Never be ashamed of having a crush on Frederik Pohl I'm a crusher
American science fiction writer
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Why People Have A Crush On Frederik Pohl
50+ man-crushers
Rated by - WHAT. *falls face-first into pile of Frederik Pohl short stories and sobs wretchedly* -- j̕◌̵r̷t ͞c͘ir̛c̴uit͠
- "A good science fiction story should be able to predict not the automobile but the traffic jam." - Frederik Pohl -- Michael Jager
- En el mundo es tan raro encontrar la perfección que resulta interesante encontrar un caso de perfecta equivocación. Frederik Pohl -- sergio rivera
- The more I think about Interstellar the more I wish someone would make a movie out of Gateway by Frederik Pohl. -- a friend to owls
- Hello, why is there not a modern game of Frederik Pohl's Gateway? -- Custard Smingleigh
- was awesome but just a bit too similar to by the late Frederik Pohl. Wondering if there's an acknowledged connection. -- Chris
- La frase del coche y los atascos es de Frederik Pohl, no mía. Que conste en acta también. -- Frunk
- Today's "Sad Solarian Screenwriter Sam" by Frederik Pohl in The Gold at Starbow's End -- Ryan M. Williams
- Exception : "La Grande Porte" de Frédérik Pohl, oeuvre de science-fiction d'inspiration auto-biographique de l'auteur même (pratique pour -- Hadrien Péan
- Now that has been made, i wonder when there will be a great adaptation of frederik pohl one of the best books -- kenric...
- 1) Birçok bilim-kurgu roman okumu biri için (Frederik Pohl'ün Heechee Saga's na gönderme vard bu filmde) Interstellar çok keyif verdi. -- Emre Sayın
- A good science fiction story should be able to predict not the automobile but the traffic jam, - Frederik Pohl -- Mark Brandon Allen
- 11/26/1919: Frederik Pohl, National Book Award winner for his novel Jem and author of The Space Merchants and Gateway is born -- Amechi Amanugi
- Just finished reading another classic sci-fi book; Gateway by Frederik Pohl. Really good. Would recommend it. -- Matt Simpson
- 79% in and we JUST landed on Mars. Meanwhile, Earth is getting its act together, and our cyber alien plays guitar (Man Plus, Frederik Pohl) -- couchtomoon
- After an excruciatingly long day at work yesterday, I m going into hibernation till Monday. With Frederik Pohl s sci-fi novel Gateway. :D -- Pranay Parab
- Frederik Pohl'un "Hiçi Destan " ilk kitab okuyorum ne kadar güzel lann!! -- Loreathan
- A good science fiction story should be able to predict not the automobile but the traffic jam. Frederik Pohl -- BookRags
- A good science fiction story should be able to predict not the automobile but the traffic jam. Frederik Pohl, Author, born Nov. 26, 1919 -- Nate Burgos
- A good science fiction story should be able to predict not the automobile but the traffic jam. -Frederik Pohl -- Drexel Publishing
- 26 de noviembre de 1919 : En Nueva York (Estados Unidos), nace el escritor de ciencia ficción Frederik Pohl. -- Miguel Aracil
- Fictioneer Frederik Pohl was born on this date (Nov. 26) in 1919. -- ThePulpNet
- "Lo que distingue a los hombres no es su manera de ganarse la vida, sino más bien su manera de perder el tiempo" Frederik Pohl -- Elena
- Happy birthday Hugo Award-winning science fiction writer Frederik Pohl (November 26, 1919). "Gateway (1977) and many other notable works. -- Book_Addict
- Sadly Monday morning filing must take precedence. Then again no one would know if I were reading Frederik Pohl on my computer would they? -- Stella Ottewill
- The space station above earth is called Gateway, a possible reference to Frederik Pohl's "Gateway" novel, a sci-fi classic. -- Mike Sutherland
- A good science fiction story should be able to predict not the automobile but the traffic jam. Frederik Pohl -- Edward Cowling
- "Most fast food is fried. Fried food tastes great, and people don't seem to care about the fat aspect." -Frederik Pohl -- Mr. Misquote
- I can think of :: Gateway - Frederik Pohl (Sigfrid von Shrink) Ancillary Series - Ann Leckie (Justice of Toren) Right now -- jay
- Ursula K. Le Guin, Alfred Bester, Larry Niven, Frederik Pohl y ni me voy a molestar en nombrar a las dos vacas sagradas. -- Luis Ex Machina
- Throwback Thursday: Pressing Your Luck in Frederik Pohl's Gateway -- Dana Cummins
- Frederik Pohl was given the Grand Master Award by the Science Fiction Writers of America in 1993. -- SciFi Facts
- Gateways editted by Elizabeth Anne Hull, a tribute to Frederik Pohl. Stories by everybody who's anybody. Bery good IMO! -- Kirk Reiser
- I want a game based on Frederik Pohl's Gateway series. Exploring various planets and stations in a 70s era sci-fi design style -- Samantics
- The science fiction method is dissection and reconstruction. Frederik Pohl -- Merita King
- that's what life learning experience after another, and when you're through with all die. Frederik Pohl -- Gary Blackmon
- Finished up Frederik Pohl's back-to-back Nebula winners MAN PLUS and GATEWAY. Really fantastic reads! -- Samuel A.F. Hunt
- Imagining a film adaptation of Frederik Pohl's classic sci-fi novel Man Plus directed by David Cronenberg and starring Daniel Day-Lewis. -- R.J. Stroud
- "I like the way this man serves his God. It's a good scheme. It ought to work. It better work, or God help all of us." - Frederik Pohl -- Paget's Wife
- Frederik Pohl & Cyril M. Kornbluth - I Mercanti dello Spazio [Azw3 Epub Mobi Pdf - Ita] by John Carter -- TntVillage
- Me acabo de terminar Homo Plus de Frederik Pohl y aunque sé que es un clásico obligado no me ha convencido del todo. -- MolaSaber
- "Two choices: one meant giving up every chance of a decent life forever. The other scared me out of my mind. Frederik Pohl, Gateway -- Liz Hurst
- Hoy salió Pórtico (Gateway) de Frederik Pohl en Kindle en español en 25 pesos y 1.5 euros en España. ¡A comprarlo! -- Joaco
- Cómo molaba el nombre de Frederik Pohl, ¿eh? Los de la Edad de Oro de la CF sí que tenían buenos nombres. -- ChiquiPalomares
- "Pórtico" de Frederik Pohl por 1.42 en el Kindle Flash. Daos prisa. -- Diego F. Durán
- I m late to the party (the guy died 3 years ago at 93) but I m enjoying Frederik Pohl s science fiction stories. -- Jason O'Donoghue
- (Same goes with Samuel R. Delany, Joanna Russ, Frederik Pohl...and any number of other folk in the field--it's easy enough to check!) -- Fred Kiesche
- A good story should be able to predict not the automobile but the traffic jam. - Frederik Pohl -- Dandelion Scifi
- """A good science fiction story should be able to predict not the automobile but the traffic jam."" Frederik Pohl" -- AlDub|MaiDen Quotes
- Me da la impresión de que lo maduro está casi muerto. ~Frederik Pohl -- MAЯTIИ