
Never be ashamed of having a crush on Mya
American, Singer (Famous from Dancing with the Stars)
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She was named one of Top 100 Most Beautiful Multiracial Celebrity Women by our Woman Crush Wednesday bloggers.

Mya is straight. She has black hair. Scroll down and check out her slim body, short and/or medium black hairstyles & haircuts.

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3 star rating
Rated by 50+ girl-crushers
  • 3 star rating "the best of me" is trending and i ain't seen not one photo of mya in a jersey dress smh. --
  • 5 star rating As soon as I fall asleep mya is gonna wake up --
  • 4 star rating Bitches Be So Quick To Judge But Don't Even Look At There Own Flaws --
  • 1 star rating Yo pandora know the rain coming before you do. Swear my Mya channel had a skip so nasty in its spirit an hr ago. Lol --
  • 5 star rating Mya's sleep, so I need to be sleep too. --
  • 5 star rating She is just like an angel, i would love to spend the rest of my life with her...all i can d now is think bout her (Mya) --
  • 5 star rating Damn I miss mya so much .. --
  • 2 star rating My biggest toxic trait is is having to read all possible information about a medicine before consuming it fr --
  • 2 star rating Nobody truly understands how sad I really am because I pretend everything is okay when it's really not --
  • 5 star rating He's so funny --
  • 4 star rating She is such a little brat ! I wouldn't trade her for the world tho --
  • 1 star rating Dudee. I'm crying , I didn't realize how important he is to me .. it's going to be so different .. Idek what I'm going to do.. --
  • 5 star rating That really ruined my mood --
  • 3 star rating In this era with the singers being half naked. Can we get Mya back out? --
  • 5 star rating My auto correct is ass --
  • 5 star rating Abha is sooooo good --
  • 5 star rating Yo no tengo crush ni soy el crush de nadie --
  • 1 star rating Sometimes I just feel like I need to go to the store and buy myself cute flowers and shit so I have romance in my life --
  • 5 star rating Panic laptop isn't working.. --
  • 5 star rating Mya won't tell nobody who her new boo is --
  • 5 star rating Mya my confidence is gone --
  • 5 star rating Mya look so good --
  • 5 star rating I was in my hallway & Mya was in her room with the door shut making a vine cover of "Arms" by Christina Perri & she's so pissed I heard haha --
  • 3 star rating It's so after school I stopped and got an ice cream cone for my boyfriend. --
  • 2 star rating Not being able to breathe out of your nose when your sick is seriously the most aggravating thing ever. --
  • 5 star rating Really miss Mya --
  • 5 star rating My phone is on 1% and I have no charger --
  • 4 star rating She is tryna make her stomach move like mine she pissed it won't --
  • 2 star rating I am so scared there is seriously a unidentfied creature in my freakin room rn that won't stop touching me --
  • 5 star rating "Love is a fruit in season at all times, and within reach of every hand." --
  • 1 star rating OMG it's all about me x Mya & Sisqo is on!!! I used to have this song on a cassette until I wore it out --
  • 2 star rating "Saya nak putus" "Ok,kita putus,Tapi ada syarat.." "Awak dah ambil hati saya,So awak kena kembalikan" --
  • 5 star rating Sad bc nobody is replying --
  • 2 star rating I've gotten so cynical about certain aspects of my life that it's actually getting genuinely hilarious now. --
  • 5 star rating I can't really explain it I'm so into you now --
  • 5 star rating Rest in peace grandpa grado .. atleast I got to see you & tell you goodbye .. I love you so much.. --
  • 1 star rating It's so important to have people in your life that go out of their way to make you feel better when you're sad or hurting --
  • 3 star rating Mine and Mya's conversations aren't safe on just text messages so we figured out a new solution. --
  • 4 star rating And ya stroke ain't stoking no more Lmaooo . Mya was so G --
  • 4 star rating Só Regal, Khalil mamoon, MYA, fantasia, starbuzz, romman --
  • 4 star rating Love is putting some one else's needs before yours-Olaf --
  • 5 star rating Lol. I'm so opinionated. --
  • 5 star rating Mya really laughing at me tho --
  • 5 star rating "Mya, why do you think the ugliest babies are cute?" "Well that one is my grandparents' foster baby so I kinda have to play the part." --
  • 5 star rating she is forever treating me. --
  • 3 star rating Sometimes I m like I wish I was pretty like that but I m pretty like me so who cares --
  • 4 star rating She is trying so hard to get into tittles room right now --
  • 4 star rating Mya is thankfully my best friend & thatll never change --
  • 5 star rating So happy mya had a good day . --

Throwback Thursday #TBT

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