Never be ashamed of having a crush on Robert Reich I'm a crusher
American, Economist (Famous from United States Secretary of Labor (1993 - 1997))
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Why People Have A Crush On Robert Reich
50+ man-crushers
Rated by - Inequality for All. Documentary based around Robert Reich. With a Q&A and he is amazing! Middle class stables the economy take care of them. -- Geneva M.
- The largest party in America, by the way, is neither the Democrats nor the Republicans. It's the party of non-voters. -Robert Reich .,0 -- Karl Marx
- He is the man. If you have Netflix you should watch Inequality for All immediately or sooner. -- Joe Gerics
- Just watch featuring Robert Reich. I've never been so turn on (intellectually lol) seriously, I'm floored -- Jessica Thermitus
- I really wish everyone could/would hear Robert Reich speak! -- Ross Martin
- Former Labor Secretary Robert Reich on being competitive in global economy: we need to empower people to take technical jobs. YES -- Elizabeth Stanfield
- Robert reich is a c00l dude -- Justine L
- "In the marketplace virtue is always punished." - Robert Reich -- Dave McConnell
- The midget Robert Reich blames Detroit Bankruptcy on White people. But that is not -- I'm ur huckleberry
- Clinton Labor Sec Robert Reich blames Detroit s problems on racism. No, it is idiot liberals like you that destroyed Detroit! -- Judson Phillips
- Robert Reich and Elizabeth Warner Know whats going on! Verify,Verify,Verify! Test everything that is Said,Written,TV,Radio,Internet,etc! -- God's Clay
- True patriotism isn't cheap. It's about taking on a fair share of the burden of keeping America going. Robert Reich -- Jade Vince
- "The largest party in America is neither the Democrats or the Republicans. It's the party of non-voters." Robert Reich -- Bart Stewart
- Robert Reich's Inequality For All is on Netflix and is amazing. Watch. -- JonathanDanielBrown
- "the U.S. stock market is in the midst of a correction, which is a polite word for instability and fear." Robert Reich -- bob rains
- Main reason (an idea supported by former U.S. Secretary of Labor Robert Reich) is that big corporations have begun to run out of ideas.. -- HerbertStelwynGates
- Robert Reich do you think a maximum wage or wage ceiling is a good idea for the -- Dennis Gault
- He is such a socialist. Of course he teaches at Cal. -- SS
- Comment is weird. Former US Labor Secretary Robert Reich not verified. Guy with whom I went to high school IS. -- Paul Vargas
- Robert Reich via Move on "First, the Republicans R on the verge of taking over the U.S. Senate. & this is not your father's Republican Party -- pj
- Is it bad that Robert Reich goes straight to my spam folder? -- Real name _______
- John Oliver is Robert Reich for the Generation too cynical to listen to politics without jokes. -- P. A. McG
- Inequality for All is an impressive documentary by Robert Reich. Yes I watch docs when I can't sleep -- Munib Sajjad
- Robert Reich: The most popular show on Fox News is Bill O Reilly s, but the median O'Reilly viewer is now over 72 years old. -- Clyde A. Boenke
- He is the man! -- Gabriel Moreno
- In the last 2 hrs I've gotten campaign emails from Liz Warren, Howard Dean, Erin Brockovich, Robert Reich & Al Gore. I'm very popular! -- Joshua Holland
- Robert Reich saying it like it is. What we continue to have in Chile is a Pinochet-Friedman experiment -- HectorSalgado
- *coifh$* yah my waveform is Robert Reich nbd -- error sucker
- Oh get this ass kisser for the 1% off the air. Where is Paul Krugman or Robert Reich to bust this guys balls? -- United Forces CO ♐
- "The real issue is whether capitalism is organized for benefit of society as a whole or for the benefit of a small group,"-Robert Reich -- allen_osuno
- "The biggest problem for our democracy isn t regressive Republicans or spendthrift Democrats; it s apathetic citizens." --> Robert Reich -- Barret
- Robert Reich says: Canada is moving towards exactly the same degree of income and wealth inequality as the United States -- Benjamin Vitale
- Canada is moving toward American-style inequality, according to US economist Professor Robert Reich, as wealth concentration in the hands -- Константин Огурцов
- Omg I like Robert Reich even more now that I know he is adorable, like a small inequality-criticizing gnome -- SSM
- "The role of the media isn't to... give free airtime to the accused... (as did ABC this morning). It is to report the news." - Robert Reich -- Ned Grant
- He is one of my favorite people! -- S.Raw
- He is zo inspirerend! Tijd voor verandering "Inequality for all" zou verplichte kost moeten zijn! -- Lonneke Maraczi
- Nu op NPO2 2DOC: Inequality for all. Econoom Robert Reich legt uit waardoor de ongelijkheid tussen arm en rijk in de VS is toegenomen. -- Sarah Kalai
- Vrij essentiële vraag van Robert Reich: wanneer wordt ongelijkheid een probleem? Lees: Ongelijkheid is dus niet per se het probleem -- Krijn Schramade
- Robert Reich "70% (US) Economy generated by consumer spending" & middle class is crucial" corps first screws all -- S B
- So i watched "inequality for all" where robert reich says that 40 people in the US have more money combined than half the country combined -- Rachel Syme
- "Being wealthy in modern America means you don't come across anyone who isn't" - Robert Reich -- Austin
- Watch 'Inequality for All', it's amazing! he is brilliant! -- V
- The largest party in America, by the way, is neither the Democrats nor the Republicans. It's the party of non-voters. -Robert Reich .,0 -- Winston Churchill
- He is suggesting the President use Ex Order to pass overtime pay. Why has overtime pay been eliminated for most workers anyways? -- Glen No
- Two people suggested Robert Reich - not bad - although his area of expertise is policy and he's held a political position & run for office -- Seth D. Michaels
- "Inequality For All" is a must see documentary. Former US Secretary of Labor, Robert Reich does a great job! -- tony o
- Robert reich is a true genius. -- aly
- '...reason Dems have pulled their punches with financial sector for years is because it s hard to punch hand that feeds you.' - Robert Reich -- Special C.
- Robert Reich: "Citigroup is at this moment holding the government hostage." I recall when Ted Cruz did that. -- barbara spalding