Never be ashamed of having a crush on Jude Law I'm a crusher
English actor (Famous from The Talented Mr. Ripley, Cold Mountain and Closer)
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He was named one of Top 100 Most Handsome Green Eyed Men by our Man Crush Monday bloggers.

He was named one of Top 100 Most Handsome Green Eyed Men by our Man Crush Monday bloggers.
Jude Law is straight. He is sexy and many gay men wish he was gay. If you like him, just say it: I Ain't Ashamed of My Man Crush. He has blonde hair. Scroll down and check out his athletic body, short and/or medium blonde hairstyles & haircuts.
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Athletic Body:
Updated: 19 hours ago (February 11, 2025, 4am)In the film "The Order," Jude Law stars as Alex Bernier, a conflicted and determined priest investigating mysterious deaths linked to an ancient religious order. The movie delves into themes of faith, corruption, and redemption as Alex navigates a world filled with dark secrets and supernatural elements. Known for his intense performance, Law's portrayal captures the internal struggle of his character who is torn between duty and personal beliefs. A notable scene features him shirtless, symbolizing vulnerability amidst chaos while he confronts both external threats and inner demons in this atmospheric thriller that blends mystery with theological intrigue.
In The Third Day S01E02, Jude Law's character, Sam, continues unraveling the mysteries of a strange island. In one scene, he is shirtless while dealing with emotional and physical struggles. The episode deepens his connection to the eerie community as secrets about the island’s rituals and his past emerge.
Why People Have A Crush On Jude Law
50+ man-crushers
Rated by - I know Jude Law from wilde he looked so handsome,he has the most beautiful eyes have ever seen totally mesmerising -- Vicky
- He is the epitome of what every woman wants in a man, on screen that is, but you cannot overlook his sincerity when he talks. He has such a way about him, and he really does not come across arrogant to me. More like a real gentlemen. We don't see much of that anymore. Of course he is the most beautiful man I have ever seen, and his eyes are absolutely hypnotizing. It is very hard to know that I am only a few years older than him and live way across the ocean from him, and no chance of running into him any time soon. Oh well, that is the way it goes I guess. -- Miss Right for Jude
- Just watched "The Holiday" and he is so beautiful it almost hurts. -- Melanie Anne
- I think Jude Law would be a great Doctor Strange, also his chemistry with RDJ is amazing, so it would just make their meeting interesting! -- TheArchivist
- My tablet auto completes the sentence Jude Law burns to death in GATTACA which is very important -- zero fun
- Jude law is just so bloody attractive -- sophia♡
- The one thing jumping to mind regarding the Ebola thing in Texas is Jude Law s role in Contagion. How he sowed so much disinformation -- angrylibertarian
- My English lecturer resembles a young Jude Law this is so fab I love English -- Alex.
- He is amazing in everything he's in! WHERE IS THIS MANS OSCAR!? The Talented Mr. Ripley, Cold Mountain, A.I., so much more great work! -- Chino Hernandez
- I think the reason why I love the movie adaptation of Sherlock Holmes so much is because of Jude Law and Robert Downey JR -- Castiel
- How is Jude Law in The Holiday so dreamy -- Laura Dobbs
- Jude law is really just too perfect to be considered real -- ✩Maggie☾
- I'm going 2 DIE JUDE LAW IS SO FINE -- fuck boykawa
- Jude Law....rawr. He is so cute in the Sherlock Holmes movie <3 -- Sara Catherine Asri
- Jude law talks about telling people take a gamble, sod cuts to lottery balls getting rolled with cranston for vaccines...dude is so chill -- dave
- Jude law is so effin ugly in dom hemingway -- laurencassidy
- Watching Grand Budapest Hotel: he is so hot with a moustache, I can't stand it. -- Jen
- So it would seem Law is downstairs in Cafe Nero.funny thing is all the blokes r running down 2see him with all us ladies not bothered -- Tube Taboos
- He is so effin' hot at age 41. *reminiscing his A.I.Artifical Intelligence scene, uhgg* -- Kayziel
- I just met a guy who looks like Jude Law.... Jude fucking Law. So uh yeah you could say today is already amazing. -- ♡Lauren♡
- Y is jude law so fucking hot ? -- DamnNilf
- Watching The Holiday and can I just say JUDE LAW IS SO SEXY -- Erin
- There is a checker at my Trader Joe's who looks like Jude Law, & who is SO nice as he rings my groceries, but I try to avoid his line bc... -- Jessi Kirby
- I feel really bad for asking if Jude Law was a robot in this film but dude he looks exactly like he does in A.I. so who's fault is it really -- Criss
- Have often thought Jude Law hasn't had a deserving enough role but 'side effects' is really a very good film and he is excellent. -- marcus kelson
- He is so hot in Cold Mountain -- Kimberly Stock
- Watching Dom Hemmingway again. he is minted in it. so's Richard E Grant -- Robbie
- God is so good because Jude Law. *crying* Bae of life. -- jeanne
- Bricks built during 2 WW are not german, so their buildings. A country without memory is a country without life. Involvement of Jude Law -- diego garcia
- Jude law is actually mine so -- julia stisser ↣
- He is really hot -- ~(•u•)~
- He is so pretty -- Gem
- He is demanding just one day of global peace. Can everyone just pay attention please and do what he says? It really is that simple. -- Nick Conway
- Jude law in the holiday is so -- Rachel Wiens
- The film Dom Hemingway is hilarious Jude Law really gets into character. A bit like Bronson or Chopper -- James Westlake
- So all this time, I thought J. Law referred to Jude Law. This is why it took me forever to believe that Chris Martin is dating "J. Law." -- Yvette Spiders
- Fucking hell, why is Jude Law so damn attractive -- Kyla
- He is really quite unfairly gorgeous. I'd watch him in a paint-drying contest and hope to pick the slowest paint. -- Jane Byers Goodwin
- "Cold Mountain" is on Netflix. So is "Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow". I shall fall asleep at 1:26am to a Jude Law movie. Probably. -- William
- Jude law is defiantly in my top 10 best actors right now , I watched like 5 movies with him , he is just so awesome -- Be Happy
- He is very attractive -- Libby Bramwell
- Black Sea: Jude Law's Scots accent is so sub-standard: ACTOR Jude Law has been brushing up on his Aberdonian accent for his latest ro... -- MARYLOU WHITLOCK
- Jude Law And A Semester Abroad by Brand New is so damn good -- alana
- I was watching The Holiday on the plane today and not only do I love that movie, he is so dreamy I can't! -- Cassie Viola
- Hello jude law is so beautiful -- nour
- He is so sexy. -- lydia grandy
- Jude law is so pretty no matter what though -- mari navarro