Never be ashamed of having a crush on Sullivan Truck I'm a crusher
(Famous from Monsters Inc.)
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Sullivan Truck is straight. He has multi-colored hair. Scroll down and check out his short and/or medium multi-colored hairstyles & haircuts.
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Why People Have A Crush On Sullivan Truck
10 man-crushers
Rated by - 92 gang is some bullshit don t even try to convince me otherwise. 16 years old at maximum -- sullivan truck
- why are you german -- swan
- imagine being annoying -- altus
- Amerikaner halt -- Free 🇨🇾 from 🇹🇷‘s grubby hands
- I wonder what car s houses look like -- Raoul ÇaRoule
- sorry to break this to you, but random doesnt equal funny -- Notjohndoe321
- thank you kind stranger -- snek (gone)
- Cool -- Billy Oilchanger
- I love the Vic, Miller, and Sullivan truck -- Formerly known as med school
- Everyone agrees Fillmore and Sullivan Truck should be together from Cars. -- Fandom ShipBot