Never be ashamed of having a crush on Gabriella Sabatini I'm a crusher
Tennis player (Famous from silver medal at the 1988 Olympic Games)
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She was named one of Top 100 Most Beautiful Argentinian Women by our Woman Crush Wednesday bloggers.

She was named one of Top 100 Most Beautiful Argentinian Women by our Woman Crush Wednesday bloggers.
Gabriella Sabatini is straight. She has black hair. Scroll down and check out her athletic body, short and/or medium black hairstyles & haircuts.
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Why People Have A Crush On Gabriella Sabatini
50+ girl-crushers
Rated by - Very very hot! I remember her matches well!! Sweaty Gaby!! -- tommy
- I'm "every guy on my tennis team had a crush on Gabriella Sabatini" years old. -- Steve Olivas
- my front lawns like Wimbledon centre court but I still wouldn't let Gabriella Sabatini walk on it even in the niff -- Ad
- Gabriella Sabatini? I get that all the time. It must be the nose Sorry I'm late, Hot Shots: Part Deux was on. -- Eric Kay
- September 8: On this day in 1990, Gabriella Sabatini beats Stefffi Graf to win US Open. -- Terri Eberle
- Tusind tak. Kan du ikke sørge for, at det er Pat Cash og Gabriella Sabatini i stedet? -- Thomas Joseph Bansø
- No. One has one's preferences: Gabriella Sabatini & Monica Seles, Pete Sampras. -- ACF
- j'adore maria mais plus jeune j 'etais dingue de gabriella sabatini et je suis toujours fou du psg -- Jamyl
- who's going to raise me a Gabriella Sabatini? -- Richard Clarkson
- Det bliver en god dag. nævnte Gabriella Sabatini -- Kasper EB
- Leí Sergio Tachini y vino a mi memoria el mayor sex simbol del deporte blanco. Gabriella Sabatini; que mujer. -- Nora Cárpena
- Não sei se volto a usar o gabriella sabatini ou compro outro perfume -- marina
- How can anybody vandalize Gabriella Sabatini s statue? She was one of the most wonderful tennis players. In more ways than one. -- Dr.Srinivasa Gowda
- Berikut jadwalnya: 1 bulu tangkis ganda campuran (Gabriella Sabatini dan Ryansyah Wahyu) main senin 17 november 2014 jam 10.00 WIB -- HIMA ANTROPOLOGI UB
- De Gabriella Sabatini só com produto d grife .. -- layrrara c.
- Gabriella Sabatini y esas glorias noventeras -- Felipe Poveda
- Yes, the Martinas, but also: Seles, Steffi, Arantxa Sanchez Vicario. GABRIELLA SABATINI. I used to LOVE her. -- risha;
- Te parto todo Oriana Gabriella Sabatini -- Carmen.
- Homossexuais se encontrando na prateleira da gabriella sabatini obviamente -- ed mortta
- Gabriella Sabatini? -- Gazprom
- Ich habe gerade Gabriella Sabatini im Müll versenkt. Keine Ahnung wer mir das mal geschenkt hat. ES STINKT!! -- Countdown_abgelaufen
- Ich habe gerade Gabriella Sabatini im Müll versenkt. Keine Ahnung wer mir das mal geschenkt hat. ES STINKT!! -- Pupsmonster
- Gabriella Sabatini cuma numpang cantik, kayak Anna Kournokova gitu lah. -- Donald Siahaan
- Ich habe gerade Gabriella Sabatini im Müll versenkt. Keine Ahnung wer mir das mal geschenkt hat. ES STINKT!! -- UrlaubsMone
- I think one of the great privileges of my life was to have seen James recite Bring Me the Sweat of Gabriella Sabatini. :) -- MJG84
- Jadi ingetnya Gabriella Sabatini -- siary
- playing through the pain. Had to do the same in the '93 US Open after a tough split w Gabriella Sabatini -- Jim Courier
- Gabriella Sabatini :* -- Michael Sefaca
- Apavorado com a Gabriella Sabatini. Velho, a mulher tem mais ombro e braço do que eu! Vender perfume te deixa em forma, hein! -- Dyeison Martins
- Gabriella Sabatini.... -- j snygg
- L Gabriella still looks like she hasn't aged a bit!! Still the OG female supermodel sportstar!! -- Kabelo Bodibe
- Atam tenisçi Gabriella Sabatini'nin r fin m n onun ad n verm k ist yibmi ,yax ki,al nmay b,o n add e. -- Sevinc Abdulxaliq
- Putain elle est bonne Gabriella Sabatini ! -- conTbon
- Gabriella sabatini- miss sensacional. -- May
- Em falar em perfume meu Gabriella Sabatini ta acabando e eu já to chorando -- me
- Olivia Gabriella Sabatini ,handmade by sketch pencil. :)) -- AYAH BUNDA MUTIARA!!
- Minha mãe chegou aqui com um Gabriella Sabatini e eu nem to feliz viu -- .
- Tiene un aire a Gabriella Sabatini -- Daiana #AymarEterna8
- Tout a commencé avec Gabriella Sabatini -- Heir_Mino_O
- Gabriella Sabatini... Elle m'a fait kiffer le tennis... C'était pro! -- Da Soulfullist
- Anna Ivanovic éliminée... Elle était l'unique motivation pour allumer sa télé l'après-midi, depuis la retraite de Gabriella Sabatini. -- allais laurent
- Elle joue quand Gabriella Sabatini ? -- Laurent
- Voces se lembram do Messi, Maradona, Rizek, Mauro, Papa .. Perdao, eu me lembro da Gabriella Sabatini .. vem pra ca, querida ! -- Manuel M Gomes
- Oo she was lk a young Gabriella Sabatini (early days) -- Chris-TeeEnOhOhEnTee
- Gabriella Sabatini Mary Pierce Anna Kournikova Martina Hingis The old and the new generation of my childhood! How time flies! -- Dogman
- Gabriella Sabatini. That's the one. She was a great tennis player. -- Barold ™
- Perfect weather at SW19 for a Gabriella Sabatini comeback! If only... -- Toby Robinson
- How nice to see Martina Hingis back on court at all we need is Gabriella Sabatini back & my teen fantasies wld be rekindled. -- Paul Owen
- Is Gabriella Sabatini on comment?? I used to have a massive crush on her as a kid -- Diego Johnson
- Can someone keep us updated on how she is doing in the tennis.Cheers. -- Nigel Owen