Peter Orlovsky

Never be ashamed of having a crush on Peter Orlovsky
American writer and actor (Famous from He was the long time partner of Allen Ginsberg.)
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3 star rating
Rated by 47 man-crushers
  • 3 star rating Peter Orlovsky et Allen Ginsberg, dans leur chambre à Paris, rue Git-le-C ur. view --
  • 3 star rating Peter Orlovsky only died in 2010 and Allen died in like 1999 I just :((( --
  • 3 star rating ~Beat beach day: Jack Kerouac, Peter Orlovsky and William Burroughs laying in the sand~ view --
  • 3 star rating William S. Burroughs & Peter Orlovsky, Tangier, Morocco, Spring 1957 view --
  • 3 star rating Beat beach day: Jack Kerouac, Peter Orlovsky & Burroughs laying in the sand. view --
  • 3 star rating Companion Peter Orlovsky, caretakers Rosenthal and Hale, Bill Morgan-- --
  • 3 star rating Hablemos de parejas bonitas. Hablemos de Peter Orlovsky y Allen Ginsberg. --
  • 5 star rating $10k grant was given Peter Orlovsky on strength of 1 published anthology Clean Asshole Poems. Only in America, only in America, land of free --
  • 1 star rating I look out the window and see nobody, I go down to the street, look up at my window and see nobody. Peter Orlovsky --
  • 3 star rating The song I am listening now. My Bed Is Covered Yellow(Peter Orlovsky) --
  • 5 star rating "Compost Piles" - Peter Orlovsky --
  • 1 star rating 'I can see him and Peter Orlovsky, sitting by the proposed Islamic cultural center in lower New York chanting -- om om om -- + --
  • 4 star rating Im sorry but i only care about pierre bergé and peter orlovsky --
  • 3 star rating If everything we feel could be said it would be very beautiful * Peter orlovsky --
  • 3 star rating Up from Big Sur, with his companion Peter Orlovsky and an entourage of. --
  • 1 star rating Peter Orlovsky excerpt... Second Poem "Morning again, nothing has to be done, maybe buy a piano or make fudge." --
  • 5 star rating Vintage gay Allen Ginsberg with his lifelong partner, Peter Orlovsky. They were both poets from the Beat Generation movement and were a co --
  • 5 star rating Uh, so Llewyn Davis just introduced me to Peter Orlovsky, and I think I'm in love? --
  • 1 star rating "Some days, I am the glass. Some days, you are. Either way, we shatter." - From Allen Ginsburg to Peter Orlovsky --
  • 5 star rating Allen Ginsberg and Peter Orlovsky. 43 years of togetherness, fun, warmth and they were polyamorous even when comment wasn't around. --
  • 3 star rating Così parlo all'idrante e gli chiedo: "hai delle lacrime più grandi delle mie?" Peter Orlovsky --
  • 4 star rating Clean Asshole Poems and Smiling Vegetable Songs - Peter Orlovsky --
  • 3 star rating Ya no sé si realmente me siento identificada con Peter Orlovsky, o es puro morbo. --
  • 1 star rating Why am i just now finding out that aaron tveit played peter orlovsky in a movie about allen ginsberg.......i have to watch this --
  • 2 star rating Il mio corpo si e' trasformato in zucchero, versato nel te' ho trovato il senso della vita. Peter Orlovsky --
  • 5 star rating "I was completely enamored and intoxicated 'just the right person for me', I thought." -allen ginsberg on peter orlovsky, his partner --
  • 1 star rating Randomly start chanting Allen Ginsberg poetry, sometimes accompanied by intermittent kazoo playing a la Peter Orlovsky. --
  • 5 star rating If The 1975 were beatniks Matty'd be both Neal Cassidy & Jack Kerouac, George Herbert Huncke, Ross Allen Ginsberg & John Peter Orlovsky. --
  • 1 star rating Peter Orlovsky biyografi notunda der ki :''Okulda I.Q sonucum doksand , u anda uzmanla t m için I.Q binlerde seyrediyor.'' --
  • 2 star rating "Rien ne peut changer l'amour, le bel amour, une fois qu'on le possède." Allen Ginsberg à Peter Orlovsky --
  • 1 star rating Also, he's queer and was proud of it. his partner, peter orlovsky is also fucking fantastic but has an odd writing style --
  • 5 star rating An amazing epitaph for Allen Ginsberg's Partner Peter Orlovsky"Train will tug my grave, my breathe hueing gentil vapor between weel & track" --
  • 5 star rating Wonder what ginsy and Peter orlovsky are up to --
  • 5 star rating Peter Orlovsky Is In Heaven. Om. --
  • 1 star rating "Chuck Tingle makes me feel things about literature that I haven't felt since I read Peter Orlovsky's clean asshole poems" --
  • 3 star rating Que en Wikipedia ponga que Peter Orlovsky era el socio de Allen Ginsberg es revelador --
  • 5 star rating A fucking movie on Ginsberg and Peter Orlovsky. Aka the love of Ginsberg's life, and his life-long partner. Aka sweet gays. --
  • 5 star rating Mi perfecta pareja de viaje Peter Orlovsky. --
  • 3 star rating I look at the Pepsi cola ad and drink water in my mind (Peter Orlovsky) --
  • 5 star rating Allen Ginsberg to Peter Orlovsky 1958 --
  • 5 star rating Iba a poner una cita de una carta que Allen Ginsberg le envió a Peter Orlovsky, pero como era un pederasta se me han ido las ganas. --
  • 5 star rating Peter Orlovsky --
  • 3 star rating " I met Kafka and he jumped over a building to get away from me." Peter Orlovsky --
  • 1 star rating Cher s comments have the same naive outsider poetic tone as peter orlovsky and i m dead serious she s visionary --
  • 5 star rating 15. Favourite bookish couple: right now I love Alan Ginsburg and Peter Orlovsky, but Emma and Mr. Knightley are a fun backup! --

Throwback Thursday #TBT

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