
Never be ashamed of having a crush on Morgana
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Morgana is straight. She is a real woman. So you have a girl-crush on her? Go ahead and check out the pictures below -- so hot! Scroll down and check out her short and medium hairstyles.

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Why People Have A Crush On Morgana

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3 star rating
Rated by 50+ girl-crushers
  • 3 star rating I really just watched this entire documentary about Morgana The Kissing Bandit --
  • 1 star rating This kissing bandit woman is adorable Morgana you are my inspiration of Extrovert turned << Introvert --
  • 2 star rating Lol I did lose 5 lbs.... But since being over break.. Which has been only a week I've gained it all back --
  • 1 star rating I /really/ am not in the mood for going after future Morgana...just having Robin relax for the most part. No fighting. :\ --
  • 3 star rating Llevo tres días en Silver I y ya me aburre. Me voy a Victorious Morgana... quiero decir Gold V. --
  • 3 star rating To sendo MUITO sinica com a morgana pq eu to MEGA BRABA com ela, só não sei se ela ta notando --
  • 5 star rating Chamar alguém de "mor" só se for a Morgana --
  • 4 star rating To pensando em comprar as ultimas 2 skins da morgana só pelo hype --
  • 3 star rating Morgana, Violet, Jade, Rosemary, Hazel, Arabella... demasiados nomes para conseguir decidir num só --
  • 5 star rating Não adianta fazer nada neh cara , só aceitar a merda do servidor ... um cara de zed mid fazendo grevas , uma morgana supp 0/9 .. --
  • 5 star rating Slowly but surely my love for shoes is growing --
  • 1 star rating So, seeing as how I'm Gold now, I can just stop playing and still get the victorious Morgana skin? SWEEEEEEET! --
  • 4 star rating My heart is about to implode watching tonight. Go !!!!!! --
  • 4 star rating owwww i've reached my goal. Being mentioned by morgana. --
  • 1 star rating Mask & Mirror is amazing! If you want an incredible(y well priced) piece by Morgana Wallace come by before it's all sold! --
  • 4 star rating Wait is this season's championship morgana or shyv after all? --
  • 3 star rating As vezes nao entendo a Morgana, eu acho q ela ta falando comigo mas so ta pensando alto kk --
  • 5 star rating --Merlin: I'm sorry. I didn't realize that. Hilde / Old Morgana: It's a very painful memory. I'm sure she'd rather not dwell on it. -- --
  • 5 star rating A semana só começa com a academia --
  • 4 star rating A Morgana deve ter algum problema com as minhas bochechas, so pode --
  • 2 star rating só vai haver uma maioria relativa, quer dizer era preciso muito ainda para o PSD ter maioria absoluta --
  • 5 star rating MORGANA IS <3......morg ka lng sapat na!!! :D --
  • 5 star rating I really hate Morgana in The adventures of Merlin --
  • 3 star rating So... Morgana and Mordred will be responsible for Arthur's death? I am so freaking angry. --
  • 2 star rating Joguei uma normal de Morgana super bem e quando vo jogar com os meninos fico nervosa e só faço merda --
  • 2 star rating He also confirms it is Victorious Morgana if any of you REALLY doubted the teaser image from last month :P --
  • 2 star rating Morgana fica me mandando foto do niver só p mim ficar na curiosidade pq não vi todas ainda, ai ai kkkkkk --
  • 5 star rating E como a skin vitoriosa é da morgana eu não perco muito, só queria a skin pra ganhar um campeão de gratis.. mas como já tenho a morg :/ --
  • 1 star rating Não aguentei com morgana hj , o menino pediu o wpp dela e ela sò n deu pq o telefone dele era um pockt uehuehhe --
  • 1 star rating So apparently I suck with Cassiopeia if I'm not playing her in ARAM. I also apparently can wreck shit as Morgana. --
  • 4 star rating Alllllso really glad i got evelynn & morgana asdfghjkl. --
  • 3 star rating Morgana me chamo no facebook só pra dizer "vem trocar a Hagháta" hahahaha --
  • 1 star rating So today i had a league match against a yasuo, morgana, jungle yi and teemo. it was the most potato thing I've ever seen. --
  • 5 star rating I'm one of those ppl that only need to do something once to know I'm not doing it again. Getting preg again is on that not doing it list! --
  • 5 star rating That morgana support is |<3 --
  • 5 star rating I so deserve that Morgana skin... But shit --
  • 5 star rating Fico feliz quando o crush da Morgana fala com ela (adoro cuidar da vida alheia, eu sei) --
  • 4 star rating Why play morgana when every other support champion is more fun --
  • 4 star rating Só a morgana pra entender minha necessidade de miojo --
  • 5 star rating I love morgana so much --
  • 5 star rating Só de imaginar você aqui --
  • 5 star rating My she is actually decent! --
  • 5 star rating Morgana so fala merda mej deis --
  • 4 star rating So I have 95.0 KDA on Morgana right now, decent I guess. --
  • 5 star rating Lol is the best game in the world! --
  • 5 star rating Or maybe morgana is just that hot --
  • 5 star rating Só queria me sentir amada pela minha mae. --
  • 3 star rating Like I can play around any other champion but I fucking hate morgana so much --

Throwback Thursday #TBT

morgana splash art 0.jpg
morgana jewelry designer 1.jpg
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Morgana new pic 5.jpg
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morgana mcnelis 7.jpg
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morgana jewelry designer 10.jpg
morgana and charlie hunnam 11.jpg