Never be ashamed of having a crush on Stewart Granger I'm a crusher
Actor (Famous from Scaramouche (1952))
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Stewart Granger is straight. He is sexy and many gay men wish he was gay. If you like him, just say it: I Ain't Ashamed of My Man Crush. He has light brown hair. Scroll down and check out his athletic body, short and/or medium light brown hairstyles & haircuts.
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Why People Have A Crush On Stewart Granger
50+ man-crushers
Rated by - Stewart Granger's son called Jean's daughter "sis" on Facebook and I should not be reacting the way I am -- Emily
- Hennessey 5 star? Always thought of it as very sophisticated. A Stewart Granger tipple if you will -- G Man MBE
- The rule was "No autopsy, no foul." ~Stewart Granger, on the pickup games of his childhood -- Duba Basketball
- Did I mention Stewart Granger and Lana Turner are also in this Menudo eppy? No? YES. -- figlet
ParejasDePelícula : Deborah Kerr y Stewart Granger en "El prisionero de Zenda" R. Thorpe
view -- musebet
Western homo-eroticus en cinémascope et HD! Ou comment Stewart Granger et TCM vous font aimer le Western!
view -- Romain Duchesne
- Stewart Granger ... :) -- Countess Of Zucchini
- I must admit that I was in total awe of Stewart Granger. He was my idol. -- Kasi Faessler
- (Y) Rip " Stewart Granger". watching The Prisoner of Zenda (1952 film) -- نــظريــہ
- Fact: Stephen Boyd was originally set to star as Lot in Sodom and Gomorrah (1962), but dropped out. Stewart Granger was cast instead. -- Old Hollywood
- Burt Lancaster and Sean Connery and Kirk Douglas and Stewart Granger are still my father's favorite actors -- BoomBoom
- Aargh ! We read at school (pre O level) ( + film w/Stewart Granger of course) -- Stephanie Brooke
- Bunny Campione answering questions on her uncle Stewart Granger comes last to Mark Watson .Celebrity I love a good quiz . -- Tony Taboureau
- Stewart Granger started his career in Hull! Well I never -- Matt Hornshaw
- Is it bad that all I can think of right now is tight-panted Stewart Granger bounding up the stairs in Madonna of the Seven Moons? -- Dunh Dunh Drumm
- It's a classic Hollywood who's who on today: Stewart Granger, Anne Baxter and Lana Turner. Wowsers. -- Kelly
- Al Stewart Granger -- Chris K
- Rod Stewart Granger. -- The Rev Roger Dick
- Deborah had an affair with stewart granger and she was still married to bartley at the time?!?!?!! -- Anna
- Stewart Granger nudes -- grace googles
- Who in their right mind wouldn't take smart, urbane, sardonic James Mason over boringly handsome Stewart Granger? -- Elizabeth West
- All that said, helllooo hunky tight-clad Stewart Granger! -- MuseofIre
- DILF-y Stewart Granger. -- Gayer Than Thou
- KING SOLOMON'S MINES (1950) Deborah Kerr, Stewart Granger, Richard Carlson. Dir: Compton Bennett 4:00 PM ET -- Next On TCM
- Und auf läuft das Casting der Schafe und Engel... Dieter Bohlen Stewart Granger Harry Potter und Nena sind schon im Recall... -- AlltagYoda
- Colin O'donahue so like Stewart Granger. -- Karen Lynne Foreman
- Mega flashbacks to being five and sitting glued to the tv the first time my grandad showed me Errol Flynn & Stewart Granger BEST BEST BEST -- B
- Me vs my hatred of stewart granger vs how many jean clippings i collect about him and jean's marriage -- Emily
- Fabian! John Wayne! Ernie Kovacs! Stewart Granger! Still watching old movies on broadcast telly bc we are cable-less. -- The Sleep Apneist
- I used to get Stewart Granger & James Stuart mixed up when I was young. Recently found out S Granger was born named James Stewart! Headfuck! -- BIGJONBULL
- Auch ein Klassiker. U.a. mit Pierre Brice, Elke Sommer, Götz George, Terence Hill und Stewart Granger schaut Unter Geiern -- Andreas Lang
- Re last RT, recalling the time my mother wrote a eulogy for a friend that began with: "When Ania broke into Stewart Granger's hotel room..." -- Liz Anderson
- "And now - he is in love with Cyd Charisse, the Indian princess!" I'M SLAPPING MYSELF CYD CHARISSE IS WHITE AF FROM TEXAS -- kellsie
- Stewart Granger, you were THE MAN. Why did they stop producing such men. WHY? WHY? WHY? -- الآنسة سريعة
- Oh right! Black Narcissus! knew I've seen the face before! as for Stewart Granger, 1st time seeing him & won't look for more, really. -- Maj
- The actor Stewart Granger, changed his name because didn't like his real name. James Stewart. -- muyaba matenda
- James Stewart Granger (Übrigens hießen beide real James Stewart) -- Martin Söchting
- I have just spent a night in, Stewart Granger's old house in Bournmouth. If you don't know who he is you must be young. -- Gary Bland
- Why is Stewart Granger's hairline so....Dracula-ish -- frankie quinn
- KING SOLOMON'S MINES (1950) O: Andrew Marton & Compton Bennett N: Stewart Granger, Deborah Kerr / * Retkikunta keskellä pimeintä Afrikkaa. -- Tapani Maskula
- I just got Stewart Granger's book in the mail. TODAY OF ALL DAYS. Thank you Jeansus -- chelsey
- Sometimes I wonder if I'd be rich if I looked like Stewart Granger. -- Mo~Faux~Pas
- Why is Stewart Granger's hairline so....Dracula-ish -- frankie
- Pretty ez to replace Stewart Granger in Strangers On a Train remake, but there is only ONE Robert Walker. -- John Nolte
- "I don't know which was the greatest disaster: my career or my wives." - Stewart Granger -- celebrity Secrets
- Watched "Queen Bess" (1953) with Jean Simmons and Stewart Granger (not to mention Charles Laughton). Draggy in the middle, but not bad. -- Richard Zuelch
- Stewart Granger. The other Peter Lawford. -- sjglass
- Stewart granger ripped off jean simmons' earrings and necklace, spat 'don't wear my wife's perfume again' then grabbed her by the throat... -- Pierrette Steinchen
- Would like to see some major remake of (Stewart Granger &Jean Simmons) on the big screen. -- David Renton