Never be ashamed of having a crush on Susan Atkins I'm a crusher
Convicted murderer (Famous from Longest-ncarcerated female inmate in the California penal system for her participation in 8 of the 9 Manson Family murders during the summer of `69.)
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She was named one of The Most Famous Celebrity Criminal Women by our Woman Crush Wednesday bloggers.

She was named one of The Most Famous Celebrity Criminal Women by our Woman Crush Wednesday bloggers.
Susan Atkins is straight. She is a real woman. So you have a girl-crush on her? Go ahead and check out the pictures below -- so hot! Scroll down and check out her short and medium hairstyles.
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Why People Have A Crush On Susan Atkins
50+ girl-crushers
Rated by - I know Susan Atkins from CM duh, I did have crush at first but when I knew the real CM, I hate her cause she snetched, l loved CM so I loved the old susan cause she was Charles creation. -- Rayn drd
- I know Susan Atkins from I didn't I knew Fayez in the 70's he's a pretty honest guy and speaks his mind thanks -- pam r
- My name is Fayez Abedaziz- I don't care if people know. I know Susan Atkins from July, 1969, in Chatsworth. She was not a murderer, though guilty of crimes. The hateful comments about her are un-called for. She did not kill Sharon, Tex did. She paid a heavy price alright, for going along with the 'family.' I liked her then and I like her now. -- Fayez Abedaziz
- essa eu nem conhecia, mas olhei agora, era da Família Manson também. Eu só tinha lido mais sobre a Susan Atkins -- Scarlett Stardust
- Now they're showing that crazy bitch Susan Atkins glad she's dead, Karma bit her clean on the ass never saw a better case of it -- InAWhisper
- no the mailbu compund. Susan Atkins I remember her! Gorgeous!!! -- Hartsuff Thomas
- Yes under the spell of Charles Manson. Those teenagers are now old ladies in prison for life. Susan Atkins died of cancer last year. -- Lainie Speiser
- Mi prima de 3 años con el pelo suelto sigue pareciendo susan atkins -- santanico pandemonio
- Susan Atkins love -- sadie mae glutz
- The only real disturbing thing about charles mansons marriage is how this woman is deadset on being his new susan atkins -- AmandaPlease
- 1)Charles Manson always denied parole, obviously. He "shows no remorse". But, when Susan Atkins showed immense remorse and a complete... -- LauraDoll
- Or Manson Murders, Susan Atkins couln't keep her mouth shut while in jail. No profiling. -- Fortunata
- I wonder how Susan Atkins had the heart to kill an 8 month pregnant woman? Charles Manson was one powerful manipulator -- evelin
- Today I learned that Susan Atkins and Squeaky Frohm were the only members of the Manson family that were not in Up With People. -- Dean
- Susan Atkins -- BASH》
- Susan Atkins traidora -- AlejandroH♣
- Watching Susan Atkins interviews is my favorite pastime -- OVEEZIE
- Are there going to be any Halloween party's where girls dress up as cats and I can turn up dressed as Susan Atkins from the Manson family -- imogen
- I'm Susan Atkins. Have you met my family? -- Skerry
- Today had consisted of multiple cups of coffee, staying in my pajamas, reading about Susan Atkins trial, & a cheeseburger for lunch again -- Becky
- My mom kinda looked like susan atkins in high school, minus the satanism and LSD -- Doctor Boofu
- Todo mundo que usa LSD deveria ver a entrevista da Susan Atkins que entrou na loucura do Charles Manson e matou a Sharon Tate. -- Gabriela Oliveira
- Eu to vendo uma entevista com a susan atkins e cara........ -- izzy
- Kinda almost wishing i looked like young susan atkins -- spooky jane
- Like Ferguson isn't enough-Charles Manson's future wife is from St Louis & resembles Susan Atkins-double win? -- Theresa Cochrane
- What's pretty creepy about Charles Manson's fiancée is how strongly she resembles Susan Atkins, she's literally her twin -- Christie Love
- I find it so disturbing that Susan Atkins lived in SanJo, went to Leigh high and PROBABY stepped foot in lghs -- champion of the sun
- Has anyone addressed why the new Charles Manson wife looks exactly like Susan Atkins? Is the reason because the world is a terrifying place? -- B. Patrick Malloy
- It sincerely wigs me out that Charles Manson's bride is the spitting image of Susan Atkins. -- Rachel Bee
- She is so so terrible im -- Ramisa(nta)
- A newly-minted manson girl. Susan atkins reincarnated. Is there any doubt? Like the evil isis brides. Evil is genetic. -- KellyLee
- Charles Manson is allowed 10 guests to his wedding. So far me, Squeaky Fromme, Susan Atkins, Sirhan Sirhan and Patty Hearst have RSVP'd. -- PeterBeater
- Isn't anybody commenting on how she looks the spit of Susan Atkins? -- Jo-Ru Grisly
- Is it just me or does charlie's fiancé look strikingly similar to susan atkins? -- ♔Miss Atomic Bomb♔
- Charles Manson's 26 year old bride-to-be is pretty hot, but looks a little too much like Susan Atkins. Creepy! -- Scott Mitchell
- This is who Manson is marrying and the other girl, Susan Atkins from "The Family" days....coincidence? -- carrie stewart nolan
- Christ, I wish I hadn't Google'd "Charles Manson fiancé". She looks just like Susan Atkins. The fuck is wrong with people -- Rhett
- Charles Manson is marrying a Susan Atkins look-a-like. Will he convince her to do the same type of things that Susan did for him as well? -- Jean Israel
- Mansons new missus is the absolute ringer of Susan Atkins, the girl he got to murder for him -- Crocky Red
- So happy to know that Susan Atkins died in 2009... rot in hell bitch -- SAVASTANISTA
- Manson's wife looks just like Susan Atkins that murdered Sharon Tate. What horrible irony. Now Charles is really sick. -- Selena Castro
- Yuck - just saw that Charles Manson, 80, is marrying a 26 year old woman, who must be missing her mind. And she looks like Susan Atkins. -- Kimberly Dotseth
- The woman Manson is marrying looks so much like Susan Atkins. -- Bobby Brandon
- Charles Manson's insane &Star looks like Susan Atkins' granddaughter, so obviously he's about it. Must be a stud under that swastika though. -- E. L. Mitchell
- What's weird is Manson's fiancé "Star" looks exactly like Manson Family member Susan Atkins. -- Sara Jetlag
- Charles Manson getting married. I guess it's true, there is someone for everyone. (she looks like a little like Susan Atkins) -- Les
- The truly bizarre thing about Ms. Star is that she looks eerily similar to that of a young Susan Atkins... -- Prof. Van Helsing
- Charles is marrying a reincarnated Susan Atkins. -- ManiaTreks
- 80 year-old Charles Manson is engaged to an obviously disturbed 26 year-old woman who eerily resembles a young Susan Atkins. -- Kandis Seaver
- When my hair is parted in the middle i look like susan atkins -- TRASH_MOM