Never be ashamed of having a crush on Rosie O Donnell I'm a crusher
American comedienne, television personality and actress (Famous from A League of Their Own)
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Rosie O Donnell is straight. She has dark brown hair. Scroll down and check out her large body, short and/or medium dark brown hairstyles & haircuts.
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Large Body: Rosie O'Donnell Is Leaving 'The View'
Updated: 10 years ago (February 7, 2015, 12am)... [Read More on CNN]
Why People Have A Crush On Rosie O Donnell
50+ girl-crushers
Rated by - Wife is watching A LEAGUE OF THEIR OWN. Most amazing thing about that movie is they made Rosie O'Donnell almost look like a girl. -- CR
- It's almost flattering to have someone so obsessed with me. Too bad you're uglier than Rosie O'donnell. In looks and personality <3 -- Lonnie DANGER
- Why does Quinn look so much like Rosie O Donnell?? -- Lisa¥Skipper
- Omg Anthony Anderson looks so good since his slim down. Congrats to him and all these other celebs like Rosie O' Donnell & Roseanne Barr! -- Kevin
- Rosie O'Donnell is the last person to be throwing around accusations at other people of being "a robotic pundit" -- Anang
- get really leathery skin OR trade swimsuits with Rosie O'Donnell? -- Bronze Booty
- Rosie O'Donnell is thinking about getting a sex change operation to become a woman. -- Mike
- Rosie O'Donnell should really play Captain Beefheart if they do a biopic -- Jorge Velez
- Searching for a chick in Buffalo that doesn't look like Rosie O'Donnell should be game show. Seriously. Put the blue cheese down! -- IHJJR
- Greatest day ever Rosie O'donnell is now following me on comment. ME !! Holy crow I think I could faint. -- JAMIE
- So they cleared out The View, kept Whoopi Goldberg and brought in Rosie O'donnell, Rosie Perez and some other lady. Interesting. *sips tea* -- Abbie Carmichael
- Girls sleepover: deeks pizza that was very disappointing, a real shitty scary movie yet entertaining & now watching a Rosie O'Donnell movie -- •rainε
- "Your name is Rosie? My favorite Cards Against Humanity card is feeding Rosie O'donnell." -Meg -- Quotes By Meg
- Someone called Trump homophobic because he insulted Rosie O'Donnell. Unless the insult was something about being gay it's not homophobia -- .
- Chris Brown giving advice on domestic violence is like Rosie O'Donnell giving advice on marathon training. -- CounterMoonbat
- I wonder if Rosie O'Donnell and Rosie Perez will get tired of being called "the Rosies" on the view -- The Mackstress
- True story: first boy I ever crushed on... I liked him because he looked like really young Rosie O'Donnell. -- Sparklepuff
- I think the zombie with the dead kittens coming out of its mouth is rosie o'donnell -- VELVET BOYFRIEND
- Gary Ayres is looking like Rosie O'Donnell these days. LOL -- K Diddy
- Rosie O'donnell is bae -- Marian Allen
- Hahaha the rosie O'donnell resemblance is crazy! -- Ms. Mona
- Why is Rosie O Donnell even allowed on TV let a lone The View?? She's a horrid representation of the gay community!! -- Brandon Orgeron
- Rosie O'Donnell and Madonna in a "League of Their Own". So great! -- Josuf Dema
- Rosie O'Donnell is coming back to The View. Guess what show I'm going to be tuning into :D -- Allison is 1d af
- I am so excited that Rosie O'Donnell is back on the view. I hope she will wear PINK on the Jer's Vision & International Day of Pink -- Jer's Vision
- I'm glad Rosie O'Donnell is back on The View. -- Larry King
- So Rosie O'Donnell wants Due Process for Osama. ....and I was hoping she would of disappeared from all media after her stint on The View. -- Office Humor
- I think it's so brave that Rosie O' Donnell is openly fat -- Celinda Parker
- Rosie O'Donnell is aging lik dang she look the same for so many years -- Gawdess.
- Rosie O'Donnell is aging but not terribly. -- Enigma.
- Since halloween is over, I can officially breakout my Mariah Carey, Justin Bieber, and Rosie O'Donnell Christmas albums!!!!!! -- Harry Robear
- Says, "Saying guns commit crimes is like saying the spoon made Rosie O'Donnell fat." -- David Jones
- Honestly my only true complaint about my life is that I didn't have a nanny named Golly who bore a striking resemblance to Rosie O'Donnell. -- Lindsay Pearce
- "Radical Christianity is as dangerous as radical Islam"-Rosie O'Donnell -- AlwaysRight but Left
- There was a time when I honestly believed Rosie O'Donnell had a crush on Tom Cruise like she purported. So young, so innocent. -- Amy Bezbatchenko
- Liam is in love with Rosie O'Donnell -- bee
- Carlos Boozer is about as worthless as titties on Rosie O'Donnell! -- Scott Evanz
- I love Rosie O'Donnell so much -- alejandra
- How did I not know that Rosie O'Donnell is in Sleepless in Seattle? -- Jenna
- I'm so glad Walmart scooters have backup alarms otherwise I would have not been warned as a Rosie O'Donnell looking fuck backed over my toes -- Cody
- Rosie O'Donnell is in Sleepless in Seattle :) Ever wonder why there are 3 movie stars on and one unknown politico? so funny. -- Hunter
- Rosie O'Donnell in Sleepless in Seattle is probably me -- zama flocka flame
- AGAIN, comment is trying to push Rosie O'Donnell on me (on TOP OF me ??) - dafuq - as stated previous, 'pretty certain I don't deserve it. -- Yanche
- Buhl really do look like rosie o'donnell -- Robby Shmurda
- Crazy how "Rosario Dawson" and "Rosie O'Donnell" sound so similar when your GF hears you mumbling during your wet dream of Rosie O'Donnell. -- Bobby Homer
- I was so pumped to watch The View but ever since they brought back Rosie O'Donnell I've been so uninterested -- SWN
- So rosie o'donnell follows my mom on comment -- Nika Toomey
- Rosie O Donnell said something stupid. Not worth a link, as it happens so often. -- Up Yours, Mexico
- Rosie o'donnell and her side are the ones bringing up the fact that obama is black, not Fox. stupid twat -- Mark
- Like bitch sit ya ass down making Rosie O' Donnell look like Nicole Ritchie ass self fucking put whales to shame at being the biggest animal -- ダ ヴィンチ