Never be ashamed of having a crush on Rhona Mitra I'm a crusher
British actress, model, singer (Famous from The Practice, Boston Legal, Doomsday, skin walkers and Underworld: Rise of the Lycans)
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She was named one of Top 100 Most Beautiful Multiracial Celebrity Women by our Woman Crush Wednesday bloggers.

She was named one of Top 100 Most Beautiful Multiracial Celebrity Women by our Woman Crush Wednesday bloggers.
Rhona Mitra is straight. She is a sexy and fabulous woman. Men love her. She has dark brown hair. Scroll down and check out her athletic body, short and/or medium dark brown hairstyles & haircuts.
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Why People Have A Crush On Rhona Mitra
50+ girl-crushers
Rated by - She is zo lekker hea -- Autumn Leaves
- Is Rhona Mitra gonna open comment account any soon so we could tell her how exceptional she is ? thats about it :P -- Silent
- are you saying the former seasons aren't worth watching? I do know she is in one of them so that's another incentive ^^ -- Asian Film Strike
- Shooter is such a fun bad movie. From "They killed my dog" to Rhona Mitra having a scene where she answers the phone in her underwear. -- Angrygeek
- She is sexy. -- Vergil
- || No. I have no time sadly to watch all the shows, despite part of my job to do so. But yeah, she is good in + -- Damon Salvatore
- She is stunning. -- Gary Cartwright
- try Last Ship. Really good. Also on Atlantic. Virus outbreak, people die, bad guy Russians and Rhona Mitra. Need more? -- Kibs
- My is Rhona Mitra -- robhix99
- Just watched 3 episodes of The Last Ship. Despite of Rhona Mitra's character, which is really arrogant, I kinda enjoyed it. -- Sebastiaan Taling
- She is a baaaaad actress. -- GT
- But she is a flame. -- IG: That_Other_Josh
- The Last Ship. It is for feels! And Rhona Mitra... That accent.... -- MM
- she is the neighbour mmmm (now that is just creepy, apologies) -- Andrew Neill
- Did I mention how much I love Rhona Mitra? -- Humerez
- She is bae -- Thottie Pimpin'
- She is just so damn gorgeous -- Glen Malley
- She is bae as FUCK -- Aaron LeBlanc
- Underworld rise of the lycans is such an immense film not to mention Rhona mitra is a goddess -- Mr Black
- Rhona mitra,she is a fine beast. -- PATRICK MC CABE
- She is zo lekker hea -- Pyramids
- Mis 5 de Rhona Mitra: -Shooter El Tirador -Doomsday El Día del Juicio -Sin Aliento -Vidas Robadas -Underworld La Rebelión de los Licántropos -- Jose Queen Arrow
- Ma dov'è Rhona Mitra, io vedo solo l'indiano che adesca tredicenni sulle chat -- Darkskywriter
- Rhona Mitra clamoroso Peraltro la vedrei bene vestita da mistress -- HitlerLedger
- Ok Kate Mara, ok Rhona Mitra, ma a sto giro il più grosso se lo beccano le signore. -- pilloledicinema
- Like, have these people not seen Doomsday? Because this really sounds like Doomsday, minus Rhona Mitra. -- Susan Arendt
- Gotta love that Beowulf with an awful lot of industrial techno, Christopher Lambert and Rhona Mitra. -- DSCHBACH
- Rhona Mitra. Mmmmmhm -- That Goan Boy
- Rhona Mitra <<333 -- Sérgio Pereira
- I would love to see Rhona Mitra on don't care the part but she'd be a great actor for the show. -- Q u e e n D o n n a
- Just been reminded I saw Rhona Mitra at Heathrow the other day. Nice. -- Seif Zaki
- That was a weird Rhona Mitra movie. -- Pio Garcia
- Rhona Mitra, yo no soy zombie, por ti seré por ti seré... -- José A. Rodríguez L.
- Rhona Mitra ile Kate Beckinsale birbirlerine acayip benziyorlar. Underworld: Rise Of The Lycans' izlerken Selene sand m, Sonjaym me er. -- Selina Kyle Queen
- Rhona Mitra you so fine -- press start button
- Rhona Mitra in Shooter -- Colton Henderson
- I can watch Rhona Mitra in most things (including Doomsday), but I couldn't care any less if disappeared like the Mary Celeste -- Noel Wallace
- The Last Ship. It's all about Rhona Mitra. -- David Redshaw
- Rhona Mitra -- ily -- Dsawyer
- The Gates , rien que pour Rhona Mitra . -- Azile Avid
- Meme Rhona Mitra -- I.V.Infinity
- Rooooohlala!! Rhona Mitra >>>>>>>>>>> -- N°27
- Rhona mitra tiene un polvazo -- diego galluuu
- She is so fine -- _[BLEEK G.]_
- She is beautiful -- Chief Ted
- The lady talking in these activity videos on the brain &neurons I'm listening to for uni sounds like Rhona Mitra! This is quite refreshing! -- Anna flygirl
- Kate Beckinsale >>>> Rhona Mitra -- $NAK€ #MG$
- Não me lembrava que a Rhona Mitra entrava na 3ª temporada de Nip Tuck. Ainda por cima em threesomes. Boa surpresa -- Cool Feeling
- Dachte Rhona Mitra im zweiten Riddick entdeckt zu haben & somit den Grund warum der Film ein Flop ist, aber es war Christina Cox -- Frankster
- En la temporada 3 de Strike Back, Rhona Mitra es áspera como talón de croto. -- PiesReef