Never be ashamed of having a crush on Mike Herrera I'm a crusher
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Why People Have A Crush On Mike Herrera
50+ man-crushers
Rated by - MXPX livecomment update: he is wearing a fedora. OBVIOUSLY. -- Huts
- I interviewed Mike Herrera of MxPx this week. The year is 2001 and I'm a sophomore in high school. -- Cory
- missed you at warped but stoked for tonight. My wife is looking for an mike herrera picture or autograph. -- Tim Cackett
- My apologies to Mike Herrera of MxPx who had to watch me shove a sandwich in my face tonight during soundcheck at Gramercy -- nicole ceriello
- My mom was like, 'I don't like you going by yourself' & I was like, 'Mike Herrera follows me on comment, he knows me' haha -- Stefanie
- "Bueno, Bancario no es tan malo sólo porque un tal Mike Herrera está ahí :3" -- Mike Misifuz
- Ya pocas cosas me divierten! -- Mike Herrera
- Mike Herrera should handle the 10th single -- brn.
- Me hablo al celular de mi papá Miguel "Mike" Herrera hahahhaha Que si yo no era la peluquera del centro, me cague de risa y le colgué XD -- Gabriela me llamo
- They're playing either MXPX or Tumbledown over the PA at work. I'm leaning more towards Tumbletown. Either way it's Mike Herrera. -- Ben Posner
- Un poquito de Mike Herrera en acústico para relajarse -- David Fan2
- Dios es que Mike Herrera en acústico me encanta. -- xDIVAx
- Mike Herrera, un tipo muy capo -- BACH
- Herrera mike herrera herrera w -- 優
- Si me queréis, haced que Mike Herrera toque en mi casa por mi cumple. -- Pol.
- Voy a contratar a Mike Herrera, MxPx, para que toque en acústico en mi patio. Os invito a todos y todas! -- «Seize The Day»
- Rolling to San Antonio listening to on the Mike Herrera Hour with - Good seeing you yesterday! -- Brian Marquis
- I'm Not The Lil Wayne They Want I'm The Lil Wayne They Need. -Mike Herrera -- JD DARDEN
- Cal hablando con Mike Herrera, yo a los 15 años lo conoci en asbury me muero, como pasa el tiempo. -- Euge Macchia ⚓
- Ashton just followed Mike Herrera, a traveling producer, songwriter, and a podcast host. ~Julienne -- #weloveyouashton
- Af mano, Mike Herrera postando foto com esses viado do 5sos é de cair o cu da bunda pqp -- Raymond
- Ma vogliamo parlare di mike herrera? -- Aim A Trabolmeicher
- Mike herrera eating his french fries with a fork in the music video for chick magnet.... a fork?? -- henry
- Mike Herrera fue mi primer amor platónico. -- +Peripheral+
- That's how I think we'll line up tomorrow. Mike, Herrera, Mata, Bastian, I think they'll get some rest. Wazza surely playing -- Zeus.
- Rediscovered my love for Mike Herrera -- Choose Weird
- Eu beijaria facilmente o mike herrera -- choris
- Você não veio aqui no confessionário para pedir o meu perdão, e sim permissão! -- Trechos de Séries
- Heck, i knew you were with the bands cos of your wristbands & accent etc but i swear i didn't realise you were mike herrera! till 6am lol -- Alex Azurite
- CIF GOLF: Also moving on is Edwin Kuang of MV (72), Sam Butler (King) 75, Jordan Cook of Chap (77) & Mike Herrera of Valley View (77) -- Landon Negri
- I grew up idolising mark hoppus, mike herrera, tyson ritter and kenny vasoli of the starting line. i actually wanted to be a bass player. > -- Lan
- Whaaaaat he ist am neuen Marcus Smaller Album ich packs nicht -- TINA
- Goldfinger is having serious technical issues but he is playing bass for them, so I can't complain. -- Josh Chesler
- Just finished up show notes for ! Make sure you check out The Mike Herrera Hour 174 tomorrow! -- Bob the rising Ant
- Been on the road a while, gotta get back to a place with style. -Mike Herrera -- Greg Evans
- Mike Herrera me respondeu socorro -- mentecapta
- Mike herrera é foda -- Pedro
- Kalau Goldfinger tampil di Bandung nanti, berarti bass player akan diisi Mike Herrera. Semoga saja -- HANASDUVANC
- I just realised that Mike Herrera and Travis Barker joined Goldfinger. Life's good. -- Ghost Pirate Jeroen
- My New Years resolution isn't to lose weight's to transform my body into a replica of Mike Herrera's body. -- mustardtiger
- Congratulations to Mike Herrera! You've won a $50 Amazon gift card from our monthly referral raffle! -- Lakeside Insurance
- Does anyone know if he is still fine af? Asking for a friend... -- happiness is a butterfly
- I'm "Recognized MxPx Frontman Mike Herrera's Name in a Description of an Upcoming Episode of Fixer Upper" years old. -- Eric Lubbers
- Cada vez que Mike Herrera me contesta un tuit, mxpx late en mi corazón de secundaria -- Claudia Fre(sh)adow of the day
- No puedo seguir escuchando los acústicos de Mike Herrera,Me pone todo cursi y no soy así.BASTA! -- Stockholm Syndrome
- Mister and Miss Chinatown 2018 Media Presentation @ The Crowne Plaza. Photo by: Mike Herrera -- IamSeanMikhailDesign
- O que eu estou fazendo da minha vida que até hoje não comecei a ouvir o podcast do Mike Herrera?!! -- patz
- El día de hoy sólo sé que cuando sea grande quiero ser igual de cool que Mike Herrera (MXPX). -- Hector Contreras ⚓️
- Di 2018 awal aku nonton mxpx, liat dan denger suara mike herrera langsung, walaupun gak sampe abis karena udah keburu dijemput ayah -- Toyibah