Never be ashamed of having a crush on Michael Clarke Duncan I'm a crusher
Actor (Famous from His Role as John Coffey in "The Green Mile")
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He was named one of Top 100 Most Attractive Bald Head Men, The Hottest Muscular Guys by our Man Crush Monday bloggers.

He was named one of Top 100 Most Attractive Bald Head Men, The Hottest Muscular Guys by our Man Crush Monday bloggers.
Michael Clarke Duncan is straight. He is bald (alopecia hair loss) and hot. Scroll down and check out his bodybuilder body.
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Why People Have A Crush On Michael Clarke Duncan
50+ man-crushers
Rated by - He is still dead. -- Corey, WTF?
- He is incredibly likable in The Finder, definitely a shame. -- Majin Yusuf
- Forgot how great he is in Talladega Nights. -- Vinnie Jukes
- He is such a sweetie I miss him -- granger.
- I swear my mom is a celebrity magnet.. Selena Gomez, Michael Clarke Duncan, Howie Mandel, Justin Bieber, Kendall Jenner, now Katie WTF MOM -- names candy
- The only good thing about Armageddon is that Michael Clarke Duncan rides a fucking Harley and wears a leather American flag vest -- Barry Brisacone
- But you know, that guy looks like Michael Clarke Duncan AND he was wearing a bandana on his head. So it's all good. -- Mitchell Barrett
- He is probably the last example of that. -- Jim Corrigan
- Hahaha, he is fucking brilliant on the front row at WrestleMania 2000. -- Wrightÿ
- Michael clarke duncan is in this ep of bones *u* -- lucca
- If you watch Bo Burnham's music video Repeat Stuff, it subliminally reads "MICHAEL CLARKE DUNCAN IS ALIVE AND LIVING IN AMES, IOWA". -- Colton Westerberg
- While watching Armageddon I still can't believe the big man is gone. RIP Michael Clarke Duncan -- Joe Montana III
- A dude the size of Michael Clarke Duncan accused me of being a hard ass. Compliment or nah? -- Trap Hands Matt
- He is alive and living in Ames, Iowa -- Steve French
- He is alive and living in Ames, Iowa. -- Cody Uhing
- bih said that trick daddy pic is a pic in heaven cuz michael clarke duncan is in, the background -- LoyaltyB4Royalty︻╦╤─
- The episodes of Two and A Half Men with Michael Clarke Duncan are so funny. He was such a wonderful actor. -- Andy Warren
- Michael Clarke Duncan had to dress up as a woman and is going to be wearing eyeshadow for the rest of the movie. Yesss. -- Electro Squiggly
- Plus, there's a sublimal message in his "Repeat Stuff" video that says "MICHAEL CLARKE DUNCAN IS ALIVE AND LIVING IN AMES, IOWA." -- Jordan Tate
- Man Michael Clarke Duncan was the perfect Kingpin so upset hes dead -- Wild Al
- Michael clarke duncan is alive and living in ames iowa -- eleanor
- The best parts of "Daredevil" are: Colin Farrell, Michael Clarke Duncan, and that scene where Matt is folding bills to put in his wallet -- Janssen Choy
- Watching the green mile and it still kills me EVERYTIME can't believe he is gone too -- #Garth4TheUK
- Celebrity sightings: Trace Adkins! (I admit, I really liked Every Light in the House Is On.) Marlon Wayans! Michael Clarke Duncan! -- wrestlefeed
- He is alive and is living in Ames, Iowa. -- nick
- Wait Michael Clarke Duncan passed 2yrs ago?? Really?? :-( -- Naveed
- For like .2 seconds in Bo Burnham's new music video the words "he is alive and living in Ames, Iowa." Hahahah why. -- Margaret Godwin
- The Green Mile is one of my favorite movies no doubt. RIP Michael Clarke Duncan -- Brenden M Glaze
- He is alive and living in Ames, Iowa. -- Brett Dunlap
- I call my dog so many things. Slim Duncan, Duncan Hines, Dr. Cuddles, Duncan Sheik, Michael Clarke Duncan... -- Jim
- Michael Clarke Duncan war so eine tolle Persoehnlichkeit <3 -- S.
- He is alive and living in Ames, Iowa -- Mattie Williams
- This movie is making me miss Michael Clarke Duncan a lot more. -- Tate/GTT
- This ep of Ultimate Spider-Man I was watching had GotG in it and at the end it said Dedicated to Michael Clarke Duncan as Groot I AM SO SAD -- Kelsey
- So much sadder now he is dead! -- DeRozan➕Ross
- The green mile is such a good film, I still can't believe Michael Clarke Duncan has died -- Victoria
- I just remembered he is dead , fuck -- Joseph Miller
- And poor Michael Clarke Duncan looks so....uncomfortable in his ape make-up. And everybody wears fake teeth. EVERYBODY. -- Ryan Wilson
- I just watched The Green Mile. Watching the end and realizing that Michael Clarke Duncan has died for real is truly fucking devastating. -- Scott
- He is long dead. Just remembered this and now I'm bummed out. -- Dan Dutton
- I confusedly asked someone if he is playing Hedwig on Broadway. BUT COME ON that would be amazing on multiple levels. -- Marci Robin
- And in other 90's movie critiques, the Affleck Daredevil movie isn't nearly as horrid as I recall (RIP Michael Clarke Duncan) -- Elysium
- Also it's gonna be difficult to accept literally anyone who isn't Michael Clarke Duncan as the Kingpin, God rest his soul. -- Shark Sematary
- Just when I thought The Green Mile couldn't be any sadder, I realize he is dead and I'm in the fetal position. -- Kolby
- The Green Mile is on. Definitely top 5 movie all time, in my opinion. Tom Hanks & Michael Clarke Duncan were amazing in this movie. -- TRUST THE SYSTEM
- Michael Clarke Duncan played his part so well -- ☠☠
- So much sadder now he is dead! -- Blender
- Sin City 2 isn't the same without Michael Clarke Duncan. -- Ryan H
- Actor Michael Clarke Duncan dies in Los Angeles at 54 via -- ((الريم ))