Kevin Keegan

Never be ashamed of having a crush on Kevin Keegan
Former professional footballer, football manager (Famous from Newcastle United)
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Kevin Keegan is straight. He has grey hair. Scroll down and check out his athletic body, short and/or medium grey hairstyles & haircuts.

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3 star rating
Rated by 50+ man-crushers
  • 5 star rating Wenger boils over!. Outwitted by the 'chosen one'. Visions of kevin Keegan.."I love it..really love it" --
  • 3 star rating Michael Jordan is in nerty shape in Space Jam... Like a young Kevin Keegan! --
  • 1 star rating I'm following a weird horse, 2 rather unhappy cats and a Kevin Keegan that lives in space. That's what comment is for.... --
  • 3 star rating "I know what is around the corner - I just don't know where the corner is" - Kevin Keegan --
  • 1 star rating Some HT trivia for you: we just learned that he is rhyming slang for vegan. Cor blimey guvnor! Still 1:0, btw --
  • 3 star rating I don't think there is anyone bigger or smaller than Diego Maradona! ~Kevin Keegan --
  • 1 star rating Kevin Keegan "Shaun Wright-Phillips has got a big heart. It's as big as him, which isn't very big, but it's bigger." --
  • 5 star rating Is Kevin Keegan Liverpool's defensive coach --
  • 1 star rating Greatest living Yorkshireman? In my opinion it would be the greatest footballer ever and a really nice guy... Kevin Keegan --
  • 5 star rating "What United have got that Chelsea haven't is Paul Scholes. I think he is different to anything else in English football." ~Kevin Keegan --
  • 3 star rating Attack is the best form of defence? When did Kevin Keegan become prime minister?? --
  • 1 star rating Have it on very good authority Alan Pardew will be sacked by and replaced by none other than KEVIN KEEGAN!!! --
  • 4 star rating Can Mike Ashley sell NUFC so Kevin Keegan will come back please --
  • 5 star rating In the words of Kevin Keegan, id love it if we won tonight. Tremendous performance so far. Would still take a draw. Yasssssssssss! --
  • 3 star rating Goalkeepers are not really born until they are in their 30s. - Kevin Keegan. --
  • 4 star rating The tide is very much in our court now. ~Kevin Keegan --
  • 1 star rating Kevin Keegan was the best player in the really great Liverpool sides, he was the best player in England of his era. --
  • 5 star rating No, I'm not starting this thing. No way. Too much to do. Kevin Keegan's Player Manager remake for Switch is defo defo defo confirmed though. --
  • 4 star rating I really didn't realise how much of a fantastic man he is --
  • 4 star rating Kevin keegan is possibly one of my top ten favourite people --
  • 5 star rating I love Kevin Keegan so much it's unreal. --
  • 4 star rating What's this about Kevin Keegan's nudes being leaked? --
  • 1 star rating As a manager, you always have a gun to your head. It's a question of whether there is a bullet in the barrel. ~Kevin Keegan --
  • 4 star rating Simmo is doing a Kevin Keegan! Can't fault his passion --
  • 5 star rating Ur nose is bigger then ur penis ur on a skinny man ting like a fetus tell ur mum to shave her pubes cant pum pums looking all kevin keegan --
  • 5 star rating The hour is nearly upon us.. Should never have to play this game but to quote Kevin Keegan I WILL LOVE IT IF WE BEAT THEM. --
  • 3 star rating At a Kevin Keegan meal, but apparently Kevin Keegan has Ebola. So now it's a Ron Atkinson meal. --
  • 1 star rating Was off to see Kevin Keegan tonight, but he has bottled it (surprise) so Ron "Mr Bojangles" Atkinson has stepped it. --
  • 3 star rating "He's using his strength and that is his strength, his strength." Kevin Keegan --
  • 4 star rating Kevin Keegan. Head over Heels is a brilliant song. --
  • 1 star rating Tomorrow, I do believe I shall be filming the footballist Kevin Keegan. Just so you know, I have permed my hair in preparation. --
  • 1 star rating Kevin Keegan "Shaun Wright-Phillips has got a big heart. It's as big as him, which isn't very big, but it's bigger." --
  • 3 star rating IF rodgers really get sack , i would want rafa , king kenny or kevin keegan as our manager. --
  • 5 star rating Not a fan of football but Kevin Keegan negotiated a £50pw salary at Liverpool in '71, same position same club is now paid 140k per week. Wtf --
  • 1 star rating I don't know who Michelle Keegan is or what she does, but it is a disgrace that she is a bigger role model than Kevin Keegan. --
  • 1 star rating you wouldnt have thought our manager was a defender if we had Kevin keegan I would understand why our defence is pants .. --
  • 1 star rating Rodgers is sadly slipping into the 'Kevin Keegan' mode of management... Hope that everything sorts it's self out. Oh dear... :/ --
  • 5 star rating He is a legend! --
  • 3 star rating Halloween: either go hard or go home. I go home because all I have is a Kevin Keegan wig. --
  • 3 star rating Kevin Keegan's rant is still one of the greatest premier league moments of all time. --
  • 5 star rating So, we currently have 6 of our 7 specialised defenders unavailable for Saturday. Looks like I'll be employing Kevin Keegan tactics then! --
  • 5 star rating There are two kinds of people in this world: The Proclaimers and Kevin Keegan for starters. No idea why people find this thing so difficult. --
  • 5 star rating For a club that sacked a footballing hero in Sir Bobby Robson, and a club legend in Kevin Keegan, Alan Pardew is your karma Newcastle fans. --
  • 3 star rating I'm defo the reincarnation of Kevin Keegan if my current FM15 save is anything to go by. --
  • 5 star rating So Kevin Keegan said yesterday in papers that Lambias knew nothing about Football but him and our pal Sandy Easdale had 'football chitchat' --
  • 2 star rating This team is like Kevin Keegan s Newcastle side ......have to score 3 or 4 goals to get a result,madness --
  • 5 star rating Its Kevin Keegan football though, exciting though it is. Tommy rolls the dice and... just about it works out. Perhaps he is a genius. --
  • 2 star rating Do I really care what Kevin Keegan thinks about Mike Ashley? Not really. He threw the toys out of the pram. --
  • 5 star rating That Kevin Keegan account is class so so funny --
  • 3 star rating "I know what's around the corner - I just don't know where the corner is." - Kevin Keegan --

Throwback Thursday #TBT

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