Never be ashamed of having a crush on Stanley Tucci I'm a crusher
American actor (Famous from Winchell)
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He was named one of Top 100 Most Attractive Bald Head Men by our Man Crush Monday bloggers.
He was named one of Top 100 Most Attractive Bald Head Men by our Man Crush Monday bloggers.
Stanley Tucci is straight. He is sexy and many gay men wish he was gay. If you like him, just say it: I Ain't Ashamed of My Man Crush. He is bald (alopecia hair loss) and hot.
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Average Body: Stanley Tucci Mostra Il Sedere
Updated: 6 years ago (July 6, 2018, 12pm)Why People Have A Crush On Stanley Tucci
50+ man-crushers
Rated by - I know Stanley Tucci from he is so hot . His personality and smile makes him ever more attractive -- G
- I know Stanley Tucci from The Pelican Brief and A Midsummers Night Dream. The 2 hottest balding American Actor in the last 1/2 century. Jason Stratham is the hottest based solely on looks. Include acting ability and Stanley Tucci is the HOTTEST! -- HubDub
- What would we do without Stanley Tucci, really -- Caroline Lefebvre
- Stanley Tucci in Easy A is what I aspire to be. -- Victoria Meade
- Can we all just take a moment to appreciate how amazing of an actor he is -- Dionysian Debacle
- I'm in bed watching The Pelican Brief and I swear to god he is in every film ever. Like props to his agent for booking everything -- The Classy Gay™
- He is one of the only high points, brilliant in everything he's in -- Ross Blackaby
- Sometimes i forget that stanley tucci is that guy from the hunger games because all i can picture is doctor erskine and it's throwing me off -- steve
- He is seriously the most versatile white male actor in Hollywood. -- Katie Schenkel
- This Pittsburgh guy on My First Place is hot, rocking a young Stanley Tucci look. He has $100,000 saved for the down payment. -- John Morgan
- He is good in everything, even if not ever movie he's in is good. -- Hollister Dixon
- He is such a brilliant actor -- Angeleeca
- If a girl looking like Jessica Alba marries Stanley Tucci and they move to Astoria Oregon, then those really were shooting stars. -- ➰Marble➰
- Now he is in this film...I don't know what he does. OH and there's another plot with dinosaur metal. This movie's fun... -- Camwise Gamgee
- He is a genius. -- Amiee Collier
- Stanley Tucci please marry me you adorable, but oddly sexy cause you're just so adorable and funny, little man. -- Kal-El
- So in Burlesque, who would Channing Tatum equal to? Stanley Tucci? -- Czar Josh Ventura
- The only redeeming part of this idiot movie is Stanley Tucci. -- pavel_lishin
- He is a god among men. -- Alaina S.
- Starting my Stanley Tucci movie marathon. If anything is a good use of my time, this is. -- Molly
- Could Stanley Tucci and Patricia Clarkson in be the coolest parents ever? I think so. Parents take note. -- Eric Andrew
- He is sexy. -- OfTheWarmFuzzies
- Ooh stanley tucci is in it bless -- edwina,.,,
- Stanley Tucci in Easy A is my jam -- Jennifer Fandom
- Watched Margin Call (2011) last night. Really gripping banking drama, no John Grishamesque nonsense. Kevin Spacey& Stanley Tucci esp good. -- emma burns
- He is the greatest Hollywood actor at removing or putting on glasses/shades dramatically. -- Angel di MAHIA
- He is one of my faves -- mcfassy
- He is amazing in the movie... never would've thought, but it's awesome. -- WongHoiTing
- If you don't think he is the greatest actor of all time, your opinion is wrong -- Sasha Tiefenbacher
- He is my spirit animal -- tiffanypillowz
- Words can not explain how much I love Stanley Tucci. He is by far my favorite actor. I love him. -- vanessa
- Omg Maid in Manhattan has so many more people in it than i thought. Frances Conroy from AHS? Natasha Richarddson (rip) Stanley Tucci?!!!!! -- Rachel G
- He is beyond fabulous. -- Lauren Howard
- He is the best -- Jessica DeLuca
- Just now realizing he is in The Devil Wears Prada.. -- Viviann Lin
- Stanley Tucci in the lovely bones creeps me out so much -- Kayla
- Stanley Tucci in Easy A is the hottest dad ever. -- badcushion
- Except Stanley Tucci, who apparently lives near my office and is one of the best living actors today. -- Maggie M
- Hit up Bodega and Just saw Stanley Tucci at the Boston Museum of Fine Arts... Not a bad day if i say so myself -- R. R. Blouin
- Stanley tucci is my fave actor ever -- b(ella)trix
- -_- Shaun is adamant that Stanley Tucci (Caesar Flickerman in Hunger Games) is Adrian Pasdar (Nathan Petrelli in Heroes) He won't give in -- abby w
- He is Transformers AOE -- Connor McLeod
- Gente a cena dele em casa sozinho agora que eu parei pra pensar me lembrou muito the lovely bones e o stanley tucci né só que MAIS GOSTOSO -- sales
- Wait! There may be one reason to watch Stanley Tucci's performance is hilariously off the rails. -- Colin Clarke
- He is everywhere -- Zoe Erika
- He is the best gay straight guy on the planet -- Brenna
- Just ran into Mark Ruffalo, Stanley Tucci, and Liev Schreiber..... I don't know what to do with myself so I'm commenting about it -- Megan Smith
- If you're making a movie just remember, no matter what the script is, no matter how much $$ you can get 2 make it. Stanley Tucci will do it. -- Rory Scovel
- Sitting with Hank Azaria playing Stanley Tucci. I really couldn't ask for more. -- Jason Stout