Never be ashamed of having a crush on Audie Murphy I'm a crusher
Medal of Honor-winning, highly decorated American WWII soldier; later became an actor (Famous from MOST DECORATED SOLDIER IN US MILITARY HISTORY)
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Audie Murphy is straight. He is sexy and many gay men wish he was gay. If you like him, just say it: I Ain't Ashamed of My Man Crush. He has light brown hair. Scroll down and check out his athletic body, short and/or medium light brown hairstyles & haircuts.
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Why People Have A Crush On Audie Murphy
50+ man-crushers
Rated by - But if you listen to Chris Hayes, calling someone like Audie Murphy a hero is what causes more wars to happen. -- Think Gooder
- lol THATS IT: you fought for "freedom" - like OIL Freedom. U fought4 teens on lawnmowers & jetskis. Audie Murphy's so proud lol -- Eradica
- He is a lawman without a gun & determined to bring justice to town in "Destry" tonight @ 8/7c on Grit. -- Grit
- delete this. this is a lie... You kopie: And freedom is what America means to the world. -Audie Murphy -- Alexander Gold
- And freedom is what America means to the world. -Audie Murphy ., -- Alexander the Great
- It feels like onanism developing this allusion to Audie Murphy when no one will recognize it, knows okay, ONE of YOU will * 3 who he is. -- long and vivid dream
- Yo momma's so dumb she thought Audie Murphy starred in Beverly Hills Cop. -- The Phil Swales
- Really wanna go to Audie Murphy Saturday now -- kyle salcido
- He is brought back from the grave and stars in a movie to rouse the home front: "To Hell And Ebola" -- Film Ladd
- They were singing in French, but the melody was freedom and any American could understand that. -Audie Murphy .,0 -- Fargo
- Is Audie Murphy STILL the most decorated US soldier ever? -- Neil Michael Burke
- No soldier ever really survives a war. - Audie Murphy -- Joe Snow
- He is the godliest soldier to ever put the uniform on. -- thanks makonnen
- FFWeekends R U referring to Marines or MOH awardees? He is not the youngest, if not USMC? Audie Murphy was not even twenty, WHeRIt -- Susanne N Cavendish
- He is the godliest soldier to ever put the uniform on. -- HAPPY BORNDAY 6GOD
- Audie murphy park is beautiful af when the lights come on at the bball court -- francetherapper
- Audie murphy park is beautiful af when the lights come on at the bball court -- france
- Audie Murphy, soldado más laureado en la IIGuerra mundial. Actor mediocre, hizo 51 películas. Telemadrid las está poniendo todas. 4-5 veces. -- Antonio Alcántara
- Did Audie Murphy's most important acts come before or after the end of World War II? -- John Dale Beety
- Who've played themselves or facsimiles and re-enacted terrible personal tragedy to do so? Audie Murphy, Richard Pryor... -- David Hines
- He is the reason why nobody can tell me I can't make it. Small people can achieve big things, anytime, anywhere. -- xX_MLG_GamerTag_Xx
- I love people who are like "Im SOO Texan". Shoot you couldn't even tell me who Audie Murphy was.. -- McKlane Bobbitt
- Audie Murphy Middle School in Killeen ISD celebrated Thanksgiving on Tuesday with all the fixin's! Yum! -- Child Nutrition
- Next Business After Hours Thurs. 5-7pm at Audie Murphy Am. Cotton Museum on I-30 in Greenville. Make sure to mark the date on your calendar! -- Greenville,Tx C of C
- ISIS murdered an Army Ranger time for a response that Audie Murphy would be proud of -- Jim Sechrist
- Pretty even split on Eastwood and Wayne. No love for Audie Murphy, though? -- Paul Costello
- Quote on wall @ Audie Murphy VA, "Freedom is what America means to the World." I pray still true. Veterans have suffered enough! -- Bexar Arms
- Well, it's obvious that Gov. Jay "Violence Not Be Tolerated" Nixon is a joke. Makes Pat Quinn look like Audie Murphy. -- Kevin P. Craver
- Unconsciously I drank today on the 25th of November as I did on November 25, 2013 the first year I celebrated Audie Murphy! -- ANNA!!!
- John Wayne s always grated on me; initially for what he represents when people had Audie Murphy to revere instead, then for his personality. -- Kimberley
- Audie Murphy, the most decorated soldier of WWII. -- Phillip Laird
- I have always wanted to go to that Audie Murphy museum in Greenville. -- John Matthew
- Wearing one of the shirts that got me dress code at least 10 times at Audie Murphy. lol -- Your Real Name
- Fact: James Cagney was the person who convinced decorated war hero Audie Murphy to pursue acting. -- Celebrity Facts ;)
- And freedom is what America means to the world. -Audie Murphy .,0 -- Napoleon
- "I ll tell you what bravery really is. Bravery is just the determination to do a job that you know has to be done." - Audie Murphy -- travis howard
- Simo Hayha is the Finnish Audie Murphy. Or he is the Texan Simo Hayha. -- John
- Our SGT Audie Murphy Club inductees present an example for all of us to strive toward. is proud of you! -- MG Allen Batschelet
- I felt so cool being in Audie Murphy back then -- Sierra Lizama
- IPod song of the day is "To Hell & Back" by Sabaton. Great track about legendary U.S. soldier & later actor Audie Murphy. -- Juular
- All that is missing from the film Battleship is a CGI cameo from Audie Murphy. -- stephen
- Simo Hayha is the Finnish Audie Murphy. Or he is the Texan Simo Hayha. -- Kanye East
- Audie Murphy. 5'5" and only 110 lbs. Most decorated soldier of WW2. Best thing I've learned all day is he was small. -- Raymond
- I just did a quick search for Audie Murphy's war exploits. Damn. -- Ho Ho Honda
- Fucking trashy ass Audie Murphy im done with basketball. Not my thing. -- Nathan Dalby
- My niggas kieven and kyron from the Audie Murphy days with Jacquez -- Javion
- Audie Murphy v Eddie Murphy -- Kerry Obrien
- They can kill us, but they can eat us. That's illegal! - Audie Murphy -- Hardanny
- Oh! While i mind. There's an Audie Murphy film on the morra. Dinnae say i'm no good tae ye. -- Mr Parlanchid