Never be ashamed of having a crush on Morgana I'm a crusher
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Morgana is straight. She is a real woman. So you have a girl-crush on her? Go ahead and check out the pictures below -- so hot! Scroll down and check out her short and medium hairstyles.
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Why People Have A Crush On Morgana
50+ girl-crushers
Rated by - I really just watched this entire documentary about Morgana The Kissing Bandit -- Laer Aggin™
- This kissing bandit woman is adorable Morgana you are my inspiration of Extrovert turned << Introvert -- Jesssss
- Lol I did lose 5 lbs.... But since being over break.. Which has been only a week I've gained it all back -- Morgan Smith
- I /really/ am not in the mood for going after future Morgana...just having Robin relax for the most part. No fighting. :\ -- Robin's Writer
- Llevo tres días en Silver I y ya me aburre. Me voy a Victorious Morgana... quiero decir Gold V. -- Elveszett.
- To sendo MUITO sinica com a morgana pq eu to MEGA BRABA com ela, só não sei se ela ta notando -- May Schneider ॐ
- Chamar alguém de "mor" só se for a Morgana -- Carolina Gehlen
- To pensando em comprar as ultimas 2 skins da morgana só pelo hype -- Daniels
- Morgana, Violet, Jade, Rosemary, Hazel, Arabella... demasiados nomes para conseguir decidir num só -- Jesus✞
- Não adianta fazer nada neh cara , só aceitar a merda do servidor ... um cara de zed mid fazendo grevas , uma morgana supp 0/9 .. -- CrZy The Reey
- Slowly but surely my love for shoes is growing -- Morgan O'Quain
- So, seeing as how I'm Gold now, I can just stop playing and still get the victorious Morgana skin? SWEEEEEEET! -- Darth JerObi Wan
- My heart is about to implode watching tonight. Go !!!!!! -- Morgana_RedAxe
- owwww i've reached my goal. Being mentioned by morgana. -- Beatriz
- Mask & Mirror is amazing! If you want an incredible(y well priced) piece by Morgana Wallace come by before it's all sold! -- Una Oturakli
- Wait is this season's championship morgana or shyv after all? -- Jnxu tB
- As vezes nao entendo a Morgana, eu acho q ela ta falando comigo mas so ta pensando alto kk -- NOVO, Alexia
- --Merlin: I'm sorry. I didn't realize that. Hilde / Old Morgana: It's a very painful memory. I'm sure she'd rather not dwell on it. -- -- Kuga Mikoto
- A semana só começa com a academia -- morgs
- A Morgana deve ter algum problema com as minhas bochechas, so pode -- Rosita
- só vai haver uma maioria relativa, quer dizer era preciso muito ainda para o PSD ter maioria absoluta -- Maria
- MORGANA IS <3......morg ka lng sapat na!!! :D -- erwin loo
- I really hate Morgana in The adventures of Merlin -- ShilynJoy
- So... Morgana and Mordred will be responsible for Arthur's death? I am so freaking angry. -- Lena
- Joguei uma normal de Morgana super bem e quando vo jogar com os meninos fico nervosa e só faço merda -- bruna nunes
- He also confirms it is Victorious Morgana if any of you REALLY doubted the teaser image from last month :P -- Moobeat
- Morgana fica me mandando foto do niver só p mim ficar na curiosidade pq não vi todas ainda, ai ai kkkkkk -- Rapack
- E como a skin vitoriosa é da morgana eu não perco muito, só queria a skin pra ganhar um campeão de gratis.. mas como já tenho a morg :/ -- Matheus Vedovelo
- Não aguentei com morgana hj , o menino pediu o wpp dela e ela sò n deu pq o telefone dele era um pockt uehuehhe -- É ela mesma !!
- So apparently I suck with Cassiopeia if I'm not playing her in ARAM. I also apparently can wreck shit as Morgana. -- Brandon
- Alllllso really glad i got evelynn & morgana asdfghjkl. -- ѕнαу
- Morgana me chamo no facebook só pra dizer "vem trocar a Hagháta" hahahaha -- Pâmela Anglada
- So today i had a league match against a yasuo, morgana, jungle yi and teemo. it was the most potato thing I've ever seen. -- Phalanx
- I'm one of those ppl that only need to do something once to know I'm not doing it again. Getting preg again is on that not doing it list! -- Linda Burrus
- That morgana support is |<3 -- Zed the Faker
- I so deserve that Morgana skin... But shit -- taste the wave
- Fico feliz quando o crush da Morgana fala com ela (adoro cuidar da vida alheia, eu sei) -- lu
- Why play morgana when every other support champion is more fun -- Ahrilicia
- Só a morgana pra entender minha necessidade de miojo -- targaryen
- I love morgana so much -- gemma teller wannabe
- Só de imaginar você aqui -- ✖️✖️✖️✖️✖️✖️✖️
- My she is actually decent! -- Joshua Payne
- Morgana so fala merda mej deis -- gio
- So I have 95.0 KDA on Morgana right now, decent I guess. -- Conner A. Erickson
- Lol is the best game in the world! -- DeathJust4You
- Or maybe morgana is just that hot -- Dope Bitch #1
- Só queria me sentir amada pela minha mae. -- Morgana
- Like I can play around any other champion but I fucking hate morgana so much -- emo weeb king