Never be ashamed of having a crush on Ashley Judd I'm a crusher
American actress (Famous from Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood)
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She was named one of All-American Women by our Woman Crush Wednesday bloggers.

She was named one of All-American Women by our Woman Crush Wednesday bloggers.
Ashley Judd is straight. She is a sexy and fabulous woman. Men love her. She has dark brown hair. Scroll down and check out her short and/or medium dark brown hairstyles & haircuts.
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Average Body: Ashley Judd & Jane Fonda Meet Up at White House Correspondents Dinner 2015
Updated: 9 years ago (April 25, 2015, 9pm)... [Read More on CNN]
Why People Have A Crush On Ashley Judd
50+ girl-crushers
Rated by - After I saw the divine secrets of the yaya sisterhood and the scene where ashley judd gets overwhelmed by all her kids being sick -- Brianna Willis
- If I'm being completely honest, I don't actually know who she is. -- Rachel Elizabeth ✈
- She is so hot -- Marie
- She is in this episode so I guess this is he one where Wesley crusher gets an onscreen kiss -- stupid sad dog
- Wasn't gone girl done already? I think Ashley Judd "killed" her husband but not really. -- T'Shurah Dove
- First Lady Ashley Judd quit takin roles where you end marked up. I miss you when you're dead and gone. Simon Birch it is heart wrenchingyo -- American Wildcard
- But seriously, who casts Harry Connick Jr. and Ashley Judd in a movie, with no intention of them getting together? -- Kandis Seaver
- Damn you Shailene Woodley why you gotta act so good? :''( that scene with Ashley Judd -- Miri
- Can I borrow someone's notes from Ashley Judd's discussion about ISIS last night on I kept getting behind, I mean so much to take in. -- YourComicMuse
- I confided in Netflix that I have an interest in Ashley Judd thrillers. Our relationship changed. The respect is gone. -- Zachary Orwan
- Ashley Judd really chose her words succinctly and articulate. Well schooled intellectualism at it's essence. -- Henry Palmer
- She is on CNN rn and she's KILLIN IT -- Taliana Spears
- Patriarchy is not men, it's a system.~Ashley Judd -- Iwan Pranoto
- Announce that Keira knightley is Natalie Portman, is she is Brook Shields, is Mika Brezinski! -- Dinesh S. Sastry
- "My vocation is to make my life an act of worship". -Ashley Judd -- jessy colon
- Was watching crap film w/ Ashley Judd set in San Francisco bout serial killer but 'twere crap so now I'm watching Zodiac. Again. Nth time. -- Briiiiiiiiiiiiiiiian
- Nude awakening! Bra-less Ashley Judd, 46, stands out wearing a VERY tight bandage dress tht shows off her rock hard abs Youngr thn her years -- gregorg
- She is looking hotter than ever these days! On Monday, the 46-year-old Dolphin Tale 2 star stepped out in New York City -- Peter Lubega
- Bug with she is such a strange movie but I can't stop watching -- Kacey Bennett
- William Friedkin's BUG is on TMC right now. It's quite good, but this is most notable in the universe in which Ashley Judd ran for Senate. -- David Roth
- Ashley judd is so -- madi
- Hillary Clinton's cool. She doesn't have crack problems. she is clean and sober. What do you enjoy doing? -- Anthony
- She is gorgeous. -- Johnny Storm
- I will be so sad if wins re-election and will be so pissed @ shoulda have run Ashley Judd -- chimezie
- In bizarro 2014 election cycle, she is leading Mitch McConnell by 5 points in Kentucky (and readily admitting she voted for Obama). -- Steve Krakauer
- She is a embarrassment to Hollywood such a shame actors and actress have lost their marbles. Madonna just another freak with no life -- Michelle
- So my girlfriend admitted to not knowing; who Method man & Redman is, the movie 'How High' and who she is. Omg I feel fucking old. -- Tony Brown
- Just one question about Double Jeopardy: Is it true that Ashley Judd could shoot her husband and there's not a damn thing they could do? -- John Levenstein
- It's hard to believe beautiful Ashley Judd and Wynona are half sisters as funny looking as he is. Sorry to be shallow. -- Travis Bickle
- Ha! bonus very young Ashley Judd. Forgot she was in TNG. -- Claire
- She is having the talk! -- Terri Speights
- She is not cute -- Sandra_Ky
- Ashley Judd in Double Jeopardy is my new spirit animal -- Emma
- She is to Star Trek TNG: The Game what Carey Mulligan is to Doctor Who: Blink. Its destined-for-big-screen guest star. -- Laura Slattery
- She is a cougar -- Aaron Alejo
- She is perfect! -- Vlade Divac
- Ashley Judd in double jeopardy is that bish -- Hailey Frerichs
- She is a babeeee -- ❤Doll
- Somewhere out there, Hillary Clinton is gnashing her teeth and wishing Ashley Judd would just shut up before she costs HC a million votes. -- Mocking Ashley Judd
- Ashley Judd in double jeopardy is a 10. -- Ben Quinn
- According 2 Ashley Judd's manager I'm not allowed 2 smoke her pipe or flip her pancake so wtf am I supposed 2 do today 2 impress my parents? -- Dirty David The 3rd
- A dolphins tale 2... Cast full of singers. Harry Connick Jr, Kris Kristoffersen, Ashley Judd... So where are the songs?! -- Gina Murray
- Um so I just realized they don't give Ashley Judd's character CPR in the movie Simon Birch...what?? lol -- Bobbie Jean
- We just had this great chemistry together and really felt like a family Tony Goldwyn about Ashley Judd, Ansel Elgort and Shailene Woodley -- Lynch Mailes
- She is so bad. -- Bae Sremmurd
- She is a fool in double jeopardy -- Jose Govea
- She is touching herself. .. -- King Johnny
- "Double Jeopardy" with she is STILL one of my all time favorite movies -- Aurora
- Why does no one ever talk about what a freaking fantastic movie "Double Jeopardy" with she is? What's wrong with everybody? -- Annamarie Davidson
- Ima let you finish but ashley judd saying fuck you to being buried alive & beasting outta a coffin is the greatest movie scene of ALL-TIME -- Ichabod CRINE