Never be ashamed of having a crush on Denise Riley I'm a crusher
English poet and philosopher
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Why People Have A Crush On Denise Riley
50+ girl-crushers
Rated by - Today I heard someone say that Lure by Denise Riley was twee and I nearly fucking punched him -- Fern Richards
- At the SouthBankCentre celebrating with Denise Riley, S. Ely & Z. Kunial. The Pity: Modern Responses 2 War -- A'rachid Fidow
- you going to be at for The Pit: Modern Responses to War? W/ Denise Riley, Steve Ely, Warsan Shire and Zaffar Kunial? -- The New Current ©
- "Death's tidied up in rows and lists" Denise Riley on the legacy of World War 1. Contemporary poets write about war 2 Oct 6pm -- PoetrySociety
- Denise Riley, Sam Willetts,. - 12 poets for nowt. -- Garbage Poet
- The musical interlude that followed was less spectacular, but I don't imagine we'll see Denise Riley on the maracas again -- Ron Paste
- Me denise riley and jack all showed up without make up today wooo -- cunt
- Denise Riley, guys. She gets it. -- trisha red campbell
- Thanks for yesterday's great seminar at Freud Museum with Deryn Rees-Jones, Denise Riley, Sam Willetts, David Constantine. -- ruth davis
- So, Denise Riley anyone? -- Postmodern Perusal
- Camille Barbagallo setting out to rescue childcare from its "dispiriting and dutiful heaviness" (Denise Riley). -- WomenWork&Value
- Loving Denise Riley on punctuation and affect: "the arch or the sarcastic apostrophes or scare quotes to highlight a vexing word... -- Matthew Sperling
- Won t you be summoned up once more / By my prancing and writhing in a dozen / Mawkish modes of reedy piping to you Denise Riley -- Peter D. Fokes
- I met Denise Riley last night. I intercepted her at the drinks table & told her I love her & repeated my name 3x in hope she'll remember me. -- Amy Key
- Is that clear as a glass stem cup its chill in its own throat - 'Rhetorical' by Denise Riley -- James Cummins
- Again, echoing Denise Riley: "Am I that name?", in relation to categorical thinking in South Africa 2015. -- AC Fick
- "«Murieron» no es punto final en la sintaxis de la vida", dice Denise Riley, en un poema que se publicó en Luvina. -- Fuga de Letras
- A day spent justly: tended to roses, photographed season's 1st bunch of strawberries in my garden, read Denise Riley. Thnx to Yoga. Joy -- June Nandy
- "Winds ruck up its skin so the sea tilts from red-blue / to blue-red: " Denise Riley -- barb milne
- 'A Horatian Ode on Accosting Denise Riley in Edinburgh Waverley Station to Apologise for Not Being Able to Make Her Reading.' -- david wheatley
- It's a week today until Denise Riley's new book of poems is published. I'm getting pretty excited. -- Adam Warne
- Thanks to all who come to our Denise Riley / Sophie Collins reading last night. One of the best we've had recently. -- Scottish Poetry Lib
- I saw denise riley & sophie collins read at the poetry library tonight & it was the best reading i've ever been to -- Dominic Hale
- But hot *damn* Denise Riley's new book is good. -- Joey Connolly
- The new Denise Riley collection arrived in the post this morning: weekend is sorted. -- Theodoros Chiotis
- When u spend £25 on a denise riley book because it is just SO NECESSARY -- Imogen Cassels
- Isn't Denise Riley's book cover startling? Waiting to get to grip with the contents until my PBS copy arrives. -- Niall Campbell
- "Time took your love - now time will take its time." - Denise Riley (eeeeeeeeeee so good) -- Isabel Galleymore
- My heart is breaking over Denise Riley's 'Say Something Back': had to put it down to catch a breath. -- Daisy Artichoke
- So happy to see Vahni Capildeo, Denise Riley and Melissa Lee-Houghton up for the Forward Prize this year! -- friends
- When I was a child I spoke as a thrush, I / thought as a clod, I understood as a stone, .. Denise Riley. Goose bumps. -- Katharine Towers
- Hymns ancient / & modern, buoy us up / though I am faithless. (Denise Riley, "'When we cry to Thee'") -- Andrew Shields
- Carter, Miranda July, Chris Kraus, Denise Riley, Sarah Kane. What do our followers think? Any fans of these writers? -- Dead Women Poets
- So many people on my feed talking about Denise Riley's 'Say Something Back'. Easy to overestimate how much poetry means to the nation. -- Ros Brown
- Plus work on Denise Riley's latest collection & the Tate's Switch House. Feeling grateful to be a small part of something good! -- Tilly Rossetti
- Echoing phrase of the day: 'Marxism for infants' as cast by Orwell & re-worked by the matchless Denise Riley. 1/2 -- Lyndsey Stonebridge
- 'What to do now is clear and wordless. You will bear what can not be borne.' --From 'Say Something Back' by Denise Riley -- Shinie Antony
- Denise Riley, Alice Oswald, Vahni Capildeo -- the weight of intellect between these 3 women is astounding. -- Kei Miller
- "Hope is an inconsistent joy / Yet blazed to renew / Its lambert resurrections of / those gone ahead of you." - Denise Riley -- T. S. Eliot Prize
- Reading 'Say something back' by Denise Riley. She likes to use the word 'gaily' a lot. Then again once is probably enough. -- James Giddings
- I read 14 Denise Riley poems in 1.5 miles walking -- Gregory Kearns
- Tá escrito Denise Riley e eu leio Daisy Ridley -- Ingrid Frandji
- I spent this morning reading Denise Riley Language as Affect - game over. I will never write with such charm. -- Daniella Moritz
- Laura Kilbride draws a 'bad map' (her words) in recce of new poetry in latest Cambridge Quarterly, inc. John Wilkinson, Denise Riley -- Clare
- is a Poet All Poets are mortal Con- All she is mortal (true) Some she is mortal (x) -- Ravinder Kumar
- Tearing up while working on my introduction for Denise Riley this evening.... -- Carrie Etter
- I'm looking forward to hearing Denise Riley read tonight in Bath. -- Josephine Corcoran
- In bath to listen to Denise Riley read. I'm told this will be excellent - the apparent sell-out of the event gives this credence! -- Sam Loveless
- Deborah Findlay (Maureen) guested as Denise Riley in Torchwood: Children of Earth in 2009. -- Who's On TV