Never be ashamed of having a crush on Sarah Mclachlan I'm a crusher
Canadian musician and songwriter (Famous from Fumbling Towards Ecstasy)
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She was named one of Super Bowl Celebrities 2014, Hottest Canadian Women by our Woman Crush Wednesday bloggers.
She was named one of Super Bowl Celebrities 2014, Hottest Canadian Women by our Woman Crush Wednesday bloggers.
Sarah Mclachlan is straight. She is a sexy and fabulous woman. Men love her. She has dark brown hair. Scroll down and check out her slim body, short and/or medium dark brown hairstyles & haircuts.
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Why People Have A Crush On Sarah Mclachlan
50+ girl-crushers
Rated by - I know Sarah Mclachlan from her bikini pics I fap to her ridiculous body all the tim -- A
- The Budweiser DUI commercial with the dog is almost as bad as that sarah mclachlan commercials. Its gotta be the dog b -- Gorshanski
- I am totally okay with Sarah McLachlan's Wintersong being played over the studio speaker system. Preeeetty. -- Shannon Perry
- For an assignment I have to watch the whole 2:00 minute Sarah McLachlan animal cruelty commercial. this is hell -- Hannah Schumacher
- My main goal in life is to avoid having the movie montage of my life be accompanied by a Sarah McLachlan song... -- Mike Hopfinger.
- Sarah McLachlan's song "Angel" is about heroin addiction. -- hushhush ATTACK!
- Even now, "Angel" by Sarah McLachlan is one if the most hauntingly beautiful songs I've ever heard. -- skooks777
- Go ahead NCAA... put us at 7 so it'll be while i'm at the sarah mclachlan concert. i dare you -- Jordan
- Happiness is like a cloud, if you stare at it long enough, it evaporates.-Sarah McLachlan -- iim
- Of course Leslie put Sarah McLachlan on her Ann+Leslie best friend slideshow. PnR is so good at continuity, thank you writers -- Abbi
- Really Sarah McLachlan. You are not wanted on my pandora right now. -- Morgan Pirtle
- That Sarah McLachlan song about starving dogs is on at the gym -- John Whykey
- Which is why Angel by Sarah McLachlan didn t make the cut, but Angel by Shaggy did. Choices that haunt me. -- Elyse
- Sarah Mclachlan wrote a post-breakup album called Laws of Illusions. The first song is called Awakenings. -- Robert Wohner
- My dog chewed up my Elite socks this morning. It's game day, Jackson. This is why those Sarah McLachlan ASPCA commercials exist. -- Jeffrey White
- Sarah mclachlan is playing in the waiting room for this therapist -- almond joy
- My professor is now playing the Sarah McLachlan animal commercial. Talk about bad people skills. -- Erin Waterhouse
- "Trying to force creativity is never good" Sarah McLachlan -- TNM Coaching
- The grandma medicare ad is the equivalent to the Sarah Mclachlan animal rescue commercial. Terrible. Total guilt trip. -- Jaclyn Graves
- The Sarah McLachlan song in this alias scene is overwhelming. -- Anyon Rettinger
- My life is pretty sad. Not like a Sarah McLachlan commercial for a charity organization, but still pretty sad. -- MasterKentrolProgram
- Sarah McLachlan is my girrrrrl -- Kasey
- Sarah McLachlan -- ひつじ男
- We sang Sarah McLachlan any time anyone died, so a lot. -- Lizzy Boden
- With blunt objects while stoned me, i dare you, your name, so fucking sarah mclachlan song. -- Rocky Peterson
- Someone in the Minneapolis airport told me I remind them of Sarah McLachlan. Now that I am thinking about it, this is a puzzling observation -- Merveilleuse
- Was waiting for sarah mclachlan to start playing as I was scrolling through Facebook. So many sad dog posts today -- Steph Diemer
- She is playing on the radio, so therapeutic. -- Mandy Déa ॐ
- You can't help but sympathize for someone when a Sarah McLachlan song is on. -- Trey
- Part of the reason I m successful is that my mom kept telling me I was going to fail constantly -Sarah Mclachlan -- jon paw
- They should seriously consider inventing a tool that forcibly removes "Arms of an Angel" out of your head... God Damn you Sarah Mclachlan!! -- UrWifeSmugglesCorn
- Day 47 and my housemates have yet to mention my tendency to sing sarah mclachlan in the shower. so far so good. -- Laura Wood
- Help. Sarah McLachlan is on the radio. I should turn *cries and sings loudly*. -- Garrett Brashear
- Is anyone else thinking about Sarah McLachlan? -- Jessica Frey
- Thanks, so sad songs by sarah mclachlan. -- Rad Kramer
- Someone is playing Sarah Mclachlan over loud speakers in the office this morning. I give it 3 minutes before mass depression sets in. -- Jesse Gavin
- That grilled cheese sandwich was so good that when i finished the last bite, a sarah mclachlan song started playing in my head -- gay bee
- "she is hype as fuck"-Abraham Lincoln -- WillemAMartin
- Seriously, though. Sarah McLachlan's Surfacing is an album that has held up so well over time. -- M
- Someone on Facebook posted "Having the BEST DAY EVER!!" So I posted the Sarah Mclachlan animal cruelty video in the comments -- Facepalm
- That made me so sad. But Im not sure if its a conditioned response to Sarah McLachlan or not............ -- Melanin Monroe
- In the arms of an angel by Sarah McLachlan is playing at work and I just have the strongest urge to go hug a puppy. -- Kelly Thurmes
- Jeff is listening to Intro by Sarah McLachlan -- Jeff Wright
- Is it safe to chase your Lana Del Rey with Sarah McLachlan? -- Blue Bailey
- Sarah McLachlan is playing in Wendy's and all I can think about are baby kittens and puppies. -- Austin
- Delerium ft. Sarah Mclachlan - Silence (Tiesto remix) is one of the greatest songs of all time -- Anthony Borsellino
- The Sarah McLachlan School of Music is coming to Captain James Cook. Music should be a part of the curriculum in all schools. -- David Proctor
- I get more than an electronic cigarette is the notebook was eat cake, you only makes you post fucking sarah mclachlan song. -- Cyrus Clemens
- Sarah McLachlan TRIVIA! She may not be royalty but she does have a crown.Why? Her seven yr old daughter is Taja. Name means 'crown' in Hindi -- Ocean 98.5