Never be ashamed of having a crush on Rupert Grint I'm a crusher
English actor (Famous from Ron Weasley on Harry Potter)
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He was named one of Top 100 Hottest Red Haired Men, Most Handsome British Men by our Man Crush Monday bloggers.

He was named one of Top 100 Hottest Red Haired Men, Most Handsome British Men by our Man Crush Monday bloggers.
Rupert Grint is straight. He is sexy and many gay men wish he was gay. If you like him, just say it: I Ain't Ashamed of My Man Crush. He has red hair. Scroll down and check out his short and/or medium red hairstyles & haircuts.
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Average Body: Rupert Grint to make Broadway debut in 'It's Only a Play' -- EXCLUSIVE
Updated: 10 years ago (June 17, 2014, 6pm)... [Read More on CNN]
Why People Have A Crush On Rupert Grint
50+ man-crushers
Rated by - he is beautiful in his personality He is sexy in his looks and I will always want to meet him ❤️❤️ -- Ravenclawwookie
- He is still bae -- Souki
- I'm 99% sure that Kathy Griffin is just Rupert Grint dressed in drag. -- Jonathan van Halem
- My dream in life is to meet Rupert Grint -- ron
- Along with ed sheeran, rupert grint is my perfect man -- graysperry
- Is it just me or does he look a whole lot like rupert grint from the back, but more than usual tonight -- alicia
- My childhood crush was Rupert Grint. I even had an AOL email account with his name in it. My password may or may not have been Weasley94. -- Bianca Hunter
- Rupert grint is bae -- ♡ chloe ♡
- In the crew room and the Rupert Grint Top Gear episode is on, v happy -- abbey moxen
- The frame holding my signed letter from Rupert Grint fell off my wall and broke in the middle of the night so that's how my day's going -- Cait Danielle Cain
- Just got front row seats to see the new play he is in on broadway in New York -- Lindsay Adler
- Rupert Grint in this movie is crqzy -- Lil Momma
- always have had the biggest crush on Rupert Grint Just gotta thing for gingers -- emmayo
- "Ed Sheeran looks like Rupert grint in this video" "...that is Rupert grint" silly Olivia -- Kate Moody
- I'm obsessed with Rupert Grint, he's so funny -- Alex Robinson
- Rupert grint's facial expressions is life -- cute af,,!
- Seeing Rupert Grint on Broadway and The Script... It's gonna be a really good week. -- Caitlin Moroney
- Emma Watson = UN Ambassador. Rupert Grint = Gives free ice cream to everyone. Daniel Radcliffe = Building a very good acting reputation -- Darryl Hughes
- Not buying a t-shirt with Rupert Grint's face on with the reasoning 'I'll probably never wear this' is a life changing moment for me... -- Seana Cooke
- RUpert gRInt MaKES ME so haPPY LOve LiFE!! -- ellie//3
- So basically all of my friends will have photos with Rupert Grint but me -- Stephanie Walsh
- Ok so the CBGB film is a lot better than I expected and Rupert Grint as a Dead Boys is hilarious. -- Benjamin
- I used to have the biggest crush on my brother's friend because he looked like Rupert Grint -- kory ❁
- to bad they didn't get Rupert Grint for this episode. He is my favorite HP character. -- Kelly Brill
- Rupert Grint came into the restaurant tonight being all incognito. But I saw you Rupert......I saw you. -- Jamilla Roberts
- All I want for my birthday is for Rupert Grint to look me in the eyes and give me the biggest hug on the planet -- abigail clifford
- Wow he is really hideous in person -- dor
- I will say this!! If Rupert Grint becomes the next Doctor for Doctor Who i will watch the show! Whovians want a ginger doctor so there ya go -- My name is Erik
- He is on broadway. i dont know what the play is about, but the point is im going to see it and i will meet/marry him -- Kaitie Ryan
- His video for Lego House is my fav. It took me a while to realize it was Rupert Grint and not Ed Sheeran tho. -- ☀️
- Gnt só agr q eu percebi q quem aparece no clipe de Lego House é o Rupert Grint e não o Ed Sheeran !!!!! -- ➳ Guilherme Ψ
- Where the hell is rupert grint -- nur
- So i've listened to this planetarium show no fewer than five times without recognizing who narrator rupert grint was -- kylee
- I dont think he is hideous hes just pale as hell. Daniel Radcliffe has pretty eyes but dat about it. -- Au-Brie Plaza
- If you're a guy who isn't Rupert Grint, you do not have my approval to have long hair. -- Olivia
- Mum pretending she doesn't know who rupert grint is .. -- NIC(ol)E
- I still cant believe my friend met rupert grint the other day im so jealous -- nicole
- He is the fucking man -- Joe Cecere
- He is rocking this song -- Kimberley McConnell
- só eu q acho q o ed sheeran é parecido com o rupert grint??? -- Julia horan
- Seeing Justin Bartha & Rupert Grint as punk rock musicians is a quite new experience to me. Like this movie. -- Eve Toth
- I used to be so in love with rupert grint but now he's a druggie -- ava :/,,
- This Rupert Grint attention is way more crazy than when I met James Lafferty! Like wow! -- Jaime Coffman
- Ginger is a cute hair colour because of Rupert Grint -- Chpoe
- Damn, Daniel Radcliffe is only 5'5? No wonder Rupert Grint be looking so damn tall next to him. -- Sam
- Is it just me or we the king's vocal looks like rupert grint? -- かれん
- Rupert grint is so -- drea ¨̮
- Emma Watsons speech on feminism was very impressive mean while Rupert Grint just ate a greggs. -- Ryan Byrne