Never be ashamed of having a crush on Marion Shalloe I'm a crusher
(Famous from Ex wife of Piers Morgan)
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Marion Shalloe is straight. He has dark brown hair. Scroll down and check out his slim body, short and/or medium dark brown hairstyles & haircuts.
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Why People Have A Crush On Marion Shalloe
6 man-crushers
Rated by - you are so cheap thats why Marion Shalloe gets divorced -- Naman jain
- divorced with Marion shalloe and married Celia wadon I dnt know who s gold who s silver Haha find out man -- Dinesh Kp
- I wonder why Marion Shalloe left you. Guess you never respected her as well. -- Sahil Jain
- well someone couldn't control his first wife (Marion Shalloe). And now gives a suggestion to the country with most population. -- kishan bhandary
- no wonder Marion shalloe and Celia Walden left your ass due to your awesome skills at commenting. Indians do rock in commenting. -- Hrishikesh reddy
- our performance this time was like your failed marriage with Marion Shalloe. But as your second marriage we too will rise! -- rohan shah