Never be ashamed of having a crush on Corin Tucker I'm a crusher
American musician (Famous from Sleater-Kinney)
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Corin Tucker is BISEXUAL. She is a sexy and fabulous woman. Men love her. She has blonde hair. Scroll down and check out her short and/or medium blonde hairstyles & haircuts.
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Why People Have A Crush On Corin Tucker
50+ girl-crushers
Rated by - I know Corin Tucker from the incident in Central Park in 1997. We still love her though. -- The Indie Tooth
- The upside of my neighbor blasting Corin Tucker's "Kill my blues" extremely loud is that the album is much better than I remembered it being -- Dominic Mariano
- Reminder that Corin Tucker makes Carrie Brownstein sing vocals on a song about herself playing herself in the song. -- YOLO Gurl 69
- Now Playing Neskowin by The Corin Tucker Band -- WKNC 88.1FM Playlist
- Dragon - The Corin Tucker Band -- The WIRE
- The Corin Tucker Band 1,000 Years Sleater Kinney -- ζ石ж井Υ稔ф久θ
- I Wanna Be Your Joey Ramone by Sleater-Kinney. I want pictures of Corin Tucker on my bedroom door, but I doubt Posette approves. -- Poseur
- The main nice thing about heavens to betsy is corin tucker screams unintelligably more than in sleater-kinney -- flowerpunk
- Just played: Doubt - Corin Tucker - 1,000 Years(Kill Rock Stars) -- 97.7 WRNC
- Listening to Corin Tucker sing and being like "I AM NOT WORTHY OF YOUR COOLNESS" is going to be my day-to-day agenda for a while -- Ryo Miyauchi
- Sleater-Kinney is back together and I got tickets! *Corin Tucker howl* -- Kerith Burke
- Is it in THE PUNK SINGER where Corin Tucker talks about "girls to the front" and discusses the difficulties of punk w/ women and mosh pits? -- Willow, but now evil
- I got in the car and Sleater-Kinney's "Bury Your Friends" was playing. This is why she isn't an advise columnist. -- lelak
- My first year of college I saw corin tucker & wild flag in concert only a couple months apart so i've basically seen the s-k reunion, right? -- Ivy
- The only different between corin tucker & beyonce is that lance bangs can't rap. don't even test me on this honestly i will destroy you. -- FranKristein Scales
- Also check out "Calculated" by Heavens To Betsy. Because she is amazing. -- Jerry Brokeheimer
- Thanks teenage corin tucker for being a badass bitch and trying to destroy the archetypes and patriarchy I love you a lot -- Nasia
- She is so badass -- Christopher
- My sister just told me she didn't like corin tucker's voice because it was "grating," so I killed her. happy thanksgiving. -- Sleighs on Film
- Corin Tucker Band is surprisingly good -- Arseniy Kirichenko
- @ 05:12:21 ET: "Doubt" by The Corin Tucker Band from "1,000 Years" (2010) -- Underground 107.9
- 'The world does not deserve to hear Corin Tucker in roaring-lion form like this, but we re getting it anyway.' Well played Stereogum. -- Matthew Fey
- Corin tucker's voice. -- taryn hipp
- I'm jealous of Lance Bangs because he's married to Corin Tucker and he gets to work with some of the coolest comedians and musicians. -- MC Liz
- Will Corin Tucker's voice spark a spell causing all our cycles to sync up? I hope so -- stefanie j
- Being directly in front of Corin Tucker and seeing her face as she sang was an experience I will never forget. -- Sam Quattro
- Corin Tucker has done this whole show playing a super fat neck Les Paul Jr so now I feel like a nerd for liking skinny necks on everything -- Mike Smaczylo
- "Hey Darling" on the consistently excellent new album is unquestionably Corin Tucker's finest vocal moment . . . impressive -- Clark Benson
- She is such a badass. -- Dakota Swaggin'
- The only dress I care about is the one Corin Tucker was wearing while she exorcised her voice demon for an hour a half -- Eliza C. Thompson
- She is the queen of the universe. -- Lauren M
- Thoughts. 1. Sleater-Kinney is a great band. 2. she is one of the best singers alive. 3. Terminal 5 really, really sucks. -- GuyPatrickCunningham
- When I was 15 Corin tucker gave me a waterbottle after the philly show in a sweltering unairconditioned Trocadero & I was like she's so nice -- Angelicastiltskin
- I really should have listened to this Corin Tucker band CD a long time ago -- Dr. Reyzl Rumpington
- Janet Weiss is ruling the kit. I'm unashamedly swooning over Carrie Brownstein's dance moves. Corin Tucker has the voice of God. -- Ash
- She is everything -- Chris Modisette
- I'm within proximity of Corin Tucker and everything is great. -- Elene Perry
- She is the epitome of badass. That is all. -- Jules
- Why is Corin tucker the cutest person ever -- cool schmool
- So Corin Tucker eats meat. Her biggest fanboy loser is a vegetarian. Somethings got to give. -- Stannis
- Someoen teach me how to play guitar so i can be corin tucker -- ♀ h a l s e y ♀
- Corin tucker in plaid & jeans means more to me than I thought it would and I'm unequipped to deal with this rn -- Sales on Film
- My reactions to charlie cox oscillate between [fka twigs breathy noises] and [corin tucker scream] -- guildenstern
- WRNC_Live: Just played: Handed Love - Corin Tucker - 1,000 Years(Kill Rock Stars) -- Tim Kamvak JKT48
- Couldn't figure out why someone asked if I was OK. I was sitting alone in my office chugging coffee while Corin Tucker wailed over speakers. -- Amy Spalding
- Hung out with Corin Tucker in my dream last night. Dang it. -- Kassi Hampton
- The Corin Tucker Band -- Sinead Myers
- Happy mother's day corin tucker! -- Karen C