Never be ashamed of having a crush on Rutger Hauer I'm a crusher
Dutch actor (Famous from Roy Batty in Blade Runner and Martin in Flesh + Blood.)
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Rutger Hauer is straight and is pretty "gay". Just a friendly reminder: don't be ashamed to admit that you have a crush on him. He has blonde hair. Scroll down and check out his short and/or medium blonde hairstyles & haircuts.
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Why People Have A Crush On Rutger Hauer
50+ man-crushers
Rated by - Esses deputados federais que representam os golpistas só me mostram que estou do lado certo. NOJO SEM FIM -- Rutger Hauer
- I don't actually like Blade Runner. But I must say Harrison Ford performed well and Rutger Hauer's death monologue is famous for a reason. -- Stephen Warren
- Is it just me or is anybody else disappointed that Rutger Hauer hasn't been cast in an Expendables movie yet? -- Red Paint Spilman
- Blade Runner is a timeless movie that questions the distinction been what is real and what is realised. he is a stand out. -- Clare Raffan
- foi só Aécio perguntar p Dilma se o pais estava preparado p o terrorismo apareceu um kk Sim tamos preparados Sim -- regina cecilia leite
- He is going to play Timothy Omundson's older brother -- DLaB
- é tipo assim, quase assim , mais ou menos assim, só que não, muito pelo contrário. ao inverso, ..ou não! -- Ari Azevedo
- Why isn't everyone super excited about Rutger Hauer being in Galavant come on you guys -- Annika
- What iiiiiiffff my anatomy sketchbook quota for next week is just 100% stillframes of shirtless android rutger hauer -- Mary Sanche
- Claro que não. Só classe média paga impostos. -- edna cirne de toledo
- " Na era FHC, chinelo Raider era luxo. Pra usar só na missa!" -- Regis BeaGalo13
- Late to the party but holy fuck, rutger hauer is in true blood. -- David Whitney
- I ve never heard someone so happy, said David Cameron of the queen, like Rutger Hauer s replicant at the end of Bladerunner. -- Chris Tindall
- Wat is die Rutger Hauer toch een mooie, oude sexy man! -- G_Jarbandan
- Rutger Hauer died before filming, but let them use his corpse in several key scenes, including being thrown off a cliff strapped to a fridge -- NigeB
- Is anyone here Rutger Hauer? -- DanTract
- Why is rutger hauer playing a squeeze box on RTE 1? -- ballaghboy
- Actually the most unbelievable thing about Blade Runner might be that he is the name of a real man -- Rosie
- Watching he is a babe. What a great movie. If you're unfamiliar, watch it! Great story, cast. -- Sally N
- Rutger Hauer, so fucking boss. -- Jason Kodani
- The movie "lady hawk" always make me cry? is this the only movie Rutger Hauer has been in? Don't even attempt"to Gillian on her 37h birthday -- Theresa Larsen
- But what if God is like, "Oh Nick, you can't watch a film where Rutger Hauer masturbates to a picture of his ex that is taped to his wall." -- Nick Daily
- I need to get my hands on a pair of the boots he is wearing. Big chunky knee-high strappy motherfuckers. -- Sünder
- I don't actually like Blade Runner. But I must say Harrison Ford performed well and Rutger Hauer's death monologue is famous for a reason. -- Stabbing Warring
- '21 days: The Heineken kidnapping' sounds corny I know,and its subtitled! But Rutger Hauer stars,so that's good,shame he sorta disappeared! -- Nidge
- Is HAL out there too? what about a bot pretending to be rutger hauer? -- I AM POP SLAG.
- Really hope Google calls it Nexus 6 so that I can name mine Rutger Hauer. -- Jeff Grubb
- THE MILL AND THE CROSS - Rutger Hauer as Bruegel tells us about his painting. This is like a "docufilmentary." -- Loki Grande
- no gov nao tinha bolsa de estudo, nao tinha trabalho, só umas vagas de estágios -- Salubriti
- Fonte? Sem fonte é só mais um boato. Vou denunciar! -- Rilson Joás
- Seriously - a C Thomas Howell/Rutger Hauer reunion. -- TheLastFilmNerdAlive
- All I want for Christmas is a Criterion Collection release of NIGHTHAWKS. Stallone in a beard. Rutger Hauer villainy. Badassery by the yard. -- The Guvna
- vocês só acreditem nesta mentira porque o tapa-olho do cabresto ideológico não deixa ver o mundo real... -- Dilma's play
- E porque uma bagaça dessa não vaza ? Só vaza aúdios e depoimentos contra o PT ? -- Sandro Barroso
- Omg. he is Barlow! -- No Scary Ideas Mike
- Is James Frain this generation's Rutger Hauer? -- Pumpkin Spice Addams
- Hitcher is a great film , shaun beans good but kno rutger hauer -- paul
- Remake of The Hitcher, thoughts so far............Shit! Rutger Hauer owned the original, this one just doesn't have the same feel -- ScouseRules ⚽️ YNWA
- Why remake Why? I appreciate this was some time ago, but when you tune in expecting Rutger Hauer, anything else is a let down. -- Sue Panatrell
- Got all excited as The Hitcher is on...... But it's the remake ffs!! he is a legend You can keep Sean Bean!! -- Jaime-Ann Benedict
- Chronicles of Riddick: this guy who thinks he is Rutger Hauer. Dont make me LAUGH! -- GDOLCK
- Blow-drying Noah's hair so that he looks like Rutger Hauer never gets old. -- Tom Bradley
- Jeez. Ever had to go to the Parcelforce depot at the docks? I feel like he is gonna pop out and dismember me any second now. -- Rose Thorn
- Little known fact: at Rutgers the commencement speech is a Youtube video of Rutger Hauer's best movie moments. This is true. Every year. -- Hellena Ferrante
- He is Jason's Fairy Grandfather? I love it. -- Michaela C
- Asking for a friend who's really trying to focus on this rutger hauer movie rn -- jason
- So, best Rutger Hauer, BLADE RUNNER Rutger, or THE HITCHER Rutger? -- Jason the Doombot
- Malcolm McDowell is trapped in the future. He s being pursued by a cyberpunk from the past, played by Rutger Hauer -- Highbury Harold
- I am almost certain I have a co-worker who is played by Rutger Hauer. -- Sip McDrinky