Never be ashamed of having a crush on Eleanor Parker I'm a crusher
American, Actress (Famous from Detective Story (1951))
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She was named one of Top 100 Hottest Jewish Female Celebrities by our Woman Crush Wednesday bloggers.
She was named one of Top 100 Hottest Jewish Female Celebrities by our Woman Crush Wednesday bloggers.
Eleanor Parker is straight. She is a sexy and fabulous woman. Men love her. She has dyed red hair. Scroll down and check out her slim body, short and/or medium dyed red hairstyles & haircuts.
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Why People Have A Crush On Eleanor Parker
50+ girl-crushers
Rated by - Happy new years and tonight my drink of choice is a double vodka lemsip x -- ellie
- I think it was yesterday? -- Poopy Pants
- {meanwhile, dans la chambre jaune:} -Eleanor Parker. [«Scaramouche» (1952).] -- Samuel Kozabue
- The lovely Eleanor Parker -- Christopher James
- Eleanor Parker! -- Hits56 Radio
- Eleanor Parker captada por John Cronwell en Sin Remisión (Caged) cc -- Rubén Redondo
- I see you, I think Paulette Goddard, Eleanor Parker, Hedy Lamarr, Ava Gardner & Lauren Bacall all rolled into one amazing lady! -- Gregory9
- Eleanor Parker + with Richard Haydn on set of The Sound of Music - -- vintage_actors
- Eleanor Parker? Robert Walker? -- Chris Green
- Eleanor Parker, una actriz maravillosa, una estrella que siempre vivirá -- Mario
- And then this set randomly has a TV movie from 1972 starring Sally Field, Jessica Walter, Eleanor Parker, and Walter Brennan. -- The Mike
- Eleanor Parker with daughter Susan, 1949 -- the high numbers
- Slowly realizing that Eleanor Parker in "The Voice of the Turtle" is actually me always. -- Clementine
- But who is Scaramouche? And why does he hide his face behind a mask? - Lenore (Eleanor Parker) in Scaramouche (1952) -- Fyodr Arrault
- Eleanor Parker---- -- Junior.
- Mas agora vou ler Eleanor & Parker e não sei se vou gostar, fica aí a expectativa '-' -- albuquerquelaara.
- There IS a movie called Scaramouche! How funny. And Janet Leigh starred next to Eleanor Parker in the 1952 film. Don't mind if I do. -- Richard Brown
- Right, I need to learn how to do smoky eye like Eleanor Parker's makeup in this scene -- Crow
- Hole in the Head has the better cast. Edward G Robinson? Eleanor Parker? Thelma Ritter? Heck yeah! -- Jandy
- THE MYSTERIOUS DOCTOR (1943) John Loder, Eleanor Parker, Bruce Lester. Dir: Ben Stoloff 7:30 AM ET -- Next On TCM
- Feel so awkz that i didnt borrow some romance book or smth bc i usually do, and i hope Eleanor & Parker is still available!!!! -- redbutt
- Eleanor Parker annoys me much like Jennifer Jones does... -- Ta...Ta...Tammy
- Julie Andrews & Eleanor Parker juntas en una película es demasiado. -- Merari V.♡
- Eleanor Parker was so hot! -- Chica Bonita
- Alaealine tüdruk räägib muusika täht eleanor parker päriselus arukas blondiin kalle klandorfi nõunik jelena kalbina värvis juuksed tumedaks -- Mis uudist?
- Time for a double feature with one of my favorites, Eleanor Parker! First: Kirk Douglas in William Wyler's DETECTIVE STORY! -- WESTination Murder
- This film w bby eleanor parker and dennis morgan -- Flor.
- "Che tu ti permetta di amarmi, se puoi". Ronald Reagan alla bellissima Eleanor Parker che in un vecchio film gli chiedeva: "Che cosa vuoi?". -- Gianni Greco
- Cara Eleanor &Parker é muito lindoooooooooooo -- anaicul
- Never Say Goodbye 1946 Errol Flynn And Eleanor Parker Cute Black & White Movie Of A Little Girl Wanting Her Parents 2Gather & Baby Brother -- Ana Mendoza
- I am an emotional puddle because Eleanor Parker died today. -- †Danielle†
- She is my face goal -- taylor vandgrift
- Eleanor Parker rocked her role so well. Died last year at 91. actress. -- Crashowitz
- She is fabulous in every way even though she's a bitch in this scene. -- BillyHoward423
- Eleanor Parker had the most gorgeous costumes in The Sound of Music. So classic the could be worn today. -- SandraM
- She is GORGEOUS in this preview! -- Rachel E Kellogg
- That dress is fab. Rest in peace Eleanor Parker. Best Baroness ever. -- mir
- She is so hot wow -- sarah
- Eleanor Parker in is my current fashion icon! She looks unbelievably perfect. Her hair <3 -- Helen James
- 1922 6 26 Eleanor Parker -- 366日相互フォロー@6月26日
- Actrices fabulosas como Patricia Neal y Eleanor Parker perdiendo el tiempo en "Tres secretos" (Robert Wise, 1950). Talento desperdiciado. -- bel kendall
- Eleanor & Parker Posey -- Martina Boone
- Robert Mitchum has never been more of a terrible shit and Eleanor Parker never so steely and brittle -- Lucy Fife Donaldson
- Realmente espero que Fangirl no termine con un final como el de Eleanor & Parker. -- Dariana Horan ♡
- I m watching a dreadful film with Kirk Douglas and Eleanor Parker. They re acting like they re bored with the roles. Can t say I blame them. -- Philip Wilson
- Fact: Eleanor Parker was required to have her blonde hair buzzed off to the scalp for her role as a female convict in Caged (1950). -- Celebrity Facts ;)
- I like this film particularly the performances of Kim Novak, Eleanor Parker and Arnold Stang. -- FilmMad
- Eleanor Parker, I'm just speechless -- Charlotte Malcolm
- There s nothing more irresistible to a man than a woman who s in love with him. Eleanor Parker The Sound of Music 1965 -- Movie Lines