Never be ashamed of having a crush on Paul Kelly I'm a crusher
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He was named one of Top 100 Hottest Red Haired Men by our Man Crush Monday bloggers.

He was named one of Top 100 Hottest Red Haired Men by our Man Crush Monday bloggers.
Paul Kelly is straight and has been downright flaming -- he is breaking our gaydar! Don't get me wrong but the manliest men often have man-crushes on effeminate men. It makes them feel even more manly. He has red hair. Scroll down and check out his slim body, short and/or medium red hairstyles & haircuts.
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Why People Have A Crush On Paul Kelly
50+ man-crushers
Rated by - How deep is your love | Sean Paul, kelly Rowland -- Graham.
- How deep is your love - Sean Paul & Kelly Rowland. -- Yves-Alain Kotto.
- He is a pig -- blc
- Paul Kelly's book is the only one not self-serving - and a great read - but even so, won't touch Lazarus Rising in sales -- Sooz
- Cameron an idiot when I served in Federal Parliament with him & he's deteriorated even further. Paul Kelly's book is crap -- Steve Gibbons
- He is currently on apac... -- Le Grace
- Wait is Pyne citing Paul Kelly as an authority on something other than gravity effects of super-dense bodies? -- Bernard Keane
- Who is this Paul Kelly that Pyne is jizzing his pants over ? -- MissPennyMonney
- Christopher Payne reckons he is one of the most eminent journalists in Australia ... Ha ha ha. Good one Pyne. -- Canberra Guy
- Paul Kelly's music is crap -- Mark
- "A fight not just got out security, but for our values" Paul Kelly being measured and understated as only Paul can be. -- lenternasanything
- Have to wonder if Gillard's version of the knifing is the same as Paul Kelly's version. -- CC
- Paul Kelly really is a legend of a man!! -- BiGGLES
- Triumph and Demise by he is a good read if you're into that sort of thing -- Rob Stott
- WELL SAID PAUL KELLY !!! Tony Abbott is not scaring us, the terrorists are !!!! EGG on Hellen Dalley's face !!!! -- Bernard Saavedra
- He is filming me tomorrow morning but unless my hair grows an inch & I lose a stone, I'm not answering the door to him. -- Ben
- Paul Kelly: " issue is due process & fairness." Trustee Al Clemens: "There's no justice & there has to some kind of justice" Paterno et al -- Mark Horgas
- Aussie singer he is now Dr. Paul Kelly, awarded Doctorate of Arts at the University of Adelaide for his contribution to AUS music. -- Brian Peel
- Introducing my Scottish host to Paul Kelly's From Little Things Big Things Grow. No I'm not shut up there's something in my eye is all -- Jess McGuire
- I am yet to work out why the Paul Kelly ad music is "midnight blue" -- Stu Fleming
- Just finished Paul Kelly's Triumph & Demise. Is there any hope for a new politics in 2015 -- David Weston
- Paul Kelly Djing on Double J? Thank you internet. Thank you very much. -- Archduke Squatocracy
- The Paul Kelly Christmas playlist on double j right now is pretty dang good, btw -- Calv Holiday Special
- I really miss my dad R.I.P. Paul Kelly Wooton -- Kaysiboo_10✨
- I didn't have high hopes for Paul Kelly's latest book but it is pretty good. The acerbic introduction on Gillard is gripping. -- Osman Faruqi
- song facts: Paul Kelly's How To Make Gravy is a real recipe, Kayne's Christmas In Harlem redeems him & Bon Iver's Holocene is ace -- Andjelka Jankovic
- If I had to name my favourite Paul Kelly album it would probably be 'So much water so close to home'. It's pretty much perfection for me. -- We Love Aural/Amanda
- I'm mostly known for bucket hats, being funny, and being Paul Kelly's brother. -- BK
- Final keynote at about to start. Been a really good conference and there's a lot of post conference reading to be done. -- Paul Kelly
- You really know Xmas is here when Paul Kelly's How To Make Gravy is on the radio -- Glenn Byres
- He is the quintessential music for toddlers dancing with their tipsy parents over xmas break -- Connor O Tannenbaum
- He is a lyrical genius! -- Ruby
- Paul Kelly makes a lot of sense. So why is he wasting his time as a journalist? -- Burgers61
- Paul Kelly. ALP & Greens won't negotiate. Abbott is reaping what he sowed. If Abbott wouldn't deal why should ALP? -- Steven Drew
- He is correct. The system is broken at the Commonwealth level. The Senate does not work in national interest but cannot be reformed. -- Heleana (Team Aust)
- Paul Kelly right. Anybody who DOESN'T believe Australia has a real Budget Bottom Line problem after latest MYEFO figures is a Liar. -- Kawunnee
- Paul Kelly has a new album at Nicki Minaj is in at Carrie Underwood is new at and D'Angelo and the Vanguard is -- Patrick Avenell
- New Year's Day was a Paul Kelly day, today is a Paul Simon day. I'm goin' to Graceland. -- James Evans
- Paul Kelly's Triumph and Demise is an enthralling read of Australian politics circa 2007-2013. Can't wait to see how it ends. -- Glenn Djangkar
- So naturally we are playin Paul Kelly songs now . -- Jöhnny BIG Pötatöes
- Dad is forcing us to watch and sing along to Paul Kelly videos on YouTube. Frankly, I'm stoked. -- Jessica Biggs
- Molly rates Mariah Carey ahead of Paul kelly in his xmas top ten this is rubbish -- lloyd
- He is hosting Double J right now.. Xmas hits. Get on -- Peter Shinnick
- Mad the way luke Kelly is Paul Kelly's uncle -- veeno
- Radio man just back announced Paul Kelly's 'Dumb Things' with, "Rick Springfield-Jessie's Girl." So close. -- The Armchair Expert
- Cop who shot Williams was officer Paul Kelly. deputies say there is nothing to suggest that the fatal shooting wasn't justified. -- Kathryn Haake
- Oh Wow! Just lying on my bed reading and a car goes past with Paul Kelly blasting! Really must buy -- Pandora Lyle
- Paul Kelly's new Introduction in Triumph and Demise is a great read: a thorough and scathing rebuttal of Gillard's book. -- Steve Joseph