Celebrity Beauties Who Died In 2014

Woman Crush Wednesday #WCW
Celebrity Beauties Who Died In 2014

Below is the complete A-List of Celebrity Beauties Who Died In 2014 for this Woman Crush Wednesday.
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Bunny Yeager
American photgrapher
Slim body,
94 visitors had a crush on her
Cornell Borchers
18 visitors had a crush on her
Anna Gordy
62 visitors had a crush on her
Barbara Murray
31 visitors had a crush on her
Juanita Moore
109 visitors had a crush on her
Ultra Violet
French actor
504 visitors had a crush on her
Joan Lorring
American actress
23 visitors had a crush on her
Alicia Rhett
American artist
Slim body,
21 visitors had a crush on her
Malgorzata Braunek
16 visitors had a crush on her
Ann Carter
American, Actress
169 visitors had a crush on her
Sheila Macrae
42 visitors had a crush on her


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