Ann Coulter

Never be ashamed of having a crush on Ann Coulter
author, political commentator (Famous from Hannity)
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She was named one of Top 100 Most Beautiful Green Eyed Women, Beautiful Blonde Women, All-American Women by our Woman Crush Wednesday bloggers.

Ann Coulter is straight and is pretty "gay". Just a friendly reminder: don't be ashamed to admit that you have a crush on her. She has blonde hair. Scroll down and check out her slim body, short and/or medium blonde hairstyles & haircuts.

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Average: 7.9 (11 votes)


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Average: 8.7 (7 votes)


Average: 7.8 (8 votes)
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3 star rating
Rated by 50+ girl-crushers
  • 5 star rating I know Ann Coulter from news media and her beautiful pics. I never get tired of looking at her lovely face and long legs. My Amazon woman dream girl. Intelligence and beauty and common sense in her heart. --
  • 5 star rating "I love to engage in repartee with people who are stupider than I am." ~ Ann Coulter --
  • 4 star rating She is a NEOCON partisan hack. Fuck her and her war mongering ilk. --
  • 5 star rating I used to like ann coulter but now I realize she's nothing more than an establishment GOPer. Besides, is you support Christy u may be a dem --
  • 4 star rating Ann coulter is what would happen if a tampon came to life --
  • 1 star rating "No amount of reaching out to the Hispanic community ... is going to turn Mexico's underclass into Republicans." ~ Ann Coulter --
  • 1 star rating She is easily one of the most entertaining commentators in existence today. To read her is to be made envious by her wit. --
  • 5 star rating So while people (term used loosely) like Ann Coulter to Limbaugh go personal often, atheists bashing sexists personally is oh so improper. --
  • 2 star rating She is trash talking Libertarians, because most of them are centrist and very aware of the "no party" system. --
  • 5 star rating So she is a real person? --
  • 1 star rating She isn't totally wrong. Militarized police, the NSA, constant wars, etc., Libertarians, shut up about pot and gay marriage. --
  • 1 star rating Ann Coulter, are you stalking me? If so, send a creepy house plant and your vocal chords, I'm not hearing you. --
  • 5 star rating Ann Coulter calls herself "Not as balanced" as the media. I agree she is definitely "Unbalanced" Now she advocates shooting Occupiers. --
  • 5 star rating An Ann Coulter article on how vapes = the disintegration of masculine America is the only type of Ann Coulter article I could get behind --
  • 5 star rating Thank goodness for Kindle. Got me some smart Naomi Klein. My local bookstore current events section is full of Ann Coulter, Beck & O'Reilley --
  • 5 star rating The only thing keeping me from being a full-on Royals convert is the fact that Ann Coulter claims that KC is her favorite city in the US --
  • 3 star rating Why do I bother watching Ann Coulter's interviews? She is such an idiot. My God. --
  • 5 star rating "They can! [in response to being asked why gays can't get married] Just with someone of the opposite sex!" Ann Coulter ladies and gentlemen --
  • 3 star rating What is this person called "Ann Coulter?! She looks like some kind of alien!! --
  • 2 star rating If Ebola manifested it's self into a human being it be Ann Coulter same thing goes for gonorrhea, Aids --
  • 3 star rating because Ann Coulter gives me hope that I can be successful by saying soccer is ruining America --
  • 5 star rating When I read Gone Girl, I pictured Ann Coulter as Amy. I'm pretty sure she's not playing her in the film version, so I will be disappointed. --
  • 5 star rating The scary part is folks like Rush Limbaugh, Ted Nugent and Ann Coulter have a fan base, a HUGE fan base, that believes the vile they spew. --
  • 4 star rating He has a vision of an angry, sexless woman. she is there? --
  • 4 star rating I'll believe Jesus is behind Ebola when she is struck down. --
  • 2 star rating There is nothing more annoying than a tee shirt that's sewn a bit crooked. Except maybe Ann Coulter. --
  • 2 star rating I swear I know this woman that's so right wing conservative she's make Ann Coulter look like Gloria Steinem. --
  • 4 star rating When Katie is at top speed chattering all I see us Ann Coulter. --
  • 3 star rating Landrieu wins if Tea Party of Louisiana doesn't get behind Cassidy..she is right# Ann Coulter --
  • 5 star rating What scares me the most is that there are millions of people that think like Ted Nugent, Donald Trump, Ann Coulter etc. and smile and shit --
  • 3 star rating ann coulter of German descent so she has that mindset fascist party of exterminations --
  • 3 star rating "Liberals are more upset when a tree is chopped down than when a child is aborted."~ Ann Coulter --
  • 4 star rating Ann coulter is the most stupid and ignorant person on earth istfg --
  • 4 star rating The food babe is basically the Ann Coulter of Food Hysterics. --
  • 5 star rating Henrietta Pussycat - "Meow meow stupid piece of shit meow." Mr. Rogers - "You're right, Henrietta, Ann Coulter IS a horrible cunt." --
  • 3 star rating Making eye contact with your professor in the bathroom is the worst thing since Ann Coulter --
  • 5 star rating Ann Coulter calls herself "Not as balanced" as the media. I agree she is definitely "Unbalanced" Now she advocates shooting Occupiers. --
  • 5 star rating My role model is Ann Coulter. --
  • 5 star rating She is truly terrible. --
  • 4 star rating Wow, even Ann Coulter realizes Scott is a lying vampire. --
  • 5 star rating Fox News' Eric Bolling is the worst American alive. I expect Ann Coulter to say something stupid soon, hoping to reclaim her crown. --
  • 3 star rating Can anyone explain to me why she is such a viper. Good heavens, is she that cold. --
  • 5 star rating Ann Coulter... Really? Blame the T.Party that gave the huge majority in the house??! BTW. Sen Mike Lee - Primaried a Rino as did Chaffetz. --
  • 3 star rating The fact that ANN COULTER came without an"off" switch, is proof that God has a sense of humor. --
  • 3 star rating So it sounds like ann coulter is all in for strategy of picking our candidates. --
  • 3 star rating I hate Ann Coulter as much as I hate Karl Rove. She is a Republicrat hack. --
  • 3 star rating Ann Coulter reminds me of a scarecrow that's been left out during a hurricane and is also a nazi --
  • 1 star rating She is one of the few conservatives that can f7ck up a perfectly good Schadenfreude with bad political analysis. --
  • 5 star rating Republicans going wing nuts apoplectic that Monica is in the news, Hannity invites Ann Coulter and Sarah Palin to set world order. --
  • 1 star rating Is it me or does it seem like she is always high when shes on someones show...or just in general? would explain a lot --

Throwback Thursday #TBT

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