
  • 5 star rating Jim Hutton, 5 años --
  • 5 star rating Jim Hutton --
  • 4 star rating Did u catch Jim Hutton in the boat they were following? --
  • 5 star rating Jim Hutton cameo.... --
  • 5 star rating shes probably one of the only people he actually loved according to what i read. he loved jim hutton too, the guy he was w/ --
  • 1 star rating Srsly I've seen so many pictures of Freddie and Mary Austin today bc Valentine's Day but not even one of Freddie and Jim Hutton --
  • 5 star rating Because of Jim Hutton, I love Irish people ... --
  • 4 star rating I'm so sad baby muscular he isn't on RPDR this seasonnn --
  • 3 star rating So did TV (Jim Hutton) go to Michigan State or Michigan? He said each in the car. --
  • 4 star rating I invite you to follow comments about breaking World and US news. --
  • 5 star rating Do you remember that episode of Ellery Queen (with Jim Hutton) where the victim was a comic book creator? And do you remember... whodunnit? --
  • 5 star rating Do you remember that episode of Ellery Queen (with Jim Hutton) where the victim was a comic book creator? And do you remember... whodunnit? --
  • 3 star rating Nice! Another Jim Hutton film is playing on our Dot 2. This time it's 'Who's Minding the Mint?' --
  • 5 star rating Jim Hutton was a wanker --
  • 1 star rating Cada día amo más a Jim Hutton :'v xq todos se mueren xq xq xq xq xq xq xq xq Gracias a él hay "Just gimme fried chicken" ;-; --
  • 3 star rating ilpost: Freddie Mercury col suo compagno Jim Hutton (e il loro gatto) --
  • 2 star rating This made me laugh. From a very good friend of ours Jim Hutton. Not our picks but just for fun.......... --
  • 4 star rating Tommy Lee Jones reminds me of Jim Hutton. Idek why. --
  • 3 star rating Paula Prentiss, Jim Hutton, and Dolores Hart made Where the Boys Are much better. --
  • 5 star rating Porra, Jim Hutton. Me fazer chorar não, né. --
  • 5 star rating Freddie Mercury and Jim Hutton are goals --
  • 4 star rating S/O to a Great Friend who came today and Grilled - Jim Hutton --
  • 1 star rating If you get rid of the abilities to solve mysteries and to actually compete a novel, I basically am Jim Hutton's Ellery Queen. --
  • 5 star rating Jim Hutton died at age 45 of liver cancer. --
  • 3 star rating THE GREEN BERETS (1968) John Wayne, David Janssen, Jim Hutton. Dir: John Wayne 8:15 AM PT --
  • 5 star rating on 1934 Jim Hutton, American actor (d. 1979) --
  • 5 star rating Born Today 1934 Jim Hutton: Where the Boys Are, Who's Minding the Mint, Green Berets, Major Dundee -& of course TV's Ellery Queen! --
  • 1 star rating ...a HUGE Heartfelt Happy Birthday to the late great <3 Jim Hutton <3 born on this day in 1934...le sigh <3 --

Throwback Thursday #TBT

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