Never be ashamed of having a crush on Randi Rhodes I'm a crusher
American, Radio Personality (Famous from The Randi Rhodes Show)
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Why People Have A Crush On Randi Rhodes
50+ girl-crushers
Rated by - Randi Rhodes do played the audio that Frank Taffy is "suing" about. Play his podcast, Nancy. -- Joy Williams
- Randi Rhodes sucks and is a liberal pansy. Uneducated and uninformed losers. -- Katalyst F2bb
- Randi rhodes Randi Rhodes 2h. . is awesome -- Maureen Brown
- KRXA on Randi Rhodes show. -- bks
- "It takes two seconds to tell the truth and it costs nothing. A lie takes time and it costs everything." Randi Rhodes -- David Jones
- OMG I gotta let you know: Randi Rhodes just proved you right. You have to hear her 1st segment today. Wow! -- Heath Walker
- Bob Lassiter, David Fowler, Mike Malloy, Randi Rhodes ... My faves are dead or on satellite :) -- Deborah Bowen
- Randi Rhodes needs to start exposing ALL of misdeeds like Amy Goodman does! -- Bud Machado
- Listening to the Randi Rhodes channel. At 4:02am PT a news update from Jan ran. Sharon's death was a story. Why? -- The Other WA
- Cool! Two shows today, btw- mine & Randi Rhodes too! -- Nicole Sandler
- It's just like Randi Rhodes to be praising the effort it take to tell a LIE! -- Lakewood Bob
- UR such a tool Shawn. and are leftist hacks. Randi Rhodes SUCKS 2 -- m
- Still missing Randi Rhodes. -- Far Left Side
- Missing Randi Rhodes :( -- Clair Gunst
- RadioGuyChris re: randi Rhodes archives, yes I listen still!! please call in!!! -- ToriGilmore
- I miss Randi Rhodes -- Jay Grant
- Tomorrow will be the birthday to the Queen of Talk Radio, Randi Rhodes. Happy Birthday to the goddess. -- Mike Vanriel
- I totally get why Randi Rhodes left for Costa Rica. -- EastCoastMadTown
- These are simply fictitious drawings of the arrangement. (Or draw-wings to use Randi Rhodes s terminology.) -- Barry Schwartz
- "It takes two seconds to tell the truth and it costs nothing. A lie takes time and it costs everything." Randi Rhodes -- Hassan Ali
- Clear Channel to Replace Randi Rhodes Progressive AM Talk in SF With Beck, Other Rightwingers as Election Year Begins -- Crista Smallbrook
- Clear Channel to Replace Randi Rhodes Progressive AM Talk in SF With Beck, Other Rightwingers as Election Year Begins -- Moorehead
- I miss Randi Rhodes. Didn't always agree with her conclusions, but she made me think about mine which is what a good educator does -- Eclectic John
- I won't back down, you got me cornered, yes you do.; Kiss my ass. Thanks randi rhodes, my friend, I got some back bone now. -- La Avion
- First we lost Randi Rhodes then Stephen Colbert now Jon Stewart. Damn, all my favorite hilarious informed politico voices are retiring. -- #SEENAMARIOTA
- Clear Channel to Replace Randi Rhodes Progressive AM Talk in SF With Beck, Other Rightwingers as Election Year Begins -- Guildner Nika
- "Randi Rhodes Ninja Detective: The Case of the Time-Capsule Bandit" by O. Spencer. Scavenger Hunt -- NBCDI
- DIRECT: Octavia Spencer Details Life Before & After Oscar Win + Explains Randi Rhodes Ninja Detective Series -- HipHopNews24
- HHN24 Direct: "Octavia Spencer Details Life Before & After Oscar Win + Explains Randi Rhodes Ninja Detective Series" -- ConnectiveMKT
- She is voice missing from our political panorama. -- Lynn Vidal
- OMG!!! It's Randi Rhodes!!!! Miss you so much!!!! Glad to hear your voice again on Stephanie Miller!!!! -- Shelton Wallace
- . How nice it is to hear Randi Rhodes on the radio again - on now! -- Xanthippie
- She is on right now. If you have iheart radio, go to 880 the revolution -- Roman DaSilva
- She is on the Stephanie Miller show. -- Dessalines
- Homage Randi Rhodes, Ed Schultz, Alan Colmes, Thom Hartmann. Pioneers of talk-radio. Characters with uncompromising values and devoted fans. -- Darren Bunton
- I used to listen to Air America Radio a lot. Morning Sedition, Rachel Maddow, Randi Rhodes Over time, I grew to despise the callers. -- Christopher Febles
- Thanks Donald. Five years ago Randi Rhodes said that mexcans are coming here openly declaring they don't care about America or its laws. -- Wen Akeem
- Happy she is back also! -- OccupyBergenNJ
- 2 any1 who thinks MFNBC will bring back Olbermann: WHAT DRUGS ARE YOU ON? They'll sooner bring back Donahue & give Randi Rhodes the AM show! -- Lu Cifer
- Real Housewives is indicative of everything wrong w/America & viewers are part of prblm A shame Randi Rhodes supports -- LM
- wow Randi Rhodes, how Aja? The Deacons always get steelydan mixed up w/ alan parsons project 4 some strange reason. LSD flashb? -- Rev. Chris Ward
- Tell Me Everything, best radio since Randi Rhodes! -- Mitch Hoffman
- Randi Rhodes I miss your voice. -- Dylan A. Kent
- Mystery Project Hint I remembered Randi Rhodes' off color jokes about her microphone technique. -- Elizabeth
- I miss hearing the Randi Rhodes show -- Richard Block
- You know what I miss? Listening to Randi Rhodes on the drive home on Air America! -- Kevin
- What's it gonna take for you to invite Rhodes to your show? -- serendipia
- 19-"Elizabeth Warren, Bernie, Randi Rhodes, Oprah meeting behind scenes w/Michelle on encrypted phone since 2009 to put Michelle in office." -- Starseed
- Randi Rhodes -- Leonard