Never be ashamed of having a crush on Doona Bae I'm a crusher
Actress and model (Famous from Cloud Atlas)
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She was named one of Top 100 Hottest Korean Women by our Woman Crush Wednesday bloggers.
She was named one of Top 100 Hottest Korean Women by our Woman Crush Wednesday bloggers.
Doona Bae is straight. Scroll down and check out her short and medium hairstyles.
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Why People Have A Crush On Doona Bae
50+ girl-crushers
Rated by - I know Doona Bae from Cloud Atlas. I fell in love with her character, so sweet and innocent. -- Slim
- Doona bae is in this channing tatum movie! omg. i'm so excited. is it july yet. -- holly
- Oh cool. We get to see Doona Bae naked! -- Rod Live Tweets
- HD watched lists : Cloud Atlas (Doona Bae) = F -- Chinnapol Ngarmjit
- La verdad es singular. Sus versiones son falta de verdad- Doona Bae, Cloud Atlas. -- Adrian José.
- aber das selbe geht natürlich auch noch für die anderen schauspieler XD Halle Berry, Doona Bae, Jim Broadbent,...alle spielen... -- Kimi
- Today's other random thought: how much is jim sturgess relishing the fact that he literally gets to call doona "bae" -- 爱莎
- Jim Sturgess e Doona Bae namorando desde o caramba a 4 e eu só fiquei sabendo hj -- letícia
- DOONA BAE is in Paris -- I Love DOONA BAE
- Linda linda linda la vi por Doona Bae -- Rebeca
- In fact... get the Wachowski's to direct Ghost In The Shell, and replace Scarlett Johansson with Doona Bae, and that'll be interesting to me -- Anthony Hillman
- Doona bae -- ~☃NOT CHILD KING.☃~
- Seeing Rob and Tahliah make me miss seeing pics of ZEfron and Sami and Jim Sturgess and Doona Bae! -- Lozlalazza
- She is bae -- Chili
- Tom Hanks, Halle Berry, Jim Broadbent, Hugo Weaving, Jim Sturgess, Doona Bae, Ben Whishaw, James D Arcy, Xun Zhou, Keith David... -- Erinç Can
- I am so in love with doona bae ha ha h el p -- Jess X
- Doona bae is such a bae -- chicken
- Who's your favourite bounty hunter? I love Doona Bae so will have to say Razo - she also has awesome threads. -- JupiterAscendingFilm
- Some crushes you'll just never really get over. Today's reminders are Doona Bae and Ashly Burch. -- Damon R. Nagy
- Doona bae is queen i love her -- cameron
- Official Announcement: My new favorite actor is... *Drumroll... Doona Bae -- Sir Hellius Plusius
- She is Korean for extreme hotness! -- j oz
- Eu só queria ser doona bae -- guilherme
- She is so cool in Sense8 -- calcifer
- Between Sense8, Cloud Atlas, and Jupiter Ascending I think we can all agree that she is amazing. -- GoferDad
- Sense8 me lembra MUITO de cloud atlas não só a história é parecidinha, mas os diretores do filme são OS MESMOS e doona bae, claro -- álvaro
- Doona bae is on sense8!!!! omg. i need to watch na. -- i ❤ rhian
- She is about to whoop this boy's ASS! -- #JeSuisCharleston
- If Doona Bae wanted to beat me up I would be so happy. -- Lisa Bee
- She is a total bae -- Dalia
- I just really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really love Doona Bae. -- Revan
- Doona Bae ia so beautiful that makes me feel sad everytime I look at the mirror lok -- #사법용이정희
- Sun real name is Doona Bae which sounds mad hood and I love it. -- Scott Chilgrim
- I mean, she is her name. HER NAME IS BAE. What more do you want? -- ✂ ✂ ✂
- I'm so in love with doona bae -- heather
- Doona bae is my fucking bae since god of study -- missa's love
- Holy fuck she is the best. THE BEST -- Rowan Kaiser
- I'm so sad that Doona Bae and Jim Sturgess broke up... Like wow... is there even any hope for anyone anymore... I cant go on its too much -- ❁MEGS @ SDCC❁
- She is bae. -- Joey!
- Ok the coolest thing about so far besides Doona Bae being in it. I love that they are using Sigur Rós as the background music -- TheBamaBromo!
- I love doona bae so much -- claud
- She is baaaaeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -- Fird
- She is in it and none of you told me?! -- kane
- Someone needs to make a Doona Bae action film because I would pay so much just to watch her punch things for ninety minutes -- Cameron Colwell
- Doona bae is so cool -- lukas
- She is THE BEST part about Sense8. Goddamn, girl. -- Kari Torson
- Sense8: *Caiphus is in serious deep deadly shit* Me: I can't take this. Sun needs to just show up. Sense8: *suddenly, Doona Bae* Me: YAAASS! -- Nicole Campos
- DooNa Bae is bae. -- Baby Lawyer
- She is bae -- Kung Führer